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US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

And yeah, I'm loyal to America because my family, friends and home is here. It's my duty to protect them. Doesn't mean I'm not proud of my chinese heritage. I speak cantonese like a native and can write chinese. Just because I don't agree with your government doesn't make me any less chinese. There are plenty of chinese in both china, hk, macau and taiwan that doesn't agree with your communist government and its policy but it doesn't make them any less chinese does it. You guys here are the pure definition of hard right wingers, racists and if none of you existed, there would be peace.
Accept the reality on this forum that the Chinese boys cannot -- simply cannot -- think outside of the race box. Does not matter if you were born outside of China, your skin color and feature demands that you subscribe to a set of race based ideologies. These boys here are no better than the KKK or the WW II Yamato racists from Imperial Japan.
Haha how old are you? Run me over with your car? 頂你個肺死大陸仔. I live in Los Angeles. If you live here too, PM me a place you wanna meet and come get some. American mixed bastard? You know how to read? I did say I was Chinese-American didn't I or you don't understand what that means? Nowhere did I say I was mixed on9仔. Chairman Mao, he's a piece of ****. My family had to go to Hong Kong and I lost Uncles and Aunts because of his "Cultural Revolution", my grandma had to eat bark from trees to survive. You probably lost family too, but it doesn't matter to you does it? And you do know how the pacific war in WW2 was won right? Or are you too brainwashed to understand the truth. If it weren't for the Americans and there pacific campaign and the many lives they lost, we would still be bowing to the Japanese emperor. See its reactions like this that all my HK friends just look down on you mainlanders. Yeah keep coming to our Disneyland, spitting all over the place, cutting in line, letting your children urinate in public, showing no manners at all. Don't believe me? Read any Hong Kong forum about this and see if I'm telling the truth. And the guy that said that at least china doesn't have blue on blue incidents I applaud you because China hasn't been in a war for a pretty long time has it? Blue on blue incidents are bound to happen because of the sheer amount of missions we carry out daily. And yeah, I'm loyal to America because my family, friends and home is here. It's my duty to protect them. Doesn't mean I'm not proud of my chinese heritage. I speak cantonese like a native and can write chinese. Just because I don't agree with your government doesn't make me any less chinese. There are plenty of chinese in both china, hk, macau and taiwan that doesn't agree with your communist government and its policy but it doesn't make them any less chinese does it. You guys here are the pure definition of hard right wingers, racists and if none of you existed, there would be peace.

Firstly I don't clear if you agree with our policies or not. If our policies are not good my father couldn't achieve seccuess purely with his scientific acheivemets and patents. And he wouldn't be able to support me studying here if our policies don't help him become rich. You're yelling at our policies like an ant yelling at an elephant. We don't give a pheque to an ignorant ant.
What you wrote in you post let me know you're a completely stupid, ignorant and worthless piece of homeless trash. Your cheapass life won't even worth my 500 dollar gas bill if I drive to run over you from Michigan. Your life is empty and pointless. You have no interest in a special field of studies and you'll just be another grain of gun ash for Uncle Sam's interest groups. So you just think the way you think and live the way you like. Because you can't even do a little bit of harm to my country and my army.
Talking about the disney world and stuff I never go to any of them. I spent all my time studying and I'm having great progress each day. I will graduate from a universty that you dreamed of and I will become one of the greatest computer scientists. Then I will take all my acheivments to help China to make a strong controlling system which will integrate and boost the performance of our military capabilty. I will make my technology and make China stronger.
All in a word I don't give a pheque to a brainless gun ash like you. You just go protect "your" country, but don't protect your country at China's doorstop, or we will make you into a pile of real ash.
Haha how old are you? Run me over with your car? 頂你個肺死大陸仔. I live in Los Angeles. If you live here too, PM me a place you wanna meet and come get some. American mixed bastard? You know how to read? I did say I was Chinese-American didn't I or you don't understand what that means? Nowhere did I say I was mixed on9仔. Chairman Mao, he's a piece of ****. My family had to go to Hong Kong and I lost Uncles and Aunts because of his "Cultural Revolution", my grandma had to eat bark from trees to survive. You probably lost family too, but it doesn't matter to you does it? And you do know how the pacific war in WW2 was won right? Or are you too brainwashed to understand the truth. If it weren't for the Americans and there pacific campaign and the many lives they lost, we would still be bowing to the Japanese emperor. See its reactions like this that all my HK friends just look down on you mainlanders. Yeah keep coming to our Disneyland, spitting all over the place, cutting in line, letting your children urinate in public, showing no manners at all. Don't believe me? Read any Hong Kong forum about this and see if I'm telling the truth. And the guy that said that at least china doesn't have blue on blue incidents I applaud you because China hasn't been in a war for a pretty long time has it? Blue on blue incidents are bound to happen because of the sheer amount of missions we carry out daily. And yeah, I'm loyal to America because my family, friends and home is here. It's my duty to protect them. Doesn't mean I'm not proud of my chinese heritage. I speak cantonese like a native and can write chinese. Just because I don't agree with your government doesn't make me any less chinese. There are plenty of chinese in both china, hk, macau and taiwan that doesn't agree with your communist government and its policy but it doesn't make them any less chinese does it. You guys here are the pure definition of hard right wingers, racists and if none of you existed, there would be peace.

thank you for this rant. i really appreciate it, now i've copied this and whenever someone says that chinese-americans with american citizenship are still patriotic and "chinese" i'll just post this, nothing else needed. don't need to argue with me, from the 顶你的肺死大陆仔 i don't need to argue with someone with such inferior intellect.
Firstly I don't clear if you agree with our policies or not. If our policies are not good my father couldn't achieve seccuess purely with his scientific acheivemets and patents. And he wouldn't be able to support me studying here if our policies don't help him become rich. You're yelling at our policies like an ant yelling at an elephant. We don't give a pheque to an ignorant ant.
What you wrote in you post let me know you're a completely stupid, ignorant and worthless piece of homeless trash. Your cheapass life won't even worth my 500 dollar gas bill if I drive to run over you from Michigan. Your life is empty and pointless. You have no interest in a special field of studies and you'll just be another grain of gun ash for Uncle Sam's interest groups. So you just think the way you think and live the way you like. Because you can't even do a little bit of harm to my country and my army.
Talking about the disney world and stuff I never go to any of them. I spent all my time studying and I'm having great progress each day. I will graduate from a universty that you dreamed of and I will become one of the greatest computer scientists. Then I will take all my acheivments to help China to make a strong controlling system which will integrate and boost the performance of our military capabilty. I will make my technology and make China stronger.
All in a word I don't give a pheque to a brainless gun ash like you. You just go protect "your" country, but don't protect your country at China's doorstop, or we will make you into a pile of real ash.

calm down, and don't stay in the US too long ,there's something in the air there that reduces IQs.
yep, another dumbass low life dropout with hte same fuckin fake story about eating grass and bark. did they walk uphill to school both ways too? all the asian-american parents of traitors have this pathological lying about them where they exaggerate their hardships when in reality we all know the US doesn't let in immigrants unless they 1.) successfully smuggle over 2.) have huge cash 3.) are political traitors to governments the US doesn't like. i don't know why this is, do they want to look like tough or something? i'm just going to say chinese americans aren't chinese, because they've picked up too many white habits: pathological lying, boasting, showing off, easily brainwashed and lowering IQ.
That shameless jerk probably a "local born" asian HK native, eg: "Indian" that learn how to read and write cantonese in our local school, there are plenty of them pretending to be Chinese while happly create the so-called so many Chinese that "anti-China" image on some other forums.
Trust me, since i'm from HK, i know how those shameless so-called self-proclaim Chinese liberals are like.:china:
yep, another dumbass low life dropout with hte same fuckin fake story about eating grass and bark. did they walk uphill to school both ways too? all the asian-american parents of traitors have this pathological lying about them where they exaggerate their hardships when in reality we all know the US doesn't let in immigrants unless they 1.) successfully smuggle over 2.) have huge cash 3.) are political traitors to governments the US doesn't like. i don't know why this is, do they want to look like tough or something? i'm just going to say chinese americans aren't chinese, because they've picked up too many white habits: pathological lying, boasting, showing off, easily brainwashed and lowering IQ.

I view Chinese-Americans who care about his real motherland as my siblings, poster like Martian and gpit in PDF. The rest Bananas can just stay out of the way.
Not only those two, there use to be plenty of them on this forum, sadly most of them were permanently banned.

Many Chinese-Americans already realized that even they hold an US citizenship, but rest of the White Americans will never view them as legitimate US citizens.

And their born skin color spontaneously attached themselves to their Chinese motherland.
yep, another dumbass low life dropout with hte same fuckin fake story about eating grass and bark. did they walk uphill to school both ways too? all the asian-american parents of traitors have this pathological lying about them where they exaggerate their hardships when in reality we all know the US doesn't let in immigrants unless they 1.) successfully smuggle over 2.) have huge cash 3.) are political traitors to governments the US doesn't like. i don't know why this is, do they want to look like tough or something? i'm just going to say chinese americans aren't chinese, because they've picked up too many white habits: pathological lying, boasting, showing off, easily brainwashed and lowering IQ.

Yeah, the list you put out is maybe for people from mainland china but my family was living in HK and held BNO's, so it was a lot easier for them to immigrate then you guys. We in HK don't exactly have the same reputation as mainlanders, trying to smuggle into country's. ie Japan, Australia, US etc. do we? So its a lot easier for us to immigrate. Just ask the many Hk'ers that immigrated to the US and Canada, especially before the 1997 handover because of doubt about China taking over. The bit about me lying about people starving and losing my aunt's and uncles through it, show's how much class you have. Why would my grandma lie about such things. So you telling me nobody starved to death or died under Mao's policies? Those points you laid out should be directed towards your friend from Michigan. Its common knowledge over here that the only way students from China can come to study is because of the 3 points you laid said! And for the guy that said he's studying in Michigan to bring tech back to China... lol. You mean tech like this?

去年七月中旬,蘋果代工廠商富士康深圳觀瀾廠的員工孫丹勇,疑似因搞丟一台iPhone 4原型機,蘋果質疑富士康洩密,富士康對遺失事件展開調查,孫丹勇疑在不堪壓力下跳樓自殺,此事引起軒然大波,也凸顯世界品牌大廠擔心中國企業竊取產品機密,發展成山寨產品,進而侵蝕其利基的問題。

品牌大廠 擔心機密被竊






盜版產業 養活數百萬人


This is from a HK forum and here are just a few of the responses from HK people. Not just me thinking its embarrassing.

眼裡看著最新一期的中譯海賊王火影忍者 ,日劇 ,耳裡聽著成匹mp3
嘴裡罵著 死大陸 ,山寨
人... 真的是種奇妙的生物



當大家都搞模仿 而沒有創新的時候 就真的很糟糕了
醫學上 也搞模仿 科技也搞模仿 那人類還有進化的水準嗎

在以上留言中可見一斑, 真可怕




Hopefully you learn more in your school in Michigan than to copy others lol. For the people who don't read chinese, its an article posted on HK forums that say's China is condoning the copying of technology and products because it's also an innovation and it was ridiculed and shot down by HK posters.
Yeah, the list you put out is maybe for people from mainland china but my family was living in HK and held BNO's, so it was a lot easier for them to immigrate then you guys. We in HK don't exactly have the same reputation as mainlanders, trying to smuggle into country's. ie Japan, Australia, US etc. do we? So its a lot easier for us to immigrate. Just ask the many Hk'ers that immigrated to the US and Canada, especially before the 1997 handover because of doubt about China taking over. The bit about me lying about people starving and losing my aunt's and uncles through it, show's how much class you have. Why would my grandma lie about such things. So you telling me nobody starved to death or died under Mao's policies? Those points you laid out should be directed towards your friend from Michigan. Its common knowledge over here that the only way students from China can come to study is because of the 3 points you laid said! And for the guy that said he's studying in Michigan to bring tech back to China... lol. You mean tech like this?

去年七月中旬,蘋果代工廠商富士康深圳觀瀾廠的員工孫丹勇,疑似因搞丟一台iPhone 4原型機,蘋果質疑富士康洩密,富士康對遺失事件展開調查,孫丹勇疑在不堪壓力下跳樓自殺,此事引起軒然大波,也凸顯世界品牌大廠擔心中國企業竊取產品機密,發展成山寨產品,進而侵蝕其利基的問題。

品牌大廠 擔心機密被竊






盜版產業 養活數百萬人


This is from a HK forum and here are just a few of the responses from HK people. Not just me thinking its embarrassing.

眼裡看著最新一期的中譯海賊王火影忍者 ,日劇 ,耳裡聽著成匹mp3
嘴裡罵著 死大陸 ,山寨
人... 真的是種奇妙的生物



當大家都搞模仿 而沒有創新的時候 就真的很糟糕了
醫學上 也搞模仿 科技也搞模仿 那人類還有進化的水準嗎

在以上留言中可見一斑, 真可怕




Hopefully you learn more in your school in Michigan than to copy others lol. For the people who don't read chinese, its an article posted on HK forums that say's China is condoning the copying of technology and products because it's also an innovation and it was ridiculed and shot down by HK posters.

These behaviors of patent infringement are done by civilian companies, but the Chinese government doesn't encourage it.

When it comes to military technology, there is no chance for China to copy it. Since Western countries always impose the technology embargo against China, how could China copy their military technology?

We may have copied the Russian military technology in the past, but this can't last long. Now we still rely everything on ourselves. No need to bash China at full level when you haven't see its potential now.

China builds the world's fastest high speed rail in service. Is this copied technology?

China builds the world's fastest supercomputer. Is this also copies technology?

Please, do youself a favor, stop calling yourself a Hong Konger, you are making a bad name for the people from Hong Kong.
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China builds the world's fastest high speed rail in service. Is this copied technology?

China builds the world's fastest supercomputer. Is this also copies technology?
Yes...Because neither rail nor computer technology originate from China. Credit is due to improvements to the base technology, but not for the technology itself, especially when they are in the public domain.
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