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Iranian women rebellion...

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We dont lie in an animalism society.

Search on internet.this range in 1993 was 35% but now 60% of childrens, are childrens of men and women who are not married.
That number is wrong, it is 40 percent. The 60 percent and higher is black couple percentage lol.
Can happen anywhere but had this happened in a western country, it would make it to a newspaper. At least that what it is in UK.

The incident was treated very lightly there.

Did she try to report it at all?
Not quite. A modest dress highlights the personality of a woman rather than her body, and so allows her to be looked at as a human being rather than an object. For example, India has a big pervert problem, what with all the rapes going on. This is characteristic of the objectification of women. Being looked at by a salivating pervert can be a very uncomfortable experience for a woman. It is this very precise modesty that is a shield against perverts who feast with their eyes.
1) India doesn't have "a big pervert problem", any more than other places do. USA has more rapes per population than India does. It's just that in the past year, Indian society became extremely sensitive to this issue, whereas other countries in the neighbourhood still hasn't.
2) Yes, being harassed or getting unwanted attention is a very uncomfortable experience, no doubt. But burkhas or hijabs do not prevent that behaviour from men - in fact I could show you videos of fully burka clad women in Arab countries being harassed and even fondled by perverts. These things do nothing to stop either desire, or harassment. There are harassers everywhere, and the only way to deal with them is to throw them in jail as a warning to other potential harassers.
3) BTW, I wasn't speaking about modesty at all in the post you quoted. I was just pointing out that all boys and girls, men and women do check out attractive people at least once in a while, and if that is considered a sin, then everybody is a sinner.
. .
It is not my problem it is problem of a society.what about young boys? masturbating?
Probem will not solve with west nudism!
Anyway 80% of Iranian without necessary hijab in society, will be veiled and others would obey them.
You think young boys or girls in your country don't masturbate? You think that's a recent invention from the degenerate west?
Most of these pictures are personal/private i guess, not specifically for the purpose mentioned in title.
Chador has been a part of Iranian customs though and often symbolized high class nobility, some scholars say the wives of the Prophet PBUH started veiling after seeing the Persian tradition and then regular Muslim women emulated them. Eventually it became the norm amongst many Muslim women. It should be noted that the Quran itself speaks of modesty and says to cover the bossum not the head or face so that is why some scholars are of the opinion that this is how Hijab came into Muslim society. Mullahs will obviously disagree and say it is mandatory.
Did she try to report it at all?

Do not listen to his BSt.I live in Iran I have not ever heard thing like this.
Anyway in countries that not have hijab many girls bother , rape , kill , capture and etc ...
You think young boys or girls in your country don't masturbate? You think that's a recent invention from the degenerate west?

His english is not that good I do notthink he was sayin west causes masturbation I think he meant westernization will not solve such problems lol.
Chador has been a part of Iranian customs though and often symbolized high class nobility, some scholars say the wives of the Prophet PBUH started veiling after seeing the Persian tradition and then regular Muslim women emulated them. Eventually it became the norm amongst many Muslim women. It should be noted that the Quran itself speaks of modesty and says to cover the bossum not the head or face so that is why some scholars are of the opinion that this is how Hijab came into Muslim society. Mullahs will obviously disagree and say it is mandatory.

Don't be joke!!!!! Hijab is not entered to Islam from Iranian!!!
Do not listen to his BSt.I live in Iran I have not ever heard thing like this.
Anyway in countries that not have hijab many girls bother , rape , kill , capture and etc ...

Brother it happens everywhere, how we deal with it is most important. Maybe not as much in Iran if you say so but no doubt it can and has happened.
also "hijab"/chador is not something new in Iran, it has always been even before Islam.

Chador has ancient origins, at least from Achaemenid times.[1] A chador is a full-body-length semicircle of fabric that is open down the front. This cloth is tossed over the woman's or girl's head, but then she holds it closed in the front. The chador has no hand openings, or anybuttons, clasps, etc., but rather it is held closed by her hands or tucked under the wearer's arms.

The earliest written record of chador can be found in Pahlavi scripts from 6th century, as a female head dress worn by Zoroastrian women
Sure of course:








now I understand why they have scarve on.
. .
I hate threads like these.
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