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US-Iran clinch interim nuclear deal: Blow to Israel and Saudi Arabia; relief for India

I dont hate Israel or Jews. We have 20.000 Jews in Iran and they live in peace and are protected by the state and constitution.
The problem Iran has with Israel is political. Its also a strategic issue.
Look at the reaction from Netanyahu, who tried to derail this deal. Even publically attacked it and therefore also attacked US administration indirectly.
Whole world wanted this deal, yet Israel was the only one who was intransigent and later said they are not bound by this deal. Now tell me which country is the problem. :)

well i read one article. I thought Ahmednizad had made a statement that their programme is agaisnt Us and Israel but article quote something like;

"Let's even imagine that we have an atomic weapon, a nuclear weapon. What would we do with it? What intelligent person would fight 5,000 American bombs with one bomb?"

"They have two goals: one, regime survival. The best way for the regime surviving, in their mind, is having a nuclear weapon, because when you have a nuclear weapon, nobody attacks you."

The true reason US fears Iranian nukes: they can deter US attacks | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | theguardian.com

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