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India tests 3,000 km range n-missile in secret

Insecure pakistanis coming here to troll.
Go launch a re-painted korean or chinese missile.
LOLL, "The Wind is up again, ehh ?"
then time to ventilate the space.......... :rofl:

Inanities, long winding idiotic statements, stupid questions, verbal diorrhea, hypocricy and general home turf advantage.

Thats our premier international defence forum LOL!

LoL indeed; discussions on Defence is hardly the benchmark here most times. Then some alleged "pros" are perpetually lurking to take the discourse 'south-wards'.
Nothing "premier" about that! :D
Our SLBMs test and development was secretive as our nuclear submarine program was bigger secret.
Post -24 is an acute proof as who had to introduce his bankrupt state of mind for no obvious reason or provocation.
Culprits and their advocates often forget that if it weren't for this forum, where else would they indulge in their chest thumping and rant all other nonsensical and digressing banters. First acquire the conscious to call a spade a spade.
No. We are not Pakistan.

Exactly. That is why I'm afraid for india.

Pakistan sure as hell won't bent and let western culture run over our remarkable Islamic culture....but can't be sure about indians..specially seeing the trend in last couple of years.

Anyways, I didn't write it to troll. I genuinely wish india well. So quit it already....or I'll have no difficulty in destroying yet another indian thread and sending it down the drain by rendering it useless.

Your call, kid.
Exactly. That is why I'm afraid for india.

Pakistan sure as hell won't bent and let western culture run over our remarkable Islamic culture....but can't be sure about indians..specially seeing the trend in last couple of years.

Anyways, I didn't write it to troll. I genuinely wish india well. So quit it already....or I'll have no difficulty in destroying yet another indian thread and sending it down the drain by rendering it useless.

Your call, kid.

You may not have wanted to troll, I'd give you that. But your claim that India will be a lacky of the west will be fiercely contested by us. And now your claim that Pakistan has been independent is even more controvercial, what with CIA spy planes taking off from Peshawar within 3 years of you getting your constitution and all.

Any ways, I agree we should not discuss pakistan here and talk only about india, and specifically about this technological advancement.
Exactly. That is why I'm afraid for india.

Pakistan sure as hell won't bent and let western culture run over our remarkable Islamic culture....but can't be sure about indians..specially seeing the trend in last couple of years.

Anyways, I didn't write it to troll. I genuinely wish india well. So quit it already....or I'll have no difficulty in destroying yet another indian thread and sending it down the drain by rendering it useless.
Unless its Islamic culture to have American and NATO planes bomb your territory day in and day out.
Unless its Islamic culture to have US nationals kill your citizens in Pakistan and go back to US after paying some blood money.
Unless its Islamic culture to give US military bases on your soil
Unless its Islamic culture to have US military massacre your soldiers on your own soil like in Salala.

Then yes, you already are and have been a US and Western lackey for decades.

And fortunately none of the other South Asian countries has bended over backward for US in the manner you have. Neither India, nor Sri Lanka, nor Bangladesh, nor Nepal, nor Bhutan. Heck not even Myanmar despite the sanctions ever gave US or Chinese military bases despite severe shortage of money. Its called self respect.

None of us have ever given away any military bases to 'West' to earn rent.

Your call, kid.
Did that answer the question.

You may not have wanted to troll, I'd give you that. But your claim that India will be a lacky of the west will be fiercely contested by us. And now your claim that Pakistan has been independent is even more controvercial, what with CIA spy planes taking off from Peshawar within 3 years of you getting your constitution and all.

Any ways, I agree we should not discuss pakistan here and talk only about india, and specifically about this technological advancement.
Their claim that their country is independent is bull$hit.

Everyone knows how much the 3A's control Pakistan
Allah, Army...America.
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