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US imposes restrictions on PIA

It is a humiliating action against Pakistan. 9/11 hijackers were not Pakistanis. Not even one of them. I guess it is now the high time to land each and every NATO flight in and out of Afghanistan and let the good humored Pakistani police go through them checking everything for 12 to 16 hours. Or better still deny all NATO flights altogether. Let them fly over via Russia or Iran. Let's see what happens then.

That's why we need leaders who truly represent their people. Pakistani people hate American govt policies and want nothing at all to do with them
Why doesn't Pakistan do the same to United Airlines and American? Also charge the buggers double for ATF and landing charges. All Yanks landing in Pakistan should be made to take off their pants as one never knows what they could be hiding between their balls!

PIA can divert its capacity from JFK to YYZ quite easily if need be in view of these TSA restrictions.

A lot of people get off at UK too, so they need that money as well.

They will just cancel the trip to the US.

Other than inconveniencing the passengers, the longer parking fees would hurt PIA as well.

They give from one hand and taketh away from the other. Go ahead, make more Faustian deals.

The only way forward is to leave this pretense and go head on adversarial.
.......9/11 hijackers were not Pakistanis. Not even one of them. ..........

Please don't forget KSM's role, and where OBL was found.

The only way forward is to leave this pretense and go head on adversarial.

Going head on as an adversary means failure of diplomacy by definition, and that is not something that would be beneficial for either side, let me assure you.
Interesting too see so many lovers of PIA oopsi meant to say how many haters have lined up to thank the thread starter amamzing .
Interesting too see so many lovers of PIA oopsi meant to say how many haters have lined up to thank the thread starter amamzing .

PIA has long been my favorite airline for travel to and from Pakistan for a number of reasons, foremost among them convenience, value and quality of service. The recent bouts of mismanagement and security related issues has caused some turbulence, but I am sure it will be flying high soon again.
PIA knows what its doing, they are already planning to add 4th/5th weekly and they might shift their USA operations to paris or shannon
It is a humiliating action against Pakistan. 9/11 hijackers were not Pakistanis. Not even one of them. I guess it is now the high time to land each and every NATO flight in and out of Afghanistan and let the good humored Pakistani police go through them checking everything for 12 to 16 hours. Or better still deny all NATO flights altogether. Let them fly over via Russia or Iran. Let's see what happens then.

VCheng has already pointed out.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the chief architect of 9/11 was a Pakistani born of Pakistani parents in Kuwait. He was a Pakistani national, plotted the attacks in Pakistan and was arrested in Pakistan.

Why make non factual claims? Even Imran keeps on making the same claim without checking facts.

"The magnificent 19" may not have had a Pakistani in them but the mastermind was a Pakistani.
I feel PIA will have to close these routes and just stick to taking internal Pakistan flights, no international operations.
Just as Kingfisher has done.
Good - Now Pakistan must order the through checking of all Afghan-Trade shipments at
1) Karachi Port
2) Before entering Baluchistan
3) At Pak-Afg Border

I don't know what yankees would be able to find from passengers language - which is already being checked 2/3 time at Pakistani Airports, but i am sure Afghan-Trade route is being used to arm terrorists and maybe to deliver NATO stuff, further more they must pay all duties & transit rates must be revised to bring them according to international norms.

Do our politicians think as patriotically as those in US?
It doesnt matter if they impose restrictions because PIA only goes to New York in the U.S nowadays.
New Yorkers will just happily come to Toronto to take direct flights to Pakistan ...
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