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US-Iran clinch interim nuclear deal: Blow to Israel and Saudi Arabia; relief for India

Pakistan should support the Gulf Nations including KSA, UAE, Qatar and Kuwait and provide Nuclear Umbrella for these Nations if Iran ever develops a Nuclear Bomb. This is also a good time for Pakistan Armed Forces to increase their cooperation and contacts with Israeli Military and Defence Sector. There should also be cooperation with Israel in the Scientific and Technological Fields , as we can benefit with such collaboration.

Oh please sirjee. Better Pakistan keep itself out of others fights. Does Iran or Saudi Arabia or GCC care for Kashmir or supports Pakistan against india? The answer is NO. They see their country interest & Pakistan should do the same thing.
In the words of the refrain in an old Kishore Kumar song "Yeh toh hona hi tha".
Of course; the Devil is always in the Detail. So only a reading of the fine-print will indicate how this deal will impact India, a little early to clearly conclude anything about that.
As for the rest; I find it expected, more so wrt the timing. Since that has a connection with the projected US draw-down in Afghanistan. Hence, in that context both Iran and USA needed a kind of detente. In that respect alone, Indian Policy has come out a winner. India always believed that Iran must have a role in helping to stabilise Afghanistan and should be considered to be a stake-holder.

As we can see here, divergent interests and intractable differences between Israel and India will lead to a sharp breakdown in relations.

No. LOL.
Its hardly as simple and straight as that.....:whistle:
No. LOL.
Its hardly as simple and straight as that.....:whistle:

But it is. You and Israel have fundamentally different positions on Iran that will bring you into conflict should either of you press on your interests. This isn't even the first instance of incompatibility in your foreign policy; your attempt to court Russia and the USA is tragic and clumsy. Most wh0res know they should not solicit rival mafia bosses as clients.
But it is. You and Israel have fundamentally different positions on Iran that will bring you into conflict should either of you press on your interests. This isn't even the first instance of incompatibility in your foreign policy; your attempt to court Russia and the USA is tragic and clumsy. Most wh0res know they should not solicit rival mafia bosses as clients.

Israel is in no position to challenge India though. And its not like Iran will make India choose.

But in theory, if India had to choose, its obvious its strategic interests lies with having Iran as partner, rather than Israel. Who are we kidding. Iran which is a country of 80 million people whom are young and well educated. Bordering central Asia, Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Gulf. Lies between two bodies of water (Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea) whom both have some of the World largest oil and gas fields.
And thats not even mentioning the ancient Indo-Iranian cultural bond.

Now lets compare that to Israel. A tiny petite country of 8 million people, placed in a strategically insignificant part of the world and who's political future is very uncertain and shaky. Had Israel not been so propped up by the US, no one would have given a s.hit about it.
Israel is in no position to challenge India though. And its not like Iran will make India choose.

But in theory, if India had to choose, its obvious its strategic interests lies with having Iran as partner, rather than Israel. Who are we kidding. Iran which is a country of 80 million people whom are young and well educated. Bordering central Asia, Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Gulf. Lies between two bodies of water (Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea) whom both have some of the World largest oil and gas fields.

Now lets compare that to Israel. A tiny petite country of 7 million people, placed in a strategically insignificant part of the world and who's political future is very uncertain and shaky.

I like Iran, but do you really believe that Iran is so much more attractive than Israel? If Israel can dictate US foreign policy, then how can it be "in no position to challenge India"?
I like Iran, but do you really believe that Iran is so much more attractive than Israel? If Israel can dictate US foreign policy, then how can it be "in no position to challenge India"?

Oh ok, now I see what you mean. And you are right. But if we assume if Israel was just a normal country which didnt have such ridiculously enormous influence.
What Im talking about is mainly strategic interests. If we assume this was realpolitik situation and where Israel was not a spoiled brat that could dictate US administrations via lobbies, then India would choose Iran over Israel any day.
Israel is not a strategic important country, strictly looking at its size and population and location.

So I guess what you are saying with choosing Israel, is that it is extension of the United States who via AIPAC would pressure India. To that extent I do agree. Its a bit of an extraordinary situation.
But that influence of Israel is eroding or will gradually erode as times go on.
The interests India has in Iran are just too overwhelming that even a powerful political group like AIPAC would not be able to sustain pressure on India not to develop warmer relations with Iran.
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That was epic for an Iran loyalist, getting overboard.

Fact is, Both India and Iran have stolen nuclear technology from Pakistan, with help of Iran loyalist regime of BayNazir Bhutto.

Hell ya....first the Indians made a time machine traveled to 1998 stole the so called technology...traveled backed to 1974 gave it to Homi Jahangir Bhabha...and then they did the tests Smiling Buddha-1. BTW what did u had before writing your comments....I hope its not meth...
A step towards peace, good effort by both US and Iran and also the EU. Hope those still living in the barbaric phase of civilization take note of it and learn something out of it.
Israel is in no position to challenge India though. And its not like Iran will make India choose.

But in theory, if India had to choose, its obvious its strategic interests lies with having Iran as partner, rather than Israel. Who are we kidding. Iran which is a country of 80 million people whom are young and well educated. Bordering central Asia, Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Gulf. Lies between two bodies of water (Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea) whom both have some of the World largest oil and gas fields.
And thats not even mentioning the ancient Indo-Iranian cultural bond.

Now lets compare that to Israel. A tiny petite country of 8 million people, placed in a strategically insignificant part of the world and who's political future is very uncertain and shaky. Had Israel not been so propped up by the US, no one would have given a s.hit about it.

Israel has technology that India relies on especially in defence sector so India would Just balance relations between both sides.

Apart from the fact this nuclear deal is part of a larger political settlement between USA and Iran where by Iran will disarm Hezbollah and the destruction of Syria which is taking place right now.

The Israelis are not dump and they understand that Iran would never nuke them but until now I cant understand why this guy netenyahu was using such speech , I think he was distracting people from his settlement building over the westbank .
But it is. You and Israel have fundamentally different positions on Iran that will bring you into conflict should either of you press on your interests. This isn't even the first instance of incompatibility in your foreign policy; your attempt to court Russia and the USA is tragic and clumsy. Most wh0res know they should not solicit rival mafia bosses as clients.

Iran is not the beginning or end of the reason for the existence of either Israel or India; or the policies of either Israel or India; or even the policies between India and Israel; LOLLLLL.

And like any Shanghai Hooker; you seem to know Zilch about how Nations evolve and operate their National Policies.......:laugh:
Iran is not the beginning or end of the reason for the existence of either Israel or India; or the policies of either Israel or India; or even the policies between India and Israel; LOLLLLL.

And like any Shanghai Hooker; you seem to know Zilch about how Nations evolve and operate their National Policies.......:laugh:

In UK these ladies at gentlemen's clubs genuinely believe in their wisdom, just because their customers humor them.
For a country which played no role whatsoever in broking the Deal,India is quick at congratulatiing herself。:rofl:

A promiscuous whore of pitifully low IQ always end ups being screwed from all sides,and for free。
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