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US-Iran clinch interim nuclear deal: Blow to Israel and Saudi Arabia; relief for India

who do you think funded the nuclear bomb of Pakistan?

Do you think GCC has no say in Pakistan's foriegn policy?

If Pakistan tries to take sides between Iran & GCC,they ll burn their fingers badly.

At best,they should try to be neutral between the 2.


we already pay Iran in Rupees and we never broke off with them and it was the same with Iraq or Jordan or anyone.

Lets wait and see. We will side with anyone where our interests are protected.

Its the way all over the world. India had been voting against Iran till recently as it was in its interests now when US-Iran reconciled Indians suddenly felt warming up to Iran again, and rightly so as it serves your interests.

so it will bring Israel and Arab closer.. Am I seeing peace in Mid-east??

That would be good . Already they joined hands against Syria.

But again it will remains to be seen if Americans can form new friendships at cost of Israel
Israel is in no position to challenge India though. And its not like Iran will make India choose.

But in theory, if India had to choose, its obvious its strategic interests lies with having Iran as partner, rather than Israel. Who are we kidding. Iran which is a country of 80 million people whom are young and well educated. Bordering central Asia, Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Gulf. Lies between two bodies of water (Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea) whom both have some of the World largest oil and gas fields.
And thats not even mentioning the ancient Indo-Iranian cultural bond.

Now lets compare that to Israel. A tiny petite country of 8 million people, placed in a strategically insignificant part of the world and who's political future is very uncertain and shaky. Had Israel not been so propped up by the US, no one would have given a s.hit about it.
There's clearly a middle ground where India can keep both parties happy and this is what it is largely doing.

Both sides appreciate there is nothing personal in the seeking ties with the other's nemesis it is just India looking out for number one and trying to meet its own strategic interests.
Lets wait and see. We will side with anyone where our interests are protected.

Its the way all over the world. India had been voting against Iran till recently as it was in its interests now when US-Iran reconciled Indians suddenly felt warming up to Iran again, and rightly so as it serves your interests.

That would be good . Already they joined hands against Syria.

But again it will remains to be seen if Americans can form new friendships at cost of Israel

India is the only country dealing with Iran,what r u talking about?

UN Vote means nothing,the Iranian envoy to the UN hismelf said the relationship between India and Iran is 5000 years old.

India was again the only country dealing with Iraq when they had sanctions against them,

Indian diplomatic presence in Tehran/Baghdad is very very strong.

Our interests is peace in the region and we whole heartedly support Iran.

They are the only country in the region with a backbone and their people are sheer quality,standing on their own without being US chamchas like arabs.

For a country which played no role whatsoever in broking the Deal,India is quick at congratulatiing herself。:rofl:

A promiscuous whore of pitifully low IQ always end ups being screwed from all sides,and for free。

stop using silly words moron.

We are the country with enough food/medicines who traded with Iran/Iraq when they were facing sanctions,

Neither Pakistan nor GCC did anything.

u calling us Low IQ,inbred moron.

where r u from?

Oh ok, now I see what you mean. And you are right. But if we assume if Israel was just a normal country which didnt have such ridiculously enormous influence.
What Im talking about is mainly strategic interests. If we assume this was realpolitik situation and where Israel was not a spoiled brat that could dictate US administrations via lobbies, then India would choose Iran over Israel any day.
Israel is not a strategic important country, strictly looking at its size and population and location.

So I guess what you are saying with choosing Israel, is that it is extension of the United States who via AIPAC would pressure India. To that extent I do agree. Its a bit of an extraordinary situation.
But that influence of Israel is eroding or will gradually erode as times go on.
The interests India has in Iran are just too overwhelming that even a powerful political group like AIPAC would not be able to sustain pressure on India not to develop warmer relations with Iran.

Israel cant dictate terms to India,India Iran relationship ll always be good.
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Long live India-Iran friendships...now no problem to k*ss to our real friend...run India run...
The Mosad of Israel Attacks on the Iran to stop the Nukes (courtesy: General Knowledge Magazine from India – SAFARI | Harshal Publications (Gujarati))

(1) In Iran in the Tehran (in capital) two persons came in the Hasem Street, talk to each other, the time was 4:30, one door of one house open, the bikers start the bike and rapidly drive it, and get the revolvers out from their jakits and kill the person, as gun has silencer not make voice, the both run away with their bikes, the case was of not simple murder, person was physics professor, name Deriyush rezei nazad.


He was with the nuke programme of the IRAN, he was given the work for making the printed circuit for nuke bomb. (killed on 23 July 2011
Iran condemn the work of Mosad

(2) Before that on Navember 23, 2011, at morning 07:45 in Tehran one motor cycle went near one car in which DR. Majid saharyari was in the car, the motor cyclist stick something on the windshield and run away on bike, after few second blast killed the physics scientist Dr Majid saharyari, and also injured his wife worst.


he was also working for the nuke programme of the Iran.

(3) At the same time the same type incident occured in the Tehran at Atashi street, where motor cyclist stick something on windshied of car, and blast killed the Dr. Feredun Abasi, who has good role in the nuke programme, however he was lucky and did not die.


(4) the meeting was held in the Dubai in 1987, where in meeting eight people where their, Three Irani, Teo pakistanis, and Three European, they talk about something and after few days the handsome figure amount reach in the account of pakistani scientist Dr Abdul Kadirkhan who gave the blue print of nuke bomb to the Iran, Dr kadirkhan theft the technology as he was appointed in the Urenco Company of Europe. the company was of Britain, west germany, and netherland.

(5) For making the nuke there is need to get Urenium -235. in nature we found the Urenium-238 but for nukes it need to get the Urenium-235. the urenium-238 is only 0.7% in the natural findings, so need to get more and hence it is Enriched by the Centrifuge which run at the speed on 1,00,000 rounds per minute and the heavy U-238 get down and U-235 go up. and enriched the Urenium to make nuke bomb. the centrifuge must be of high quality and must run on high speed. at this speed simple material breaks as they are not able for the Centrifugal running. and such design is provided by abdul kadir to the Iran.



Iran search the parts to built it, Iran also take care to distribute work by making more centres so in case of attack all the centres does not destroy, (like Iraq nuke centre destroy by Israel).

Iran made two centres in underground which covered by the concrete wall with 1 meter thick.
the two centres for centrifuge are Abas and kum. the seperate simple parts where built at the Masad city. the Heavy water centre was at Arak city, and nuke research at Tehran.

and Israel had destroyed nuke centre of Iraq on 15 march, 1981. which was not possible in Iran as there are many centers.

Israel Prime minister Ariel Sheron give the responsibility to the Mir Dagan leader of Mosad.


(6) on 2006 one big jet plane distroy in middle Iran all the passengers died on board. the passengers where the Revolutionary Guards of Iran. many senior officers and commander Ahmed kazami was also killed in that accident (sabotage) the nuke programme was running under the Revolutionary guards supervision and guidance, and also related with the long range missile programme. in iran it is stated that accident was due to the bad weather but infact their was a sabotage.

(7) Before that accident one month before one plane had lost its all command, and at Tehran that plane collapsed with a building, and which killed 94 passangers on board, all where Revolutionary Guards.

(8) in November 2006, one more military plane after few second of take-off and collapsed. 36 Revolutionary Guards killed.

Russia was helping Iran at the Busehar by making one nuke centre. on February 2005, one blast destroy the gas pipeline which was supplying the gas to the nuke centre. delayed the programme for three month.
the other blast destory one centre which was making the starting instrument which was very important to blast the nuke.

(10) on April 2006, at Natantz nuke experts, soldiars of Revolutionary guards gathered and all where happy as the thousands of Centrifuge where going to start to work, and which had to give the supply of the U-235, the button was pressed to on the process and on the second(two) second, the underground cetres shaken due to bomb blast, when the smoke reduce all seen that the centrifuge network was havily destroyed. that blast had destroyed all swithes etc. and due to there is requiring to start form first.

(11) As iran need to purchase the good for centrifuge Israel starts its action again the supply chain, as US and UNO has sanctioned on Iran they can not purchase the good in open market, so they keep eye on black market of the previous countries of Soviet Union, and East Europe. Mosad open the forged companies their and give the details of items to iran by their own way, On Jan 2007 Iran purchased the Insulated pipes, when they received that they see that the design was not proper and not useful, which delayed the programme.
System purchased for cooling at Buseher nuke centre was also found defective. the new system did not found till two years after that.

(12) Israel Mosad gave the threat to some black market companies, and tell them to open them to the government so some company did not make contract, and some sold the defective good. one Swiss Company owner Fedric tinner, who give the order of Presure Pumps, he gave the order to one German company Feifer Vecume, the Inner design was changed, and due to which they make the 50 Centrifuge useless.

(13) on second Year one ship named Arctic Sea left the finland and went to algeria, as per the books there where furniture wood on it, and the flag of Malta country was their on it, but the people where Russian and which had to actually going at the Iran, under wood their was Urenium, on July 24 eight people hijack the ship, ship lost forever. no news came of it after that.

(14) Mosad also keep killing of the scientists, on January 12, 2010, Professor Masud Ali Mohamadi killed, he as per rutin, in morning at 7:50, for going to the Sharif University of Technology go near car, and as he open the car door by key, the blast kill him and also distroy the car. he was the expert of physics, and also the honourary member of Revolutionary Guard.


(15) one more scintist Dr.Ardesir Hosenpor killed by radiation poision.


the work to make the Urenium as Hexafluraid gas was running under his guidance and has given number of awards. However the Ahemed Nizad was not ready to give the credit to Mosad, and he announced that he died due to the fire at his home.

(16) In 2010 other five scientists were killed and also to the experts of missiles. In the Iran at Zagros mountain range, there was one secreat plant, where the research on sahab missile was going on, and test the different missiles as the vehicles. In October 2010 there were many blasts killed 18 technicians.

(17) IN February 2007, the Defence Minister of Iran Ali Raza Asagari, went to the Istambul at turky, and lost and never returned, is was related with the nuke programme, after some week the Seniour officer of Revolutionary guard, Commander Mohhamad Soltani, went to foreign and lost. Iran blame the Israel for kidnapping the both.


Ali Raza Asagari

(18) In November 2010 where many centrifuge made by Simens company where running at Natantz centre, and the machine controing the speed of the Centriguge per milisecond, and maintain the speed of 1,00,000 RPM per second, even not bare, 99,999. Israel made virus (possibly with help of US) one computer Virus "Stuxnet", which only affect to the control unit computers and not affect others, so no attack be found and so not possible to found computer virus, one time the speed of Centrifuge increased 33% and done till 15 minutes, technicians can not know why that was happened. after that speed reduced. the plan was to increase the speed and to damage the centrifuge but result was unknown, Stuxnet stop working for few days to hide itself, after 27 days its again start work and lower the speed about 50% result in to failure to make the U-235, Virus had changed its structure mean which and work for the month, due to which more than 1000 Centrifuge become absolute and useless.


on Jan 6 2011 mir Dagan retired and in meeting of ministers, Primeminister Nitenyahu thank him for all Zeus.

The new Mosad leader Tamir Pardo is also not less than him. On December 2011, he destroy the test ground of sahab missile, by remote controlled bomb. the Dr.Mostafa Ahmedi Roshan nuke scientist was also killed.


Dr. Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan.

It may be believed that this all acts are like terrorist, but it is require to taken into consideration that Iran and Ahmad Nizad Continuously stated that their bomb is again the Israel. the area of Israel is 21,056 sq.km., less than State of Gujarat of India. And hence as the Survival of fitest they act in harsh way, their acts are therefore justiciable.

US may make any policy, but it is true Iran will never be able to make nuke, till Israel and Mosad is there.
This agreement is a very beneficial for Iran - India Trade and friendship
Not to forget, India didn't stop, just reduced trade with Iran against all the pressure of US and other nations. And now first container from Afghanistan to Chabhar port to India has arrived, we can certainly expect more boost in trade.
Dear Iran, Don't give up, don't give in. Work on your infrastructure, your economy. Let your country grow. When you are strong, no one - those meddling mfs, could stop you from developing what you want, what you are entitled to.

What rights do other countries have to tell you what you could or could not do? Israel did it. Pakistan did it. China did it. India did it. So could you.
I think if US not support Israel then also Israel take steps to stop the Iran from nuke production, as my previous post give details of action of Mosad to stop Iran.
That was epic for an Iran loyalist, getting overboard.

Fact is, Both India and Iran have stolen nuclear technology from Pakistan, with help of Iran loyalist regime of BayNazir Bhutto.

Yeah those nuclear technology was lying in the roads of karachi and RAW got it and worked on it..... Never thought people can be this stupid....
We will never develop nuclear weapons.

Iran should, and Iran will. And what more, it will find justification in the eyes of the rest of the world. It is nothing but a matter of time.

But for now, as the focus will turn to Pakistan, Iran will only have to delay its plans.

Say, if Israel and Iran were to find a common ground to quiet the war trumpets, what do you think will Saudi Arabia do? They will not be sitting quietly, and will make full use of Pakistan's location on Iran's eastern border.
Oh ok, now I see what you mean. And you are right. But if we assume if Israel was just a normal country which didnt have such ridiculously enormous influence.
What Im talking about is mainly strategic interests. If we assume this was realpolitik situation and where Israel was not a spoiled brat that could dictate US administrations via lobbies, then India would choose Iran over Israel any day.
Israel is not a strategic important country, strictly looking at its size and population and location.

So I guess what you are saying with choosing Israel, is that it is extension of the United States who via AIPAC would pressure India. To that extent I do agree. Its a bit of an extraordinary situation.
But that influence of Israel is eroding or will gradually erode as times go on.
The interests India has in Iran are just too overwhelming that even a powerful political group like AIPAC would not be able to sustain pressure on India not to develop warmer relations with Iran.
As a policy India avoids taking any side or action in any rivalry that would hurt the other party. India also avoids complete dependence on any nation for any sector.

1. India is friends with Israel and we have big trade yet India has always supported Palestine and its demand for nationhood. India also voted for Palestine membership at the UN despite US and Israeli pressure.

2. India is friends with Iran and has been continuing trade with Iran despite global sanctions. India has also been vocally against any military solution.

Yet voted against Iran on the issue of nuclear weapons. Iran is signatory of NPT and India thinks that Iran has rights to nuclear energy, it does not to nuclear weapons. It would make the whole region unstable. India has historic civilization ties with Iran, they cannot be disregarded.
As a policy India avoids taking any side or action in any rivalry that would hurt the other party. India also avoids complete dependence on any nation for any sector.

1. India is friends with Israel and we have big trade yet India has always supported Palestine and its demand for nationhood. India also voted for Palestine membership at the UN despite US and Israeli pressure.

2. India is friends with Iran and has been continuing trade with Iran despite global sanctions. India has also been vocally against any military solution.

Yet voted against Iran on the issue of nuclear weapons. Iran is signatory of NPT and India thinks that Iran has rights to nuclear energy, it does not to nuclear weapons. It would make the whole region unstable. India has historic civilization ties with Iran, they cannot be disregarded.

The long and short of it is; that India views issues before creating policies. India was concerned about the alleged Iranian plans to create Nuclear Weapons (which Ahmedinejad was not willing to clarify) while India was very clear that Iran should not be pushed into a corner and "sanctioned to death".
The Americans took long to understand this POV of India; but they eventually did.

Likewise; India recognises that Israel has a right to exist and be secure, but that does not give Israel the right to become the local Imperial Badshah while Palestinians become refugees in their own land.

Each issue is separate and needs to be dealt with separately.
As a policy India avoids taking any side or action in any rivalry that would hurt the other party. India also avoids complete dependence on any nation for any sector.

1. India is friends with Israel and we have big trade yet India has always supported Palestine and its demand for nationhood. India also voted for Palestine membership at the UN despite US and Israeli pressure.

2. India is friends with Iran and has been continuing trade with Iran despite global sanctions. India has also been vocally against any military solution.

Yet voted against Iran on the issue of nuclear weapons. Iran is signatory of NPT and India thinks that Iran has rights to nuclear energy, it does not to nuclear weapons. It would make the whole region unstable. India has historic civilization ties with Iran, they cannot be disregarded.

We were never after nukes. Nuclear weapons is against our security and strategic interests. Iran is indeed signatory to NPT and we have complied with IAEA safequards. We're the most watched country in IAEA's history, most of their budget goes to surveillance in Iran.
We have regular inspections of nuclear facilities and cameras are watching Iran 24/7, without pause.

This whole nuke issue is a big hoax. Iran suspended enrichment in 2003 until 2005, and we got a big fat 0 sanctions lifted or eased.
While we helped the US in Aghanistan in 2003, we were then after branded as axis of evil.
There is something else at play here other than nuclear issue, surely you must suspect this.

And like I said, Iran is not making India choose between Israel or Iran. Despite what some may think, Iran is a pragmatic rational actor and not ideological nutbags. We look after our economic and strategic interests, just like everyone else.
We were never after nukes. Nuclear weapons is against our security and strategic interests. Iran is indeed signatory to NPT and we have complied with IAEA safequards. We're the most watched country in IAEA's history, most of their budget goes to surveillance in Iran.
We have regular inspections of nuclear facilities and cameras are watching Iran 24/7, without pause.

This whole nuke issue is a big hoax. Iran suspended enrichment in 2003 until 2005, and we got a big fat 0 sanctions lifted or eased.
While we helped the US in Aghanistan in 2003, we were then after branded as axis of evil.
There is something else at play here other than nuclear issue, surely you must suspect this.

And like I said, Iran is not making India choose between Israel or Iran. Despite what some may think, Iran is a pragmatic rational actor and not ideological nutbags. We look after our economic and strategic interests, just like everyone else.
What is general iranian view on "Nation Pakistan" ???
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