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India tests 3,000 km range n-missile in secret

If Pakistan was not notified in advance of this missile test, it would amount to a critical breach of Pak-Ind agreement on advance missile test notification. If this is the case, India has set a dangerous precedent.
If Pakistan was not notified in advance of this missile test, it would amount to a critical breach of Pak-Ind agreement on advance missile test notification. If this is the case, India has set a dangerous precedent.
pakistan would have been informed if it was on western front....we tested this missile in east..:)
like we always tell pakistan that we are conducting exercise in Rajasthan but never tell them about any exercise in eastern front!

IND-PAK agreement was to ensure that any missile test doesn't get misunderstood for an offence/attack
and no way any pakistani radar would have detected this test......
pakistan would have been informed if it was on western front....we tested this missile in east..:)
like we always tell pakistan that we are conducting exercise in Rajasthan but never tell them about any exercise in eastern front!

IND-PAK agreement was to ensure that any missile test doesn't get misunderstood for an offence/attack
and no way any pakistani radar would have detected this test......

That is quite right. The 'splash-down' of the missile took place in the IOR. And was well away from 'prying-eyes' or Radar detection. So nobody was the wiser for it happening.
So far as the agreement for notification of missile tests is concerned; that just applies to tests that may be detected and thus mistaken for a missile attack. Since this was not even detectable, that contingency could not have even arisen. This is likely to remain the trend for the LR ICBM tests viz A5, A6 and the MIRVs and so on.
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