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US Government vs Congress: Sale of F16s to Pakistan

Giving Pakistan 8 F16 fighters will not make any difference to the India. India is building up tp face two front war(worst case scenario) and we need fighters in more numbers to match both China and Pakistan.

India only opposes the attitude of US regarding the funding and backing of Pakistan and its terror groups against the regional countries. With out US covert support Pakistan do not go against almost all neighboring countries and their interests.
Blogpost is more like crying than anything else. The poster should know

Reality No 1:
Pakistan and US have a long history of bilateral betrayal and confrontations. Both sides and accused eachother to be dishonest and have been pushing their own agendas in Afghanistan.
Reality No 2.
Pakistan and US relationship have never been to the depth where both could consider each other as a dependable ally.
A partnership which has been primarily driven by tactical military interests than strategic economic and cultural linkages,
Reality No 3.
India is the new darling of US and the business interests magnet in South Asia which in turn drive political interests.
Reality No 4.
From Media, Corporate world to government offices. Indians have been gaining cultural, business and political influence within the US society and politics. They are becoming acceptable so quickly that i fear one day, not far from today, we're gonna have an Indian American running the oval office.
Here's an example, though funny but it says a thousand words
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Pakistan says there is no Daesh/ ISIS in Pakistan then this piece says ISIS is gaining a lot of ground, which is it?

So a nation which boasts so much about JF-17, the author writes paeans about its superiority, now admits implicitly that JF-17 cant even be used to drop smart bombs. Oh Well.
Pakistan should look towards Brazil and buy some of those which Afghanistan is getting for COIN if it cannot buy F16s, simple.
Where there's a will, there's a way!
A lot of people backside is on fire after reading this article :coffee:
No matter what the US was expecting to achieve with this showdown, they will find that Pakistan is no longer the country that can be browbeaten to get a rollback on the nuclear program, get the release of Dr. Shakil Afridi or any other options that may be under consideration.

Well, now that the lines have been drawn, it would be interesting indeed to see what happens and which side gets more of their own demands. Perhaps Afridi will get a private escort to the airport just like Raymond Davis did after all the angst is vented.
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French leader Charles de Gaulle predicted it well: “You may be sure that the Americans will commit all the stupidities they can think of, plus some that are beyond imagination.”


And they will blame it all on you with conviction ( added Mastankhan )

The USA herself isn't winning, let alone others. Only winner, as far as I can see, is China and China alone no matter what the USA is doing....

Pak is passing through a transition phase, so some hiccups are inevitable; however, IMHO the trend line is well set...


At one time that is what I thought----.

But then I realized that it is a HABBIT.

The perception of win or loss is totally different in the U S---. They have no concept of a loss because all the wars and destruction has been carried out somewhere else.

So---for them it is all win win situation-------either they defeat a nation or move out with their tails between their legs----.

And regardless of what happens---the opponent is smashed to a pulp---a heap of destruction and chaos---.
Well That's are matter of Concern. But! we should start looking towards other possible and effective sides. i don't think spending some extra bucks on Thunder Program could cover up this 4th Gen gap for "Paf". We should Reconsider for other options which Possibly are J-10/11 from China or Su-35 from Russia if Possible. Because we haven't yet start focusing more on 5th Gen till 2025 so until that time these are the few options which we should opt. ASAP!
French leader Charles de Gaulle predicted it well: “You may be sure that the Americans will commit all the stupidities they can think of, plus some that are beyond imagination.”

I wouldn't put too much stock in what De Gaulle had to say. After all, the man was bitter both for Americans helping to liberate France and supplanting it as a world powe. Yes, he was bitter till the end.
Pakistan says there is no Daesh/ ISIS in Pakistan then this piece says ISIS is gaining a lot of ground, which is it?

So a nation which boasts so much about JF-17, the author writes paeans about its superiority, now admits implicitly that JF-17 cant even be used to drop smart bombs. Oh Well.
DAESH is not active in Pakistan but yeah some groups did pledged their alliance, but those groups masterminds and leadership is in Afghanistan...
F-16 is much more them smart bomb the reconciliation it provides with the high def. videos are key to planning ground ops. in those areas!, and yeah PAF isn't satisfied with JF-17 targeting pod(WMD-7) and F-16 payload capacity combined with its sensors makes it ideal for strike missions.
Why not pump all that money into the JF-17 program and make all the claims already made actually come true?
JF-17 has some limitations regarding range and smaller engine (lesser space) and china won't be interested in investing in its air frame to create another J-10..
tough along with planned upgrades(IRSt, AESA, HMDS/HOBS, composites, better engine) we can invest further in hard points and increasing internal fuel capacity to some extent with that $$$..

Pakistan should know by now there are no guarantees regarding US and F-16s even if it pursues second-hand models and pays cash for them.
yeah, anything from US to any country comes with strings which US pulls to control its national interest!
JF-17 has some limitations regarding range and smaller engine (lesser space) and china won't be interested in investing in its air frame to create another J-10..
tough along with planned upgrades(IRSt, AESA, HMDS/HOBS, composites, better engine) we can invest further in hard points and increasing internal fuel capacity to some extent with that $$$..

Considering that the 8 F-16s were to be used for COIN operations, surely the JF-17 can do that job much better at lower cost, even it its present form, let alone further development.
Fast forward to 31st May. End the count down already.

JF-17 has some limitations regarding range and smaller engine (lesser space) and china won't be interested in investing in its air frame to create another J-10..
tough along with planned upgrades(IRSt, AESA, HMDS/HOBS, composites, better engine) we can invest further in hard points and increasing internal fuel capacity to some extent with that $$$..

With regards to COIN in Pakistan these limitations mean nothing. And the range is being extended with IFR.
No need to give any time frame. if they are not going to Pay 430$ million. we shouldn't waste our money on some 8 f-16's we can acquire more in this budget like j-10 j-11 or we can take a look on JAS-39 even we can take some great ideas for our Thunder program from this Aircraft.
I think you are out of touch: http://www.dawn.com/news/1238771

Pakistan says there is no Daesh/ ISIS in Pakistan then this piece says ISIS is gaining a lot of ground, which is it?

So a nation which boasts so much about JF-17, the author writes paeans about its superiority, now admits implicitly that JF-17 cant even be used to drop smart bombs. Oh Well.

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