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US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan

AFAIK it sucks up all the oxygen in the area because of the explosion. Probably burns your lungs to a crisp when you try to breath.
Wtf cant imagine .. what it means is beyond me
It's only a message to all who thought Trump and other far right parties in other countries made false promises to just come into power. Rest of the world is getting shock one by one from Surgical strikes to MOAB in real world without waking up from deep slumber, whilst putting up a brave face like they put in front of coward, liberal and tolerant left parties.

Terrorists needs to wake up for now, there will be disproportionate response to their needling. Army will be given a free hand and all so called "freedom fighters" will have MOAB as their republic nation.

Someone is trying to equate his fake and 2 number surgical farce to a real bomb. To a real massive mother of all bombs. :lol:
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Looks like training for Iranian Bunkers,and a threat to Pakistan for don't know what.It may be so!
Looks like training for Iranian Bunkers,and a threat to Pakistan for don't know what.It may be so!
MOABs aren't for bunkers, the GBU 57A/B is
He should be banned. I wonder how different he would feel had his children been in the school where APS massacre happened.

He doesn't even know who his enemies are. These f**kers in Afghanistan have a rake card of price per Pakistani killed.

I hope people in nangarhar enjoyed the show. That's what you get for making money from killing Pakistanis :enjoy:
I wonder how you would feel if your children were the victims of this bomb.
Well as many folks may know I have a similar strategy or advocated strong action in Afghan areas
However my thought process was still limit the usage of weapon to traditional ammo and rely more on Helicopter or Tanks/APC to capture live prisoners


Obviously with provision of safe grounds for civilian population (camps etc)
I wonder how you would feel if your children were the victims of this bomb.

Leave it for now. Even I felt bad for Afghans.

But then I realized no Afghan is going to protest on this attack. They only protest when Pakistan fires some rockets in their territory.

They themselves are okay with US bombing them. Then who are we to condemn and boil our blood for them?
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