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US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan

Yeah,that's good about it,But I am worried about civilian's casualties,and if you could relate to COAS's recent statement about Afghani Nationals being dear to him.

Worry about your own.

This province lives off a terror economy. If they had some humanity they would have not takes RAW's offer of doing terrorism in Pakistan for money. This is justice.
Mess RAW created? Your sh**y ISI guys think they are dealing with Taliban or ISIS? :lol::lol:. Trying to play double games while not being able to stop bomb blasts in your own country lol. Heights of incompetency.

Should I share neutral reports of how TTP that was nurtured by Afghan NDS later turned into ISIS?

Or you would keep quiet showing some grace? :)
Should I share neutral reports of how TTP that was nurtured by Afghan NDS later turned into ISIS?

Or you would keep quiet showing some grace? :)
What neutral reports? Pakistani NSA is now neutral?
What neutral reports? Pakistani NSA is now neutral?

It's ok, go back to watching NDTV and imagine being the peaceful no rapey Indian who has never done anything wrong ever in history. :lol::lol:

Fitting really, massive bomb in RAW/NDS terrorist den, Jadav to be hanged after. All that money wasted. Probably spent more money on hiring terrorists to attack Pakistan than building Chahabar. :lol:
Worry about your own.

This province lives off a terror economy. If they had some humanity they would have not takes RAW's offer of doing terrorism in Pakistan for money. This is justice.
These Americans are never going to kill TTP because it is related with Peace in Pakistan,and by relating to the past scenarios when they attacked Salala Checkpost and martyred 40+of our Soldiers just because of wrong statement of Afghani army,maybe they are killing civilian's by dropping MOAB from the same C_130 that was providing additional firepower to the Invading Appachi's In Salala Checkpost,and when they befool us again and again at least I cannot stop being concerned about our peace loving Muslim Brothers across the border.
And if the Intel is from CIA,then their authenticity is checked in Iraq.
Proud to be American:

Interesting article on the impact of MOAB on a city...

Here's how a 21,000-pound bomb like the one just dropped on ISIS in Afghanistan would affect your city
By Natasha Bertrand|Apr. 13th, 2017

Soldiers fire 155-mm rounds using an M777 Howitzer weapons system on July 6, on Forward Operating Base Bostick, in Afghanistan. Spc. Evan D. Marcy/US Army

The US has deployed the largest non-nuclear bomb in its inventory on an ISIS target in a remote part of far northeast Afghanistan, the Pentagon confirmed on Thursday.

The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb, whose acronym has inspired the nickname "Mother of All Bombs" or "MOAB," weighs over 21,000 pounds.

It was developed during the Iraq War and is the US's largest nonnuclear bomb. It had not been used in combat until now.

It was dropped on an ISIS-Khorasan camp in the Achin district of Afghanistan's Nangarhar province, which borders northwest Pakistan, US officials with direct knowledge of the mission told CNN.

An online simulator called HYDESim, which stands for High-Yield Detonation Effects Simulator, "maps overpressure radii generated by a ground-level detonation."

"These radii are an indicator of structural damage to buildings," the simulator says.

Here's how the MOAB would affect New York City, based on the HYDESim's estimate of its explosive yield. (The exact yield is classified.)


Based on the simulator's calculations, the effects of the bomb would be felt as far as a mile in each direction, and "most glass surfaces, such as windows, will shatter ... some with enough force to cause injury," according to the simulator.

By contrast, the US's most powerful nuclear bomb — the B83, with a 1.2 megatonmaximum yield — would have a blast radius of nearly 20 miles.


Here's how the MOAB would affect Los Angeles:


And London:


"The strike was designed to minimize the risk to Afghan and US forces conducting clearing operations in the area while maximizing the destruction of ISIS-K fighters and facilities," US Central Command said in a statement on Thursday. ISIS-K refers to the ISIS branch in Afghanistan and Pakistan, ISIS-Khorasan.

"As ISIS-K's losses have mounted, they are using IEDs, bunkers, and tunnels to thicken their defense," Gen. John Nicholson, commander of US forces in Afghanistan, said in the statement. "This is the right munition to reduce these obstacles and maintain the momentum of our offensive against ISIS-K."

Damn! Looks like PsycOps. Sending a devastating message.

Yes. Just look at the media coverage is getting. They want to send a signal to ISIS in Syria -- and indirectly to Iran and Russia -- that this could be used on you.
These Americans are never going to kill TTP because it is related with Peace in Pakistan,and by relating to the past scenarios when they attacked Salala Checkpost and martyred 40+of our Soldiers just because of wrong statement of Afghani army,maybe they are killing civilian's by dropping MOAB from the same C_130 that was providing additional firepower to the Invading Appachi's In Salala Checkpost,and when they befool us again and again at least I cannot stop being concerned about our peace loving Muslim Brothers across the border.
And if the Intel is from CIA,then their authenticity is checked in Iraq.

That was 8 years of Obama. Democrats don't like Pakistan. Republicans do to some extent.

Pakistan has delivered a stern message to sort out their mess in Afghanistan and they are now cooperating. Stop making up conspiracy theories.

It's pretty simple, Afghan in this province crosses over the border and bombs a market or shrine in Pakistan. Family gets paid. This is how they live. They don't like you, they hate you and they have a price on your head. They are on RAW/NDS's side.

Let uncle sam fix his mess in Afghanistan. PA should follow up with more ops. The target is Mullah Fazlullah.
It's ok, go back to watching NDTV and imagine being the peaceful no rapey Indian who has never done anything wrong ever in history. :lol::lol:

Fitting really, massive bomb in RAW/NDS terrorist den, Jadav to be hanged after. All that money wasted. Probably spent more money on hiring terrorists to attack Pakistan than building Chahabar. :lol:
Kidnaping innocent citizens, torturing them to death and then try to gain moral upper hand by crying victim, radicalize youth in Kashmir, that is what your agency is most capable of. Cheers :cheers:

So won't shut up? No grace for you bharatis like always.

Anyways check this thread by me:


How TTP that was nurtured by NDS later turned int ISIS. Report is by a local Afghan journalist and NGO.
Lol. Its the source. K. :wave:
I don't think the purpose of this kind of show of power is to just eliminate ISIS. This was done to intimidate the Afghan Talibans and bring them to table where they are willing to concede a lot more than what they are willing to do right now.

Talibans are winning the war in Afghanistan, they are controlling more parts of the country with each passing day. With Russia and China signalling of considering them a genuine stake holder in Afghanistan, they're gaining a lot of legitimacy as well. So naturally they were not willing to talk to Kabul and US on their terms. This is an effort to change that and while doing so reduce the possible Russian & Chinese and naturally ours encroachment in the Afghan problem.
I think Trump is so crazy that under his administration. He might some day allow the US Military to drop Nuclear bomb in Afghanistan.
AFAIK it sucks up all the oxygen in the area because of the explosion. Probably burns your lungs to a crisp when you try to breath.

What you are referring to are thermobaric bombs. MOAB is not one. It is a conventional bomb. The FAOB that Russia has is a thermobaric device. It is reportedly several times more powerful than MOAB.
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