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US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan

If Pakistan launches nukes on India, India will launch its nukes on Pakistan, and both of you will die and the world wont go apesh*t and ensure its own destruction because of it, because you both will be dead, nothing we could change.
Wow you really don't know anything about nukes.

Do you know how bad the planet would get from that much nuclear destruction? The world would be royally screwed.

Besides, it doesn't have to just be India. We can fire at Russia, China, Israel, etc. Imagine all those countries exchanging nukes with each other.

And maybe we can hand the Taliban and ISIS in Afghanistan some leftover nukes too.

Remember, we would just need to end the world to get even. Pretty easy job.
There has been many death reported due to this bomb. The blast radius was round about 1 mile.
Well it impacts 1 mile radius to 5 mile so quite a large area any. Really not sure how someone can minimize any civilian population deaths using such a weapon with excessive force.

Will await any update from Pakistani Authorities as this bomb was droped close to Pakistan's border and I am sure the sound wave may have reached across the border

Quite idiotic to use this kind of excessive force , unless the other party had like a stealth bomber

Same area likely would have been captured in a traditional ground assault or helicopter assault

Now you realise why US always brings a sledgehammer in a knife fight :lol:

The mofos won't even realize who burnt them before they went deaf :D
This is militiary brutality. Why to hit public centres with such ammo when you can used precision guided munitions to prevent civilian causalities? Are they less powerful than alleged Syrian chemical weapons?
You bomb people indiscriminately and wish the bomb may differentiate between a civilian and a terrorist. :hitwall:Terrorists killing terrorists to show terrorism is bad.
Something ethically wrong when someone starts to use excessive force / weapons with out giving other party chance to surrender

However I can't really comment untill there is more news from Pakistan's side what exactly was the nature of conflict who was targetted

However as a Pakistani usage of such weapon close to our Border is concerning to me

I would not be suprised there would be debate of this weapon usage so close to Pakistan's border in Political Circles and why was this type of excessive force was needed when same could have been achived by a Helicopter force or traditional ammo
Something ethically wrong when someone starts to use excessive force / weapons with out giving other party chance to surrender

However I can't really comment untill there is more news from Pakistan's side what exactly was the nature of conflict who was targetted

However as a Pakistani usage of such weapon close to our Border is concerning to me
Why should the US let ISIS surrender?
You're clearly blind as someone else brought up the fact that Trump might do this in Pakistan. So I told them what options Pakistan has for retaliation.
How come??pakistan can only reach 3000km
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