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Iranian women rebellion...

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Women should not be forced wear hijab, if someone wishes to wear it then fine.
It is not my problem it is problem of a society.what about young boys? masturbating?....

There are two kinds of men....those who have jacked off and those who LIE about not jacking off.:bunny:
Sure of course:








It is not my problem it is problem of a society.what about young boys? masturbating?
Probem will not solve with west nudism!
Anyway 80% of Iranian without necessary hijab in society, will be veiled and others would obey them.

Nobody have to obey you, you're in no position to dictate your thoughts, its their personal choices, its have nothing with you.

If you think masturbation is bad, don't masturbate, nobody have to agree with you and what they do at their home is not your business.
@500 those pics prove his point, hijab is head covering. You must be thinking of burqa lol.
His english is not that good I do notthink he was sayin west causes masturbation I think he meant westernization will not solve such problems lol.
Nor will Persianization solve that problem, if masturbation is the problem in question. It will remain an unsolvable "problem".

Westernization or easternization or perisaniation is irrelevant to masturbation, so I'm not sure what exactly his point there was.
Do not listen to his BSt.I live in Iran I have not ever heard thing like this.
Anyway in countries that not have hijab many girls bother , rape , kill , capture and etc ...
Yeah yeah, right, should I post some beautiful videos too?
There are two kinds of men....those who have jacked off and those who LIE about not jacking off.:bunny:
Don't be sexist, it applies to women as well. "Jilling off", I suppose.
when women expose themselves , they ultimately loose respect no matter which society they are in

In america women who decided to leave behind their clothes to jump and cheer for the NFL are given 'jiggle tests'
in the 'jiggle test' the cheer leader is made to do jumping jacks and if any part of body is flabby or it jiggles then they have to sit the bench

"One week prior to the game, we were to dress in our uniforms and stand before our coach, who had a clipboard in her hand, and we had to face forward, turn around, face back to the front and do about 10 jumping jacks. And from there, she would write down on her notepad what parts of our bodies jiggled," she said.

Former Buffalo Bills Cheerleader Who Is Suing The Team Reveals Details Of The 'Jiggle Test'
1) India doesn't have "a big pervert problem", any more than other places do. USA has more rapes per population than India does. It's just that in the past year, Indian society became extremely sensitive to this issue, whereas other countries in the neighbourhood still hasn't.
2) Yes, being harassed or getting unwanted attention is a very uncomfortable experience, no doubt. But burkhas or hijabs do not prevent that behaviour from men - in fact I could show you videos of fully burka clad women in Arab countries being harassed and even fondled by perverts. These things do nothing to stop either desire, or harassment. There are harassers everywhere, and the only way to deal with them is to throw them in jail as a warning to other potential harassers.
3) BTW, I wasn't speaking about modesty at all in the post you quoted. I was just pointing out that all boys and girls, men and women do check out attractive people at least once in a while, and if that is considered a sin, then everybody is a sinner.

1) The problem seems big enough that the society is speaking out. India is also a more populous country, so when number of rape or attempted rape incidents are considered, it is a big problem.
2) A physical attack cannot be prevented by anything other than strict punishment and strict pursuit of cases, for which there are strict religious laws. However, a modest attire shields a woman from the uncomfortable experience of the pervert gaze when she goes outside. Therefore, she can feel free to have a normal life.
3) I agree noone is a sinner for considering someone attractive, hence no religious punishment for feasting with your eyes. That is why the shield of modesty is offered to women for whom the excessive eyeballing can feel like an oppressive environment.
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