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US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

Is this a vietnamese "innovation"? :D
Thanks again for proving my point that you boys are no better than the KKK...:D...When you are out of arguments my origin has to come in.
Did I say it was not?

Say that the current ball bearing technology limits rail speed to 100km/h. Then China came along and develop a new alloy which produces bearings that allow rail speed to 200km/h. Did China deviate from the base rail technology in anyway? No. But China does deserve credit for inventing a new alloy. It just so happened that the government decided to use rail transport to show off the new alloy. I know you boys like to blur the lines between improvements and inventions for China but you are trespassing into the ridiculous.

Do you really understand the high-speed railway, it was just some alloys?

很多香港人还是有自知之明的,而且随着祖国的崛起,认同大陆的港人也越来越多了。 别为了那种货色和这里的香港同胞兄弟伤了感情。




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China builds the world's fastest high speed rail in service. Is this copied technology?

China builds the world's fastest supercomputer. Is this also copies technology?

Copied no? but would not have been possible without the participation of Bombardier Inc., Siemens AG, and Alstom SA. As for China's fastest supercomputer the processor is Intel Xeon X5670(CPU) and Nvidia Tesla M2050 (GPU). If my race is an important element in your much anticipated counter argument then for the record my father is French and my mothers Nordic ancestors migrated to the US in the early 1900's.
Copied no? but would not have been possible without the participation of Bombardier Inc., Siemens AG, and Alstom SA. As for China's fastest supercomputer the processor is Intel Xeon X5670(CPU) and Nvidia Tesla M2050 (GPU). If my race is an important element in your much anticipated counter argument then for the record my father is French and my mothers Nordic ancestors migrated to the US in the early 1900's.

Bombardier made some contribution at best, but most part of our high speed rail still relied to our brilliant engineers.

And the most important technology for China's supercomputer is the interconnect between the bands, cpu isn't that important compared to this aspect. You know even Japan built the world's fastest cpu, yet they are not able to build a supercomputer of that level now.

I suggest you to move along and stop taking away the credit of our success. If you believe that every achievement in the World should thank to white people's contribution, then i suggest you stay in stormfront.org, here is not an appropriate place for you.
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Bombardier made some contribution at best, but most part of our high speed rail still relied to our brilliant engineers.

And the most important technology for China's supercomputer is the interconnect between the bands, cpu isn't that important compared to this aspect. You know even Japan built the world fastest cpu, yet they are not able to build a supercomputer of that level now.

I suggest you to move along and stop taking away the credit of our success. If you believe that every achievement in the World should thank to white people's contribution, then i suggest you go to stormfront.org, here is not an appropriate place for you.

"but most part of our high speed rail still relied to our brilliant engineers." - like what? Please elaborate, I'd love to hear more about the 'brilliant' contribution of Chinese engineers.

And the most important technology for China's supercomputer is the interconnect between the bands

You mean the Galaxy interconnect that couple massively parallel GPUs with multi-core CPUs. The Galaxy interconnect CPU the Galaxy FT-1000 is based on the opensource Sun Microsystems UltraSPARC T2 design.

Next argument or racial insult please, either is fine with me :pop:
When you are out of arguments my origin has to come in.

perhaps because that shapes your opinion about China. frankly speaking I personally don't even consider you as a Vietnamese, 'cause I have a lot of respect for the Vietnamese.
perhaps because that shapes your opinion about China. frankly speaking I personally don't even consider you as a Vietnamese, 'cause I have a lot of respect for the Vietnamese.
Get a clue. My opinions about China are based from an American perspective. Anytime you boys bring in my origin, it is nothing more than a race based cheap personal attack when you ran out of arguments. If anything, it reveals more about all of you than it is revealing anything about me -- that you boys are incapable of thinking outside of the race box. Make you no better than stormfront.
Next argument or racial insult please, either is fine with me :pop:

lol, i think you whiteys are not only racists, also you people are the best race card players in the World. Yeah, keep whining that how China has stolen your technology, but no way you and your people can stop her from rising.

I would never forget the damages that you people have done to my motherland in the last few centuries. This time is for payback.
lol, i think you whiteys are not only racists, also you people are the best race card players in the World. Yeah, keep whining that how China has stolen your technology, but no way you and your people can stop her from rising.

I would never forget the damages that you people have done to my motherland in the last few centuries. This time is for payback.
Highly selective memory and in your case quite imaginary. European incursions into China was largely accommodated by Chinese imperial power. In contrast, Manchuria acquired by Imperial Japan was done through outright military conquest.
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