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U.S. offers help to South East Asia, most to Vietnam, to patrol seas

And enhancing the ability to hunting for submarines by P3C airplanes ...
As a recent plan to sell it to vietnam
LOL. like hell the Vietnamese Navy will get its hands on an Aegis Destroyer any time soon or ever for that matter.

US will give money & training, but the VPN will never have an american made ship. In the foreseeable future.

This is probably the top contender for the new VPN ship:

DAMEN Sigma Class

DAMEN shipyard even introduced a Compact Sigma if anyone here interested:
DAMEN introduced the new "Compact SIGMA" line of corvettes during DSEI 2013
DAMEN Schelde Naval Shipbuilding introduced the new "Compact SIGMA" line during DSEI 2013, the International Defence & Security event in London, United Kingdom. Undoubtedly, one of the major advantages of the Compact SIGMA (Ship Integrated Geometrical Modularity Approach) Series is that all of the good things from a large ship have been recreated in a smaller version, with ship sizes ranging from 600 tonnes to 1500 tonnes displacement and a length over all from 59 m to 87 m.


A Compact SIGMA 8011 fitted with an Integrated Mast Module
image: DAMEN Schelde Naval Shipbuilding

This smaller size ship can have the same combat systems and capabilities, but with a shorter range and a mission endurance of up to two weeks. Smart design and engineering lead to even higher reliability and availability.

A modular SIGMA corvette model was on display on DAMEN's stand at DSEI 2013.
In this configuration it shows an Integrated Mast Module, 8x anti-ship missiles, a 76mm main gun, a special mission container at the stern and two RAM launchers.
Picture: Navy Recognition

Read More @ Navy Recognition

Maddox sailed closer to Hainan Islands in Gulf of Tonkin incident


South Vietnam controlling Paracels ( Hoang Sa ) islands at the time

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Global Security Contingency Fund Program for the Philippines

Fact Sheet
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
December 17, 2013

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On December 17 in Manila, Secretary of State John Kerry announced the Department of State’s and Department of Defense’s intent to implement a joint three-year $40 million program for the Philippines under the Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF). The program will be used to improve maritime security and maritime domain awareness, and to provide assistance for law enforcement counterterrorism capacity building in the southern Philippines in line with the country’s 2011 Internal Peace and Security Plan. The GSCF pools the resources of the U.S. Departments of State and Defense, and the expertise of other U.S. agencies, to provide security sector assistance for partner countries to respond to emergent challenges important to U.S. national security.

The creation of a GSCF program for the Philippines is an important step that will support the Philippine security forces as they work to combat terrorism and other threats to regional stability. The GSCF complements the U.S. government’s recently announced expanded assistance for maritime capacity building in Southeast Asia, which also helps strengthen the ability of maritime agencies in the region to carry out law enforcement activities.

Through this GSCF program, we will provide the Philippines with technical expertise, training, and equipment to national-level security forces and government agencies responsible for those forces, in order to address counterterrorism as well as maritime border security challenges. The program will help to enhance the capabilities of Philippines maritime law enforcement and security agencies, particularly the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and Philippine National Police (PNP), in maritime engineering, maritime domain awareness operations, maritime logistics, communication, and vessel maintenance.

By enhancing interagency maritime security operations, the program will strengthen the PNP’s ability to assume increased responsibility for combating terrorism and maintaining internal peace and security in the southern Philippines. The program will also improve the fusion and dissemination of counterterrorism information.
Your, American principle of democracy just will bringing more chaos into this world. Why you can see what happened in Russia in 1992 to 1997 period, what happened in Syria, Libya, your democracy is only good when the majority of people accept them and the government in charge is readily to take the path of democracy. In fact, American democracy right now is very much same with the communist way back in 60 era, spreading like cancer and ignoring the victims conditions.
The flaw in your argument is that you presume the cause of instability came from the institutions/principles of democracy, such as independence of the judiciary, freedom of association, freedom to travel, separation of powers, etc.

When the communists overthrew the current governments, wherever the country back during the Cold War, what are they going to replace the government with? Marxist principles and communist institutions, correct? Conflicts arises when there is resistance to change, whether that change came from without or within, but you cannot call democracy inappropriate for the country/people while the conflicts are on-going.

I can see that you are going to be a suck-up to the Chinese, and that is your freedom to do so, a freedom not allowed under the Chinese system anyway, but try to do it with some critical thinking, please.
American FFG ... today U.S Navy only own DDG/Cruiser/Aircraft Carrier.

Burke IIA / 052C / 052D class DDG



American do operate FFG, both OHP class and the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) both are FFG/Corvett class ship the USN Currently operating.

ha ha ha...you should know that is the first time, since the end of US-VN war, that the US provides military aid to Vietnam. That is a huge step. So $18 million is just a beginning, I hope. Yeah...US destroyers costs at least $1bn a piece, but Chinese ones do not cost less. Correct?

So what next? Vietnam needs to convince the US further of the important role we play in the region, for peace, stablity and for balance of power in SE Asia. Once America sees Vietnam as strategically important as Israel in Middle East, they will provide billions of military aid to Vietnam. :-)

There is rumor that Barack Obama wants to visit Vietnam next year. So we will see.

I reckon if there are ship transfer, US will probably give the old USCG Cutter to refit as either Destroyer or Frigate same as the one we gave Nigeria. Or there is an outside chance that it will be one of those OHP class we want to get rid of currently
The flaw in your argument is that you presume the cause of instability came from the institutions/principles of democracy, such as independence of the judiciary, freedom of association, freedom to travel, separation of powers, etc.

When the communists overthrew the current governments, wherever the country back during the Cold War, what are they going to replace the government with? Marxist principles and communist institutions, correct? Conflicts arises when there is resistance to change, whether that change came from without or within, but you cannot call democracy inappropriate for the country/people while the conflicts are on-going.

I can see that you are going to be a suck-up to the Chinese, and that is your freedom to do so, a freedom not allowed under the Chinese system anyway, but try to do it with some critical thinking, please.

Nope, as a democracy country it is our right to chose which country we will become more lean to including the China or Russia, but Indonesia is always become a neutral country. What we don't like the American principle of Democracy is their is always full of hypocrisy and contradictory facts. Your so called democracy government backing up so many dictatorship who have affiliation and relationship with or backing your National interest, and on the other hand your government working so hard to topple any democracy regime who doesn't give a shit about your National interest at all. We, Indonesian always full of fear about this disturbing American behavior for so long and we must carefully trying to balance our relationship with your country and trying not to upset them. Whatever, it is the American who backing up the Dictatorship of Soeharto regime, and it is them too who trying to topple him when they do not see if Soeharto no longer fit for their plan in region, not the Communist China nor the Russian who did such acts.
I want F-18 Super Hornet and its engine :D:D

In a close range combat....our SU-27/30 can beat Aussie F-18 Super Hornet........(in a long range...we maybe can beat them too if we upgrade the radar into SU-35 standart), it happened during the pitch black combat training this year (include USA, Singapore, etc). Just info for you .......:cheers:
Read carefully ... waiting to see what's changed after continued progress on human rights and freedoms in Vietnam.:devil::azn:
LOL. Viets think it's so easy. Western powers will dangle some carrots, and than here comes the big BUT....always a catch with those guys. :p:

The U.S. will provide an additional $32.5 million to help Southeast Asian nations protect their territorial waters and secure navigational freedom, Kerry said. Vietnam alone will receive up to $18 million, including five fast patrol-boats that will be given to the Vietnamese Coast Guard, he said. With the new contribution, U.S. maritime security assistance to the region will exceed $156 million over the next two years, the State Department said.

John Kerry announced on Monday during a visit to Vietnam, where he also pressed the communist government on human rights and democratic and economic reforms.

Congrats VN, with $156m over the next two years, don't spend it all!
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lol you are right, Vietnam has no dollar printing machine. :-)
as i said previously if Vietnam successfully convinces the US of the important role we play in the region, like Israel, America should pay the price.

You should know, between 2002 and 2011 Israel received $30 billions military aid.

Well you ain't Israel cuz you don't control the American congress or US mainstream media. So you don't get the aid.

as for learning new technology, it should not be a problem for Vietnamese. Have you seen the latest PISA ranking?

we are very close to the Chinese. :dance3:

But you do know the majority of Vietnamese who wrote the PISA were of Chinese ancestry or mixed

Well, the modern DDG and SSN are freaking expensive, Vietnam can't redeem it even with all their available coconuts.

What US can offer to Vietnam is the OHP class frigate at 60-80 million USD per unit, this is the most probable solution.
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18million, 25 million is nothing.

Its barely a token gesture.
nothing? you are free to donate $18ml to us. By the way, John Kerry gave an extra $17ml.

John Kerry pledges extra $17m for Vietnam climate adaptation




Well you ain't Israel cuz you don't control the American congress or US mainstream media. So you don't get the aid.

But you do know the majority of Vietnamese who wrote the PISA were of Chinese ancestry or mixed
Israel plays another league, sure. But if Vietnam just has half of what Israel influence has is enough for us. Israel received $30bn in a 10 year period, we would be happy with 15. :-)

As for PISA, you should know the OECD officials randomly picked up Vietnamese schools, and students for testing. Vietnam ranks higher than Singapore, Korea and Japan. So stop talking shit. If Chinese could improve the score, why all other SE Asian nations with huge Chinese population scored so bad in the ranking?
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As for PISA, you should know the OECD officials randomly picked up Vietnamese schools, and students for testing. Vietnam ranks higher than Singapore, Korea and Japan. So stop talking shit. If Chinese could improve the score, why all other SE Asian nations with huge Chinese population scored so bad in the ranking?
Chinese's IQ is far lower that VNese. in 1984 VNese killed 10 Chinese troops, destroyed 10 mil $ Xin Bolin radar and low IQ Chinese didnt know until we reported it on radio after 6 days. In 1990 11 Chinese troop were killed and Chinese also couldnt find out who did it

VN have perfect spy who can cheat anyone, and Low IQ Chinese also never can have any spy like that. Thats why its TW now still under US's occupation :pop:
LOL. like hell the Vietnamese Navy will get its hands on an Aegis Destroyer any time soon or ever for that matter.

US will give money & training, but the VPN will never have an american made ship. In the foreseeable future.

This is probably the top contender for the new VPN ship:

DAMEN Sigma Class

DAMEN shipyard even introduced a Compact Sigma if anyone here interested:
I heared this story of Sigmar corvettes since 2 years, but nothing has materialized yet.
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