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U.S. offers help to South East Asia, most to Vietnam, to patrol seas

We don't control China's nuke, but we are making the realistic analysis that how China is going to use its nuke under certains circumstance.

While what you can do is some unachievable lip service, do you truly believe that US is going to gift Vietnam 20 billion of worth warships? Which US ally has received such treatment from US? Is Vietnam more important than any of the US allies?

The fundamental military knowledge of most western members here disappoint me a lot, even our newbies in the Chinese military forum are qualifying to teach you guys.

The only western member whose military knowledge i respect is Henri Kenhmann, too bad he has just left.
lol you are so such arrogant. Call, insult us repeatly as "monkey". You deserve no respect, as you don´t show respect to others.
What a dope...!!! This is no longer about North or South Viet Nam, ya dope...:lol:

That just goes to show your pathetic understanding of regional politics, especially when it comes to your closest neighbor. Viet Nam will rid herself of the cancer that is communism before China will. The US and Viet Nam will forge a new alliance in SE Asia and that will draw others into the same to counter an aggressive and arrogant China. You hear only the echoes from the other Chinese members here and over at your playground and that is just fine with us.
Viet Nam need more blood to get rid of their Vietnamese Communist Party. It's easily lead to Bloody Civil War between the South and the North.
Maybe he was thinking your country is very much like Iraq in the past, trigger happy warmongering country who dare to attack any country who oppose them, and can be/easy to be manipulated by certain country for their own purposes.
what you say does not reflect the reality. Actually Vietnam is as peaceful as Indonesia.

Global Peace Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Viet Nam need more blood to get rid of their Vietnamese Communist Party. It's easily lead to Bloody Civil War between the South and the North.
are you nuts?
what you say does not reflect the reality. Actually Vietnam is as peaceful as Indonesia.

Global Peace Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i am glad to see that, because i think Vietnam should stick to their commitment to build up their economy and infrastructure project, and also to build up human resources. Just don't fall into the traps of the Japs, and US who want to pit us against the Chinese for their National interest. It is their problems with the Chinese, not us. If you had problem with Chinese you can use diplomatic measure and voice your concern in South Chinese Sea with manner and elegant way
are you nuts?
I'm smart, but CIA agent like Mr @gambit just work for "Colour Revolution" in Vietnam.

Take Care! American FREEDOM and HUMAN RIGHTS will come earlier in S.Vietnam than AEGIS DDGs.:triniti::partay:
Viet Nam need more blood to get rid of their Vietnamese Communist Party. It's easily lead to Bloody Civil War between the South and the North.
Not blood, but money. Enough blood has been shed BY THE COMMUSHITS after unification.
Not blood, but money. Enough blood has been shed BY THE COMMUSHITS after unification.
Yes, the money & private funds to begin anti-government Color Revolution.

Today Ukraine, Kiev city anti-government protest. American senator McCann appear and tell them:"The United State be with Ukrainian ! The FREEDOM WORLD be with Ukrainian !"







Tomorrow:usflag:: "The United State be with Vietnamese ! The FREEDOM WORLD be with Vietnamese !" :chilli::pop:

"Let's GO, Boys ! F@ck ur government together.":nana:
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Only in your dream, China at its current capability can wipe your kind 100 times or more, you are living under our mercy.

If you want to become our target practise, then we won't mind to fulfill your wish.
10 Chinese troops died by VNese sapper's raid to destroy ur 10 mil $ Xin Bolin radar inside China's territory in 1984 and China didnt know who destroyed it until the sappers reported the case on radio, 11 Chinese troops slaughterred mercylessly in Gaven reefs(Spratly island) in 1990 by Unknow force show that China army is one of the most useless and poorly trained army in the World .

Wanna wipe us out ?? Only can do it with ur big stinky mouth. ur cheap army cant do that :P
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Althought Secretary didnot point out but recent purchases of China : Bison, Liaoning, J15, J20, Type05x, AIDZ, naval base in Hainan ... are the cause for Southeast Asia countries to buy a lot of weapons, ...

Not only Vietnam, but also, Indonesia want to buy Kilo subs, Malaysia buy Su30, Singapore buy new sub, Phillipines buy warship, attack helicopters ...
Are they planning to fight each other? No ... They responsed to the threat of the country want to swallow entire of SCS by drawing the nine-dashed line, and challenge even a US Aegis destroyer when it operating within area bounds by nine-dashed line recently.

A funding ( from US, Japan ) to strengthen SEA countries is a smart move, because it make the areas around China more safe. As a matter of fact, the Chinese will give more respect to others.
Any dictatorship deserves to be overthrown. So your CPC had better be careful.
Any weak government to be overthrown by Color Revolution.

Right now if u can find out any Party could do better than CPC in China, yes CPC should take care. Or like KMT back to TaiWan island.

The weak & leaky nation had better be careful.
It's very normal to have loans for some specific huge projects

US to provide financing for Viet Nam satellite project

HA NOI (VNS)— The board of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) said it had voted to authorise a US$118 million direct loan to the Vietnamese Government for the export of a Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company telecommunications satellite and additional goods and services.

"As one of our nine key markets, Viet Nam affords American companies unique export opportunities," said Ex-Im Bank Chairman and President Fred P Hochberg.

The loan, which represents Ex-Im Bank's first satellite transaction with Viet Nam, supported approximately 525 full-time equivalent American jobs, according to Lockheed Martin estimates, and financed export sales totalling $215 million, the bank said in a statement on its website.

"These opportunities promote economic growth in both countries, which in turn supports American jobs in vital US industries. The satellite transaction in particular reflects the unsurpassed quality of American technology and the demand for it abroad," Hochberg added.

The loan is for the export of a VINASAT-2, a Lockheed Martin telecommunications satellite.

The Viet Nam Post and Telecommunications Group (VNPT), a state-owned enterprise based in Ha Noi and acting on behalf of the Vietnamese Government in the transaction, hopes to satisfy the growing demand of the emerging telecommunications and television markets in the region.

"By providing financing for the Viet Nam Post and Telecommunications Group, this Ex-Im Bank loan supports US manufactured satellites and US jobs," said Linda Reiners, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Commercial Ventures vice-president.

"We congratulate our long-term customer VNPT, with whom we have now partnered in the manufacturing of two satellites."

VINASAT-2 is a geosynchronous satellite that was launched on May 15 and recently completed a series of in-orbit testing. Equipped with a payload of 24 active Ku-band transponders, the satellite provides coverage to Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand.

BNP Paribas will serve as the documentation agent and letter-of-credit bank.

As of the end of FY 2011, Ex-Im Bank's credit exposure in Viet Nam accounted for $185 million of the bank's portfolio. In FY 2012, Ex-Im Bank authorised approximately $1.4 billion to support US satellite exports, exceeding its financing for the industry in FY 2011.

U.S. Reaches Deal to Provide Vietnam Civilian Nuclear Power
By Indira A.R. Lakshmanan and David Lerman Oct 10, 2013 2:29 PM GMT+0700

The U.S. reached an agreement to sell nuclear fuel and technology to Vietnam in a move aimed at boosting its former adversary’s civilian nuclear program while curbing proliferation of atomic weapons.

The agreement was initialed by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Vietnam Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh on the sidelines of an East Asia summit in Brunei today. It prohibits Vietnam from enriching or reprocessing plutonium or uranium while developing nuclear energy, according to a U.S. administration official who asked not to be identified, citing government policy.

The deal reflects warmer ties nearly 40 years since the end of the Vietnam War as the Obama administration counters China’s rising influence with a strategic rebalance toward Asia. The U.S. has also made nuclear nonproliferation a priority as it seeks to rein in atomic programs in Iran and North Korea.

“As we have seen in North Korea and Syria, the violation of the international nonproliferation regime breeds instability,” Kerry said in Brunei today. “We are working with partners around the world to reinforce the system of rules and norms that prevents the use and proliferation of these heinous weapons.”

Vietnam has contracts with Russia to build two nuclear power plants and with Japan for two more, according to the official. Under today’s agreement, U.S. companies will be allowed to export nuclear-related fuel, expertise, reactors and equipment for the Japanese plants or any future power plants Vietnam may need, the official said.

Modern Technology
“It will open up opportunities for Vietnam to have the best and most modern technology,” Tran Chi Thanh, Hanoi-based head of the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute, said by phone today. “One key issues is that we must train personnel. The agreement will hopefully give us opportunities to do so.”

The deal, which took more than a year to negotiate, is subject to a 90-day Congressional review once President Barack Obama signs it. Kerry said Vietnam’s nuclear power market is expected to grow to $50 billion in 2030 from $10 billion today.

“This agreement will create numerous opportunities for our businesses between our two countries,” Kerry said during a meeting with Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. “Vietnam has the second-largest market, after China, for nuclear power in East Asia, and our companies can now compete.”

Vietnam has said it plans to build as many as 13 nuclear power stations with a capacity totaling 16,000 megawatts over the next two decades. Russia agreed in 2010 to build two reactors in Vietnam by 2020, while Vietnam also agreed the same year to make Japan a partner in building nuclear plants.
Any dictatorship deserves to be overthrown. So your CPC had better be careful.

Your, American principle of democracy just will bringing more chaos into this world. Why you can see what happened in Russia in 1992 to 1997 period, what happened in Syria, Libya, your democracy is only good when the majority of people accept them and the government in charge is readily to take the path of democracy. In fact, American democracy right now is very much same with the communist way back in 60 era, spreading like cancer and ignoring the victims conditions.
actually, Vietnam has no need on purchasing Aegis destroyer,
instead of that, we need air defense system like S300, S400 or Patriot ...

And coastal defense system like Bastion ...

I expect in response to more aggressive acting of China, US will give loan for some Patriot batteries to protect some serious locations in the North of Vietnam and Cam Ranh base
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