Yeah, the list you put out is maybe for people from mainland china but my family was living in HK and held BNO's, so it was a lot easier for them to immigrate then you guys. We in HK don't exactly have the same reputation as mainlanders, trying to smuggle into country's. ie Japan, Australia, US etc. do we? So its a lot easier for us to immigrate. Just ask the many Hk'ers that immigrated to the US and Canada, especially before the 1997 handover because of doubt about China taking over. The bit about me lying about people starving and losing my aunt's and uncles through it, show's how much class you have. Why would my grandma lie about such things. So you telling me nobody starved to death or died under Mao's policies? Those points you laid out should be directed towards your friend from Michigan. Its common knowledge over here that the only way students from China can come to study is because of the 3 points you laid said! And for the guy that said he's studying in Michigan to bring tech back to China... lol. You mean tech like this?
去年七月中旬,蘋果代工廠商富士康深圳觀瀾廠的員工孫丹勇,疑似因搞丟一台iPhone 4原型機,蘋果質疑富士康洩密,富士康對遺失事件展開調查,孫丹勇疑在不堪壓力下跳樓自殺,此事引起軒然大波,也凸顯世界品牌大廠擔心中國企業竊取產品機密,發展成山寨產品,進而侵蝕其利基的問題。
品牌大廠 擔心機密被竊
盜版產業 養活數百萬人
This is from a HK forum and here are just a few of the responses from HK people. Not just me thinking its embarrassing.
眼裡看著最新一期的中譯海賊王火影忍者 ,日劇 ,耳裡聽著成匹mp3
嘴裡罵著 死大陸 ,山寨
人... 真的是種奇妙的生物
當大家都搞模仿 而沒有創新的時候 就真的很糟糕了
醫學上 也搞模仿 科技也搞模仿 那人類還有進化的水準嗎
在以上留言中可見一斑, 真可怕
Hopefully you learn more in your school in Michigan than to copy others lol. For the people who don't read chinese, its an article posted on HK forums that say's China is condoning the copying of technology and products because it's also an innovation and it was ridiculed and shot down by HK posters.