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US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

It isn't hubris. I'm annoyed. Only a little bit of that annoyance is directed towards Pakistanis.

Save for the engine, perhaps, I would guess that Pakistan is perfectly capable of building such boats by itself. So why are we giving them away? Is it just a make-work program for U.S. manufacturer during a recession? Something tacked on to a bill by a congressman looking to pay back a favor?

It's too late to take them back, so I'm going to ask my congressman and senator to monitor closely what happens so he might have an excuse to block such a move in the future.

You have my sympathies. We, infact, did not even want the boats. Over the decades Pakistan has developed the art of screwing the US into an art form. We are annoyed now that unlike in the past we are not getting the top of the line stuff. But then we are now a nuclear state, (thanks US help in the past) and our industry is capable of key items like fighters, tanks and frigates and there are alternates in Europe and China for items we cannot produce. So the American ability to leverage aid is all but disapeared. Such small items are counterproductive to America's credibility in Pakistan. Infact the local embassy should not do a PR exercise around such items.
You have my sympathies. We, infact, did not even want the boats. Over the decades Pakistan has developed the art of screwing the US into an art form. We are annoyed now that unlike in the past we are not getting the top of the line stuff. But then we are now a nuclear state, (thanks US help in the past) and our industry is capable of key items like fighters, tanks and frigates and there are alternates in Europe and China for items we cannot produce. So the American ability to leverage aid is all but disapeared. Such small items are counterproductive to America's credibility in Pakistan. Infact the local embassy should not do a PR exercise around such items.


Would you please stop making yourself look foolish---bad mouthing and bad talk would hurt us more than the other side---is it out of habbit or are there strategic reasonings behind it---.

Are you familiar with the projected real estate crash in mainland china----it is estimtade that it will be worse almost two to three folds than what happened here in the U S---where do yoyu think the money that the chinese made went---into similiar construction and jouasing projects---.

China will never ever call on the credit---the financial situatrion in china is balanced on a swords edge---it dare not lose any more of its exports to the U S.

Would you please stop making yourself look foolish---bad mouthing and bad talk would hurt us more than the other side---is it out of habbit or are there strategic reasonings behind it---.

Are you familiar with the projected real estate crash in mainland china----it is estimtade that it will be worse almost two to three folds than what happened here in the U S---where do yoyu think the money that the chinese made went---into similiar construction and jouasing projects---.

China will never ever call on the credit---the financial situatrion in china is balanced on a swords edge---it dare not lose any more of its exports to the U S.

Don't talk about stuff you don't anything about. I know about the RE bubble in China but unlike the US, Chinese external accounts are in good shape and China is already calling the credit and so are the arabs.
I think the patrol boats are a good gesture always welcomed when I see items from US it shows they are starting to move in right direction as we are allies on war on madness.

My be US wants to slowly give us what we need

I say give us 80 Helicopters Apache , and lets do operation clean up in FATA/Afghanistan , and disarm the whole region

Very simple and give us the frigates we need so we can better protect any intruders moving overseas from these routes or launching attack in night

The faster the cooperation will develop the better it will be for whole system
i don't get one thing seriously.

Why buy military stuff from USA, when their CIA is destroying Pakistan according to Pakistan fellows.

why not buy these things from china? OR is it that USA is still ally of Pakistan???:pop:

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Guys cant we say thank you to the US for donating us these boats and move on. If you really want to discuss something it would be its potential use which guys like us dont know. Those who know something about it shall share their expertise on the forum. but alas! they wont or they dont know. but guys here got a new topic of ridiculing and basing the US, a favorite drawing room pastime in Pakistan.
I think the patrol boats are a good gesture always welcomed when I see items from US it shows they are starting to move in right direction as we are allies on war on madness.

My be US wants to slowly give us what we need

I say give us 80 Helicopters Apache , and lets do operation clean up in FATA/Afghanistan , and disarm the whole region

Very simple and give us the frigates we need so we can better protect any intruders moving overseas from these routes or launching attack in night

The faster the cooperation will develop the better it will be for whole system

Apaches require a lot of maintenance. Better for Pakistan to go with more AH-1 Cobras. The Marines are going to have a lot of surplus AH-1's since they are upgrading to the AH-1Z. Pakistan should request some of them.

Go sell off the spare parts and embezzle the maintenance and operations funds, then next time Pakistan needs ships it can jolly well build 'em by itself 'cause Uncle Sam won't give Pakistan any!

We were hoping for something to line of ...but the boats are welcomed for peace and security efforts thank you

We are moving in this direction multi role boats , I mean navy needs boats it can scare ppl with , if the pirates/terrorist have bigger boat then our patrol unit its kinda defeats the purpose

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Apaches require a lot of maintenance. Better for Pakistan to go with more AH-1 Cobras. The Marines are going to have a lot of surplus AH-1's since they are upgrading to the AH-1Z. Pakistan should request some of them.


I think this should have been done in 2005, 80 apache/cobra , and 50,000 pakistai tropps from Pakistan side go in and collect all weapons and disarm the FATA , and US did the same from Afghan side , and then just control the whole damn region - I don't know why helicopters were not given , we barely have 20 copters or so

The lack of trust was shocking considering how our whole army was moved to afghanistan side I mean that is solid commitment there
I would love to know what we did in return, or promised to do

US don’t pay before…….if it’s a reward than be sure my friend it’s for our past obedience……..!!!!!

By the way what’s the difference……..either we take it or leave it, nothing matters…….our leaders are always obedient to US and will be, as long as their “Kursi” is intact…….and these boats are not for politicians…….so I am happy…….and it’s always better to have something than nothing……..!!!!

As a gesture of goodwill…….thnx USA :usflag:
You have my sympathies. We, infact, did not even want the boats. Over the decades Pakistan has developed the art of screwing the US into an art form. We are annoyed now that unlike in the past we are not getting the top of the line stuff.
I never said these weren't great boats. But I don't think Pakistan can necessarily claim credit for "screwing the U.S." on this one. We have a long history - going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson - of awarding these small gunboat-construction contracts as plums to political supporters of whichever Administration is in power. Ten million dollars in unnecessary aid for Pakistan could be a tidy million-dollar profit for some political favorite. (Truthfully, I don't know if that's the case here.)

Infact the local embassy should not do a PR exercise around such items.
Give the U.S. a break: Karachi is one of the most dangerous posts for U.S. diplomats on the planet. It must be nice to get out of the consulate and breathe fresh air every now and then.
I never said these weren't great boats. But I don't think Pakistan can necessarily claim credit for "screwing the U.S." on this one. We have a long history - going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson - of awarding these small gunboat-construction contracts as plums to political supporters of whichever Administration is in power. Ten million dollars in unnecessary aid for Pakistan could be a tidy million-dollar profit for some political favorite. (Truthfully, I don't know if that's the case here.)

Give the U.S. a break: Karachi is one of the most dangerous posts for U.S. diplomats on the planet. It must be nice to get out of the consulate and breathe fresh air every now and then.

US is kinda like very confusing , they slap us on on our face and then they send us a gift ... its very confusing signals

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