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US embassy warns of terror attack threat in Delhi

everytime we walk the extra mile for peace we got back stabbed, like kargil or 26/11 now after bhutan peace talks this is to happen.

they don't want peace and don't understand this language but the pro US mms and old leaders like him and ab vajpayee make us ashamed.

its our mistake we are allowing a tiny nation to play with us and harm us continuously there are many options other than war. But for them we need a strong leader

What do you expect from an American pet dog government?:angry:

our leaders dont think like their pakistani counterpatrs

yes pakistan has lack in weapons as compare to india
but they hav nuke also....
if pakistani leaders not care about their citizens so its der problem
not ours

No thank you for those expressions of stupidity, flaming and trolling, and goodbye.
@ Taimikhan

why don't you give your advice to Asim Aquil instead of me. just because he is admin?

Asim's post was in response to something Parashuram said:

"I believe Washington won't be able to silence Delhi this time if it happens and there is bound to be some sort of military action from their side."

Asim's point was matter of fact, as was that of TK. India will pay a tremendous price if it attempts to take military action against Pakistan, and the GoI knows that.
if we ponder through all the questions ...-
we would end up at the numerous terror training camps in pakistan......
Of which there is no evidence other than the verbal diarrhea from the Indian media and military/GoI officials.
.again which says a lot about the kind of education and human values thought in pakistan)
At this point you are gone from this forum. We allow freedom of expression, but right there, by essentially denigrating all Pakistanis and in essence our parents and families and the values we are taught, was crossing a line. Troll and flame elsewhere.

BTW, 911 had no Pakistanis involved - it was conceived and executed by Arabs. In the Mumbi attacks only Kasab's identity is proved, the rest could be Indians, and in fact the various terrorist attacks attributed to SIMI and affiliated groups in India are all carried out by Indians, not Pakistanis, so there as well your argument fails.

and the fact that every time the terrorists try to cross the line of control......the pakistan army fires at indian posts to facilitate the terrorists entering into india.....

False again - on many of these incidents some IA officials have themselves said that the exchange of firing may have been the result of Indian firing at suspected intruders, and the Pakistani soldiers retaliating thinking the Indian soldiers were firing at them.

besides india is too large a country and huge borders for terrorists to enter........we would be happt if you can put your own house in order...before asking us to increase our security)
India is also a large enough country to have its own terrorists, and we would be happy if you could put YOUR house in order instead of knee jerk finger pointing at Pakistan every time, as is evident from the reaction of Indian posters to this news article.
its like raising your sons to be thieves and blaming the neighbor for not being awake 24/7 to take care of his property......
The only thieves and rapists in this picture are the Indian security forces occupying, plundering and raping Kashmir and its people.
The US, British and others have succeeded in their goals from what I can see here in this thread.

No wonder they rule the roost and we eat scraps at their table.
If India attacks Pakistan, Pakistan wouldn't get any chance to fly missile.
it is in pak's interest that they take care of all these 'non state actor' this time.
First you talk about attacking Pakistan, and then when we're unapologetic and determined in giving a massive response you start crying. It is how it is, we even reserve the right to launch 100 nukes in response to a surgical strike.

Pakistan has cooperated with all the countries with terrorism incidents linked to our soil, we will with India as well. But judging from India's response with the Kasab case, I think India is more interested in showing the world that it can throw a tantrum and it can wail the loudest rather than reign in the terrorist.

It's almost at some levels India wants terrorism attacks to take place.
Asim's post was in response to something Parashuram said:

"I believe Washington won't be able to silence Delhi this time if it happens and there is bound to be some sort of military action from their side."

Asim's point was matter of fact, as was that of TK. India will pay a tremendous price if it attempts to take military action against Pakistan, and the GoI knows that.

Instead of coming here and threatening us, would be better you ask your interior minister and intelligence agencies, that how come these non state actors come inside India even with thousands of KMs of fenced, electrified, patrolled border, and lets suppose even if they get across the border, how come they travel so much deep into India without being caught and who provides them with weapons and accommodation and gives them the directions, rather not directions but take them in Indian made cars to their targets and give all the support.

If you ponder thoroughly, it may reveal to you that there are your own Indian non state actors stationed there, who provide all these resources and welcome such non state actors to do their dirty things.

So instead of coming here and showing us the attitude, go and correct whatever is wrong in your own country.

@TK, thats really an excuse. Even if there were people in India who helped the terrorists, it does not absolve the actual terrorists who did the deed. Just because possibly the accessories to the deed were Indians, it does not diminish the fact that the perpeterators were Pakistanis.

On travelling across the country, Indian security's inefficiency does not provide a justification for such tasks. Other wise your logic can be applied to Pakistan's situation as well where despite over a 1.5 lakh military presence in the NWFP region, the Pakistani terrorists are able to attack and kill civilians in Pakistan all the way down in Lahore...
BTW, 911 had no Pakistanis involved - it was conceived and executed by Arabs. In the Mumbi attacks only Kasab's identity is proved, the rest could be Indians,
Or may be martians too... Pakistan made enough attempts to disown Kasab as well but since he is alive, it didnt work. And GoP has a track record of disowning its citizens / soldiers involved in such activities..aka Kargil

India is also a large enough country to have its own terrorists, and we would be happy if you could put YOUR house in order instead of knee jerk finger pointing at Pakistan every time, as is evident from the reaction of Indian posters to this news article.
And we do that.. Dont think there were official blames flying towards Pakistan (except this forum or some media articles) for Pune attack. Just beacuse there are some attacks that are planned from within India, the others that are planned in Pakistan(like 26/11) dont become all right

The only thieves and rapists in this picture are the Indian security forces occupying, plundering and raping Kashmir and its people.

And thats a troll..I have 10 similar responses going thru my head but will refrain
@TK, thats really an excuse. Even if there were people in India who helped the terrorists, it does not absolve the actual terrorists who did the deed. Just because possibly the accessories to the deed were Indians, it does not diminish the fact that the perpeterators were Pakistanis.

On travelling across the country, Indian security's inefficiency does not provide a justification for such tasks. Other wise your logic can be applied to Pakistan's situation as well where despite over a 1.5 lakh military presence in the NWFP region, the Pakistani terrorists are able to attack and kill civilians in Pakistan all the way down in Lahore...

Its not an excuse, rather it is the truth.

And how many times Pakistan based terrorists have been doing such actions in India, except for 26/11, where also ID of one of the guys has been established and that incident also has lot of unanswered questions and many ambiguities to raise many doubts.

Except for Kasab, how many Pakistanis have you caught in the act of doing terrorist things ?? None i believe, and those who were intercepted, got killed and nationality or origin unanswered.

Don't compare the situation with Pakistan, as the story is different. In your country, your own Indian countrymen are involved in inviting and facilitating the ones from this side of the border, while the ones in Pakistan are doing it themselves with financial support coming from across the border.

Plus, as said tell me the number of times Pakistani's have been involved in attacking Indian cities except for 26/11, 26/11 which itself is very controversial.

So in saying that get the things in order on that side of the border is right, as if things get OK there, no one will be coming from this side of the border. With 150,000+ troops and relentless operations, the taliban still lurk in those areas, thus even whatever we do against LeT or others, they still would be there and will do whatever they want to make things go worse between Pakistan & India, as that is the easiest thing which they can do to take off pressure from themselves and make the two go to a war.

Pakistan has no benefit whatsoever in making such kind of attacks, rather it is the only party which has everything to lose from such actions, which is precisely what these ones want, the ones sitting in your country and the ones sitting in our country.

And except for 26/11 (which is also doubtful), all the rest has been Indians themselves, not Pakistan or Pakistanis.
Its not an excuse, rather it is the truth.

And how many times Pakistan based terrorists have been doing such actions in India, except for 26/11, where also ID of one of the guys has been established and that incident also has lot of unanswered questions and many ambiguities to raise many doubts.

Except for Kasab, how many Pakistanis have you caught in the act of doing terrorist things ?? None i believe, and those who were intercepted, got killed and nationality or origin unanswered.

Don't compare the situation with Pakistan, as the story is different. In your country, your own Indian countrymen are involved in inviting and facilitating the ones from this side of the border, while the ones in Pakistan are doing it themselves with financial support coming from across the border.

Plus, as said tell me the number of times Pakistani's have been involved in attacking Indian cities except for 26/11, 26/11 which itself is very controversial.

So in saying that get the things in order on that side of the border is right, as if things get OK there, no one will be coming from this side of the border. With 150,000+ troops and relentless operations, the taliban still lurk in those areas, thus even whatever we do against LeT or others, they still would be there and will do whatever they want to make things go worse between Pakistan & India, as that is the easiest thing which they can do to take off pressure from themselves and make the two go to a war.

Pakistan has no benefit whatsoever in making such kind of attacks, rather it is the only party which has everything to lose from such actions, which is precisely what these ones want, the ones sitting in your country and the ones sitting in our country.

And except for 26/11 (which is also doubtful), all the rest has been Indians themselves, not Pakistan or Pakistanis.

I really dont know what you mean by calling 26/11 as doubtful. Its a clear case of atleast one and probably 10 Pakistani citizens coming into India and indulging in terrorist activities leading to deaths of over 150 people. And really once is one too many in such cases. Unlike the case of Pakistan where the actual Perpetrators are from Pakistan itself....

I do however fully agree to your statement above in bold. However I think what the Indian public (who has nothing to gain from Pakistan looking bad or losing anything) looks for is some visible signs that Pakistan is making an effort to curb these LeT types like its doing for TTP.
First you talk about attacking Pakistan, and then when we're unapologetic and determined in giving a massive response you start crying. It is how it is, we even reserve the right to launch 100 nukes in response to a surgical strike.

Only 100 nukes ? If an attack such as a surgical strike is assumed to warrant the response that you suggest, what exactly should be India' response to a terrorist attack which India concluded originated in Pakistan? Should that not be seen as a provocation validating a military response?

In any case, the law of diminishing returns is at work where such a threat is concerned. Sooner or later, a terrorist attack will provoke a response whether or not the threat you make exists. Do you want that bluff being called? Such a threat has a value only as long as it remains a threat. Once it is into the real realm, it holds no value whatsoever ! Secondly overplaying this card could result in the first Indian strike being necessarily larger than just a surgical strike. What then?

My own opinion is that no amount of air strikes is going to trigger a nuclear response. The Indian worry would be in deciding whether they are ready for escalation if Pakistan moves in that direction. In December 2008, they decided that it might be counterproductive and that more may be achieved through other means. On another day, they might decide that they have no other choice but to resort to that use of force no matter what the risks having come to the conclusion that not acting under such provocation would no longer be tenable.

It won't be a easy choice but I can conceivably think of a situation where that might happen. You too should think about it. Are you willing to be dragged into a conflict tomorrow that you could have prevented by taking action today?

It's almost at some levels India wants terrorism attacks to take place.

And why would that be? What could a government that faced elections in less than 6 months gain from such an attack?

BTW that's a pretty obscene remark to make without offering up anything to justify it.
Indians honestly you're pathetic.I mean we all hope the attack does not happen but you indians come here and start showing your hawkish views..we will do this to pakistan blah blah how do you expect some sort of support from Pakistanis?You guys actually wish you are attached.
If India attacks Pakistan, Pakistan wouldn't get any chance to fly missile.
it is in pak's interest that they take care of all these 'non state actor' this time.

lol listen to ur own media what ur army fair most.
Pakistan is moving 100000 soldiers from eastern border to north (anti terrorist action).so the terrorists surely have an intention to rise indo-pak tension, so that current army movement can be delayed.may be on that ground US and other Intelligence inputs have issued such a warning
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