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U.S. offers help to South East Asia, most to Vietnam, to patrol seas

lol Even Israel as advanced a military as it is, doesn't have LA Class subs and Burke-Class Destroyers though. Where would they station these ships? Cam Ranh Bay?

Well my friend, definitely one heck of a Christmas list :-)
my friend, Israel has only 8 millions citizens, while Vietnam 90 millions. We need advanced stuffs to play with others in the region, nowadays like a jungle: only the fittest survive!

Cam Ranh is the perfect haven. It hosts our 6 Kilos attack submarines.




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lol, look like you own the US military industry complex by yourself.

Do you have freaking about the price of a single AB DDG? It costs a fcking 2 billion USD per ship, do you know that Vietnam's entire military budget is only 3.7 billion in this year. Are you gonna gift them?

Please show some skill & knowledge instead of coming out with nonsense.

lol did I promise anything? Did I infer at all that I owned anything? Or spoke for the US military? Unlike some of your fellow hyper-nationalists here, who act like they have full control of China's nukes (like they are toys) and military to do with as they please. I make no such claims.

I was going along with what they were saying to see just exactly what they wanted. I was curious... Appearently, what I had said went entirely over your head. I made absolutely no promises. Regardless, it seems to have bothered you, which makes no sense.
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Oh yeah right, like our Vietnamese friend here doesn't have any problems with their finance to keep the maintenance of western stuff. Remind me what happened to the South Vietnam when the US left them in the final stage of the war :oops:
lol you are right, Vietnam has no dollar printing machine. :-)
as i said previously if Vietnam successfully convinces the US of the important role we play in the region, like Israel, America should pay the price.

You should know, between 2002 and 2011 Israel received $30 billions military aid.
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Once VN governed by Vietnamese Communist Party, the Ho Chi Minh and Communist still is American's competitor in Vietnam. They can welcome American's aids but never accept FREEDOM to replace their rights in Vietnam.

The political core in Vietnam is Communist unless American change it like "Vietnam/Hanoi Spring" movement, or US only has limited influence in Vietnam.
:lol: The core is rotten, just like the Chinese Communist version. The 'old guards' are dying off one by one and their replacements do not care for the false facade of Marxism their elders displayed. For decades, I and tens of thousands of Viet Kieus have been financially supporting the underground democratic movement in VN and it is paying off -- in spades.

The effects we wanted are no longer a few degrees out of sight of the public eye but are now visible even in the Vietnamese government where young Viets quietly, if not openly, challenging the Marxist beliefs and policies of the previous generation. Failed policies, all of them. Ho Chi Minh City is have always been referred to by the old name -- Sai Gon -- by the locals even after the war. Government lackeys who called the city by the new name are NOW openly laughed at. Viet Kieus like myself wasted no time in showing the locals the differences between our lives and the lives of Vietnamese under those failed economic policies. Intel Vietnam was hiring and they offered me good US salary and I would have lived beyond well in Viet Nam. If I did not have family responsibilities here in the US, I would relocate back to VN and would have done more for the Vietnamese people to rid them of the cancer that is communism.

Do not pretend you know anything about VN. But never mind that, it was a rhetorical statement anyway. You are Chinese and arrogance comes naturally to you, even when it is obvious to all the level of ignorance you display.

lol, look like you own the US military industry complex by yourself.

Do you have freaking idea about the price of a single AB DDG? It costs a fcking 2 billion USD per ship, do you know that Vietnam's entire military budget is only 3.7 billion in this year? What are you going to do? Gift them?

Please show some skill & knowledge instead of coming out with just some unrealistic lip service.
That is funny. A Chinese is demanding others to show skill and knowledge...:lol:
lol you are right, Vietnam has no dollar printing machine. :-)
as i said previously if Vietnam sucessfully convinces the US of the important role we play in the region, like Israel, America should pay the price.

You should know, between 2002 and 2011 Israel received $30 billions military aid.

Yet Vietnam is not the Israel of Asean, i will prefer to calling the Singaporean as our Israel from the east, from any perspective they are truly has so many similarities with the Israelites
lol did I promise anything? Did I infer at all that I owned anything? Or speak for the US military? Unlike some of your fellow hyper-nationalists here who act like they have control of China's nukes and military to do with as they please. I make no such claims.

I was going along with what they were saying to see just exactly what they wanted. Appearently, what I had said went entirely over your head. I made absolutely no promises. Regardless, it seems to have bothered you, which makes no sense.

We don't control China's nuke, but we are making the realistic analysis that how China is going to use its nuke under certains circumstance.

While what you can do is some unachievable lip service, do you truly believe that US is going to gift Vietnam 20 billion of worth warships? Which US ally has received such treatment from US? Is Vietnam more important than any of the US allies?

The fundamental military knowledge of most western members here disappoint me a lot, even our newbies in the Chinese military forum are qualifying to teach you guys.

The only western member whose military knowledge i respect is Henri Kenhmann, too bad he has just left.
Vietnam reminds me of the role Iraq plays in middle east

Yet Vietnam is not the Israel of Asean, i will prefer to calling the Singaporean as our Israel from the east, from any perspective they are truly has so many similarities with the Israelites
wrong analogy. Vietnam is the only country in the region, whose military is capable to contain China. Singapore is rich but too small, more importanty Singapore does not hold the strategic location like Vietnam has in the SC Sea.

Maybe he was thinking your country is very much like Iraq in the past, trigger happy warmongering country who dare to attack any country who oppose them, and can be/easy to be manipulated by certain country for their own purposes.

wrong analogy. Vietnam is the only country in the region, whose military is capable to contain China.

Only in your dream, China at its current capability can wipe your kind 100 times or more, you are living under our mercy.

If you want to become our target practise, then we won't mind to fulfill your wish.
:lol: The core is rotten, just like the Chinese Communist version. The 'old guards' are dying off one by one and their replacements do not care for the false facade of Marxism their elders displayed. For decades, I and tens of thousands of Viet Kieus have been financially supporting the underground democratic movement in VN and it is paying off -- in spades.

The effects we wanted are no longer a few degrees out of sight of the public eye but are now visible even in the Vietnamese government where young Viets quietly, if not openly, challenging the Marxist beliefs and policies of the previous generation. Failed policies, all of them. Ho Chi Minh City is have always been referred to by the old name -- Sai Gon -- by the locals even after the war. Government lackeys who called the city by the new name are NOW openly laughed at. Viet Kieus like myself wasted no time in showing the locals the differences between our lives and the lives of Vietnamese under those failed economic policies. Intel Vietnam was hiring and they offered me good US salary and I would have lived beyond well in Viet Nam. If I did not have family responsibilities here in the US, I would relocate back to VN and would have done more for the Vietnamese people to rid them of the cancer that is communism.

Do not pretend you know anything about VN. But never mind that, it was a rhetorical statement anyway. You are Chinese and arrogance comes naturally to you, even when it is obvious to all the level of ignorance you display.
Thank you Mr @gambit.

That's i like to hear, good job to separate South Vietnam and North Vietnam. A distracted & weak Vietnam is good for SE Asia neighbors, undermine VNese's unity to slow down their development, next is the "Hanoi Spring" movement.

"FREE VIETNAM ~!":pop::triniti::guns: civil war again, this time S.Vietnam beat N.Vietnam.:devil:

BTW ur CIA agency:usflag: can call for China's help:china:, China government willing to provide cheaper weapons to support freedom fighers of S.Vietnam.:chilli:
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Wow! That's pretty advanced stuff, not to mention very expensive. Plus, all the training that would be needed for them to operate such ships.
as for learning new technology, it should not be a problem for Vietnamese. Have you seen the latest PISA ranking?

we are very close to the Chinese. :dance3:

We don't control China's nuke, but we are making the realistic analysis that how China is going to use its nuke under certains circumstance.

While what you can do is some unachievable lip service, do you truly believe that US is going to gift Vietnam 20 billion of worth warships? Which US ally has received such treatment from US? Is Vietnam more important than any of the US allies?

The fundamental military knowledge of most western members here disappoint me a lot, even our newbies in the Chinese military forum are qualifying to teach you guys.

The only western member whose military knowledge i respect is Henri Kenhmann, too bad he has just left.

Ok, what part did you not understand?!? I said I was curious. I wanted to hear what they had to say and what they wanted. No more, no less! Just because someone wants something, doesn't automatically mean they are going to get it correct? I made no promises of any sales, gifts or anything else of the kind. You have deliberately gone out of your way to be belligerent towards me because it seems what I said struck a huge nerve in you. I know full well just how advanced and expensive those ships are. Thanks!
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Ok, what part did you not understand?!? I said I was curious. I wanted to hear what they had to say and what they wanted. No more, no less! Just because someone wants something, doesn't automatically mean they are going to get it correct? I made no promises of any sales, gifts or anything else of the kind. You have deliberately gone out of your way to be belligerent towards me because it seems what I said struck a huge nerve in you. I know full well just how advanced and expensive those ships are. Thanks!

Well, the modern DDG and SSN are freaking expensive, Vietnam can't redeem it even with all their available coconuts.

What US can offer to Vietnam is the OHP class frigate at 60-80 million USD per unit, this is the most probable solution.
Only in your dream, China at its current capability can wipe your kind 100 times or more, you are living under our mercy.

If you want to become our target practise, then we won't mind to fulfill your wish.
relax...it is always China who attacks Vietnam. What we want is just some sorts of deterrence. And if America wants to donate money, what shouldn´t we say no?
Thank you Mr @gambit.

That's i like to hear, good job to separate South Vietnam and North Vietnam. A distracted & weak Vietnam is good for SE Asia neighbors, undermine VNese's unity to slow down their development, next is the "Hanoi Spring" movement.

"FREE VIETNAM ~!":pop::triniti::guns: civil war again, this time S.Vietnam beat N.Vietnam.:devil::omghaha:
What a dope...!!! This is no longer about North or South Viet Nam, ya dope...:lol:

That just goes to show your pathetic understanding of regional politics, especially when it comes to your closest neighbor. Viet Nam will rid herself of the cancer that is communism before China will. The US and Viet Nam will forge a new alliance in SE Asia and that will draw others into the same to counter an aggressive and arrogant China. You hear only the echoes from the other Chinese members here and over at your playground and that is just fine with us.
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