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US Hands Over Suitcase Nukes To Al Qaida In Pakistan!

so all the bullshit about the truck causing this is an illusion which is shown by the government and the intelligence agencies or what....... if a laser guided bomb is send to us then it means that our airspace has been sold the _________ and they can do what ever they want.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought security cameras proved that it was a truck bomb ramming the security barricade? Why would someone drop a laser guided bomb outside the target and only kill civilians and the Czech ambassador? This is not the first major screwup in security, Pakistan is probably full of moles.
^^ you idiots :rofl: i was just trying to compare 1000 kg turck bomb explosion with laser guided bomb impact because that was the only clear impact video available! now i see how the awam can be misguided so easily into believing what ever they want to!

oh this should be GEOTV headlines... BREAKING NEWS!!! US 2000lb laser guided bomb was used in Marriott hotel! "pakistani army" gave permission to US!:rofl:
agreed the they are updated,,, but by whom. nobody can do any thing in your country without inside help. ISI is not that weak that they cannot find one trader between thousands and once you find one it leads to others. how do you explain that.

Traders? Do you really think these are registered 'traders'?

What you have are small independent cells with some people who are trained in explosives and responsible for hooking the entire thing up. The fact that the Afghan border is almost impossible to police effectively, especially when the majority of the SF's are busy fighting militants rather than monitoring smuggling routes, means that weapons and explosives will get smuggled into Pakistan quite easily.

Who is going to inform law enforcement in some remote village in FATA, controlled by the Taliban, that someone brought in a few hundred pounds of explosive?

Who is going to inform LEA's that people are moving that explosive out of the village into Pakistan proper?

Unless we have complete control over FATA, it will be impossible to interdict these explosives and get good intel on these people and prevent such acts. This is why victory in the GoP operations in Swat and Bajaur is so important.

We need local cooperation, and local institutions to act on whatever local cooperation we receive. In the long run this is about building civilian institutions like law enforcement, justice and administrative, that will prove to be the key in tackling the terrorist threat.
The report is not worth commenting. Its written by a unstable person not knowing what he is writting about.

As far as about the crater it was due to the truck bombing and nothing else. Their are eye witnesses who claim that another vehicle before the main truck came and exploded a smaller device perhaps in an attempt to destroy the barrier so that truck can enter the hotel. However from the scene it appears that the plan did not work and truck got stuck at the enterance.

I still believe its not the work of taliban or alqaeda.
‘President, PM were to dine at Marriott’
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Malik says eleventh hour decision to change venue saved leaders; hotel management denies

By Asim Yasin

ISLAMABAD: Adviser to the Prime Minister on Interior Rehman Malik on Monday said the suicide blast outside the Marriott Hotel was aimed at targeting the political leadership.

“The suicide blast was aimed at targeting the political leadership but the government foiled the malicious designs of the terrorists by changing the venue of the Iftar-dinner hosted by the National Assembly speaker from the Marriott Hotel to the Prime Minister House,” he said while talking to journalists here.

Agencies add: Rehman Malik said the “whole leadership was saved” by the switch ahead of Saturday’s devastating attack, including President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, and military top brass.

Rehman Malik, however, did not explain why the president and the prime minister decided to move the dinner from the Marriott to the PM House but said the decision was kept secret.

“Perhaps, the terrorists knew that the Marriott was the venue of the dinner for all the leadership where the president, the prime minister, the speaker and the entire leadership would be present,” he told reporters. “At the eleventh hour, the president and the prime minister decided that the venue would be the Prime Minister’s House. It saved the entire leadership,” he said.

However, a spokesman for the hotel owner said it had no plans to host a dinner for the government leaders.“We didn’t have any reservation for such a dinner that the government official is talking about,” Jamil Khawar told The Associated Press.

Reman Malik said he had been holding back the details of the dinner plans, and also insisted that the decision to change the venue had been kept secret.Malik separately told AFP that investigators were examining dramatic video footage of the attack “shot by shot, second by second” for clues, as well as probing who owned the vehicle.

Meanwhile, talking to VOA, Rehman Malik urged the nation to unite against anti-Pakistan forces who want to destabilise the country’s sovereignty and integrity. “I clearly said that this war is being waged by our enemies. I condemn Saturday’s attack and also appeal to the nation to be united against terrorism,” he added.

About security situation in Islamabad, Malik said, “The Islamabad administration does not allow any truck to enter the city in daytime. Whosoever planned it must have known that they can do it after 7 O’ clock.”

“No truck kept on moving on the roads freely and it entered the capital after Iftar,” he added.A 600-kilogram bomb had been placed in the truck, which Rehman called a dumper, and was covered by some cotton and bricks. However, a water pump was also seen there according to the eyewitnesses and such dumpers move on Islamabad roads on routine.

To a question, he said that there may be more than one bombers.Although with the government efforts, suicide bombing has been reduced by 98 per cent by adopting positive strategies, there is need to further expedite efforts to counter such heinous attacks,

Rehman Malik said. Regarding South Waziristan, he said two of the six arrested bombers have given open confession in courts. Besides, “we have 9 handlers behind the bars. All of them have links with Waziristan. We will welcome them if they lay down the arms”, he said.

However, if they continue militant activities, the operation against them will continue, he said. AFP adds: The management of the Marriott Hotel on Monday denied an official statement that top Pakistani leaders were due to have dinner at the hotel but cancelled it before the devastating suicide bombing.

Interior ministry chief Rahman Malik had earlier told reporters that President and Prime Minister were to have dinner at the Marriott on Saturday, when it was bombed, but the venue was changed at the last minute.

“There was no reservation from the government side,” Jamil Khawar, spokesman for the hotel owner Sadruddin Hashwani, told AFP. “I have checked from the management and the hotel administration. No booking had been made for an official dinner on that day,” he said.

Malik said: “The national assembly speaker had arranged a dinner for the entire leadership - the President, the Prime Minister and armed services chiefs at the Marriott that day.”

“The President and the Prime Minister changed the venue to the Prime Ministerís House and the function was not held at the Marriott.” Malik added.

‘President, PM were to dine at Marriott’
^^ you idiots :rofl: i was just trying to compare 1000 kg turck bomb explosion with laser guided bomb impact because that was the only clear impact video available! now i see how the awam can be misguided so easily into believing what ever they want to!

oh this should be GEOTV headlines... BREAKING NEWS!!! US 2000lb laser guided bomb was used in Marriott hotel! "pakistani army" gave permission to US!:rofl:

I hope you are referring to kingofdarkness
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Pakistan still hasn't mastered the technology to develop a suitcase nuke, its very very complicated.

I wish we had...

suitcase nukes are custom build for terrorist attacks. i consider it a weapon for cowards. this type of weapons are al qaeda's wet dream.
let say yes the hole made was because of the amount or TNT use.... what are our intelligence agencies doing.

That’s a very good questions and i will try and answer to the best of my ability:

As far as forensic examination and evidence collection is concerned the Islamabad Police and FIA have specially trained Post Blast Investigators, these PBI's were trained by the FBI under the US State Dept. (Anti Terrorism Assistance Program) back in 05-06.

The team has several methods of forensic analysis at their disposal including ETK (Explosive Test Kits) = these allow the examiner to determine the make up of the explosive (hence ability to confirm what explosive was used).

Next the team will examine device construction and look for subtle clues as each bomb design is unique, preferred by the individual bomber or group.

Method of Delivery is examining: How did the get the payload to the site, was it a BBIED: Body Borne Improvised Explosive Device or VBIED: Vehicle Borne IED? in what? (Which as we know was a truck bomb so the device VBIED: Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device) with a plunger switch in the drivers cab (commonly called the KILLSWITCH) the bomber will push this to detonate the device.

Inshallah when all the information is synthesised and analysed it will paint a picture of which group(s) to look for hopefully narrowing down the circle and then the feet of the ground can start netting these cretins... (However knowing the present administration the last part may just be a patsy/scope goat)...
AM i heard that these explosives were misplaced by engineer demolition team in NWFP and some how got cough in these terrorists' hands..

this is a laser guided 2000lb bomb
Explosion d'une Bombe de 2000 lb (Guidage Laser)


I guss, who ever made the chemistry of this bomb, which was used in ISLAMABAD BLAST, i am 100% convinced is a atleast , a degree holder in chemicals, also the composition of the chemicals in the bomb was deadly accurate. question is to find that , chemical engineer before he can assembled more than that?:angry::agree:
I guss, who ever made the chemistry of this bomb, which was used in ISLAMABAD BLAST, i am 100% convinced is a atleast , a degree holder in chemicals, also the composition of the chemicals in the bomb was deadly accurate. question is to find that , chemical engineer before he can assembled more than that?:angry::agree:

You don't need to be an engineer to figure out this simple equation:

More Explosive = Bigger Bang.
You don't need to be an engineer to figure out this simple equation:

More Explosive = Bigger Bang.

My Dear,Flintlock; sir
its not, like you go to buy some fire crackers from NATHOO LAL jee's shop & and put them inside a empty tin of ghee, and just blow them with fire, is that what you think, these guys were doing to make this kind of blast? :tsk::lol::rofl:
You don't need to be an engineer to figure out this simple equation:

More Explosive = Bigger Bang.

Why do you think that every terrorist organisation has a weapons expert with them?:crazy: Think.

Its not that more explosive = Bigger Bang instead with less explosive and proper chemicals = A bigger and better Bang.
My Dear,Flintlock; sir
its not, like you go to buy some fire crackers from NATHOO LAL jee's shop & and put them inside a empty tin of ghee, and just blow them with fire, is that what you think, these guys were doing to make this kind of blast? :tsk::lol::rofl:

600 Kgs of explosives in a truck?

Not exactly the most sophisticated bomb
600 Kgs of explosives in a truck?

Not exactly the most sophisticated bomb

I agree with Flintlock as most reports state that the VIED was consisting of old arty shells and other explosive materials very similiar to the Kabul explosions. I think it was sent as a message to both Pakistanis and the world that we can strike at will.

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