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US describes India as a responsible N-state


Mar 5, 2010
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United Kingdom
WASHINGTON: The White House urged all nuclear states on Thursday to exercise restraint but said it would be wrong to compare India’s missile tests with those of North Korea because the former was a responsible state.

India tested the 5,000-km-range Agni-V missile on Thursday morning, joining a select group of countries — Russia, the US, Britain, China and France — that possess intercontinental ballistic missiles. The missile can reach Beijing and Shanghai in China, and all of Pakistan.

A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, Liu Weimin, downplayed the tests, saying: “China and India are both big emerging countries, we are not rivals but cooperation partners.”

But the Chinese media pointed out that the test violated the nuclear restraint regime and pointed out that Western powers did not condemn the test.

Asked to comment on the Chinese media reports, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said: “We urge all nuclear-capable states to exercise restraint regarding nuclear and missile capabilities, and continue to discourage actions that might destabilize the South Asia region.”

The White House official, however, disagreed with those who were comparing India with North Korea.“I would simply point out, because comparisons have been made to the DPRK and its actions, that India’s record stands in stark contrast to that of North Korea, which has been subject to numerous sanctions by the UN Security Council,” he said.

Carney, however, said he did not know if the Indian missile test would also come up for discussion at the forthcoming US-India strategic dialogue. “Our reaction to this missile test is what I just provided to you,” he added.

At the State Department, deputy spokesman Mark Toner also urged “all nuclear-capable states to exercise restraint regarding their nuclear and missile capabilities”.

Asked if the US would admonish India over the test, Toner noted that Israel and India had “very much engaged” in the international community on non-proliferation issues. They had attended both the nuclear security summits and “so we believe that they have a solid nonproliferation record and they’re playing a significant role internationally on the issue”.

US describes India as a responsible N-state | DAWN.COM
As long as you are a "friend" of the West then you are automatically labeled as a responsible state.

Back then when the West needed China to counter the USSR the Western Media pictured China as a TRUE ALLY/FRIEND/RESPONSIBLE N-STATE etc but when the USSR crumbled and China's help was no longer needed then China was demonized as "America's number #1 enemy".
No India is their proxy. They look up to white man magic. Like they and their leaders prostrate in front of a white air hostess

Its not because of any proxies.

We have the leverage of dictating our destinies.

We hardly sing their tunes.

Our songs are based on own national interests.

Its kinda difficult to understand.

Tommorow if Russia says the same, ( no need to say as nuclear collaboration with them are decade long) would you say India is Russian proxy??

I know, never. Everybody in pk wants to see India a US proxy and go through what u guys went during and after the glory days.

But sadly we know every moves and play by the rules of the book. Dissappointed? Better be.
Wow. Nice explanation guies. :D I am looking forward for the aid in billion dollars from USA to fight against the terrorist and if our masters are more genourous then a Nimitz class CBG may be old. So terrorist can't come through sea again. Good news :D :D
Or do I remind you guies something like WoT :D :D

BTW I would like to say Mr. Haffiz you comment make sence first time atleast to me. USA is only friends to its interests. Nobody else.
You look nice :D

So you agree too that India looks so nice ? LOL

BTW I would like to say Mr. Haffiz you comment make sence first time atleast to me. USA is only friends to its interests. Nobody else.

She will USE you then LOSE you !

Another example is Iraq.

USA used Iraq against Iran during the Iran-Iraq war then Iraq paid the price afterwards.
Sure by flattering India, US can divert all attention toward China...U.S certainly not the only one who know how to make such statement.

I remember on one SCO session, all members were agree to invite Iran as pariticipant with observer status...than U.S was criticizing Iran participation by label it as sponsor terrorists....then Chinese foreign minister has shut U.S mouth by saying:

"Iran is responsible nation, if we consider it as terrorist sponsor...we wouldn't invite it"

all it on how you play with your words...China don't want to too much anger U.S with this kind of wording game...doesn't mean that we don't know how to formulate a "favorite political statement"
One thing Pakistani members need to understand very well here. India is a developing country and it does everything in its own national interest. Earlier there was atime when we used to be a country where public abused its Govt. (we still do), but somehow our policies have taken a drastic change, India has matured in terms of foreign policy, international relationship, etc. USA is not India's best friend....India and USA are partners....India means business with them thats it cause we need partners like USRussia, and even China while we grow...our goals are different...moreover we have seen Pakistan paying the price of American friendship...so dont expect us to play to the US tunes.
I know, never. Everybody in pk wants to see India a US proxy .

I suggest you look at the response of China Russia Pakistan Iran at the Afghan conference and India's behaviour and you might just change your mind.

The real reason that India chooses to be American proxy is cos India is scared of China and Pakistan and needs assistance
Yea you really want me to go into it. When I put the mirror up some Indians start crying

What else would US likely to say. We are not a direct or indirect threat.

DiD US react bad when China tested , or say Russia ( age old rivalry). Does that mean they are proxies or did any of these kindergarden kids post pictures of animals saying these.

That would have been true a decade back. But now we are in a position not get carried away by others on the actions we do.
Its AMAZING what a difference $2 trillion GDP makes to western perception.

THE WEST including USA shamelessly accept india has " cant do no wrong"

YET north korea & Pakistan two much smaller nations in GDP are treated TOTALLY diffrently in Nuclear weapons research and missle testing.

MONEY TALKS im, afraid
I suggest you look at the response of China Russia Pakistan Iran at the Afghan conference and India's behaviour and you might just change your mind.

The real reason that India chooses to be American proxy is cos India is scared of China and Pakistan and needs assistance

Chalo China ka to samajh aata hai ... par pakistan ????? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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