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US deploys troops along Pak border

Pak-US relations facing challenges: Husain Haqqani
Submitted 23 hrs 58 mins ago

Pakistan's Ambassador to the United States Husain Haqqani has said there are challenges faced in Pak-US relations and issues are being addressed via silent diplomacy.
"The aspect of national interest could not be neglected in the Pak-US relations," Husain Haqqani reiterated, adding that Pakistan's foreign policy was being prioritised at all occasions by ensuring full implementations of national interests.
The ambassador was addressing Pakistani community in Portland city of America. While speaking to the community he said democratic institutions are advancing Pakistan's foreign interests during democratic era.

Pak-US relations facing challenges: Husain Haqqani | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

This Haqqani network in USA, is the one Pakistan need to get rid of ASAP :)
All Pakistani members had been screaming blood blue murder that NATO/US allows movement of terrorists between Pakistan and Afg. Now when they are moving to seal the border, the empty threats are still coming out.. Strange..

PS: Didnt come out right.. What I mean is that as NATO moves to restrict movement of the terrorists, Pakistanis should be happy but dont seem to be by the tone of the posts
few hundred cant do this job.if anything wrong they do,they will surely be killed by pakistanis.
they need whole nato against pakistan to survive.

going by the past tactics- incase of an attack- they would not want their ground forces any where near Pakistani border--
US Can't Seal Afghan-Pakistan Border, says U.S. military commander
Commander: US Can't Seal Afghan-Pakistan Border - ABC News

Strange! now they have sealed the boarder!!

going by the past tactics- incase of an attack- they would not want their ground forces any where near Pakistani border--

of course they will be land locked unless they have some another route.they will have aerial strikes then boots on ground if possible.
They will avoid a close range battle at all costs.
Decorating coffins is not some thing any one can afford, most of all USA.
Thus the long range doctrine.

because the no of US ground forces are very small nor capable to fight high terrain. They already lost Afghanistan War and the main battle disadvantage is mountain terrain. Pakistan and Indian Army are far far capable as compare to American and also much capable and understand the situation of such terrain.

In fact very understanding thing is US Never ever attack NUCLEAR Arm country especially country like Pakistan who have massive amount of missiles nuclear warheads gunships helicopters, Military might.

America lost 2 war against those who have nothing just AK47. The war with Pakistan is not possible nor American afford War with heavy military might country with the population of 1.87 people.

US will try to check Pakistan response as much as they can but never ever try to go for so called "ATTACK" because such attack will turn this whole region into battle ground.
going by the past tactics- incase of an attack- they would not want their ground forces any where near Pakistani border--

Is it possible that there is nothing sinister to this troop movement and the only possible reason is that after a long long time i.e. a decade later they recognize their screwed logic of having a porous border and want to control that?? Change of tactics in WOT anyone??
Is it possible that there is nothing sinister to this troop movement and the only possible reason is that after a long long time i.e. a decade later they recognize their screwed logic of having a porous border and want to control that?? Change of tactics in WOT anyone??

its good to see they finally learned to take care of their own backyard instead of just blaming the neighbor-
its good to see they finally learned to take care of their own backyard instead of just blaming the neighbor-

I am no expert but for me it seems so, as already told by certain other members here USA's war doctrine doesn't bring its ground forces first to the country where it wants launch attacks, which is logical i mean in today's modern warfare we would try to minimize our damage as far as possible through air attacks.

Also while accusations have been flying to and fro between erst while allies, saner decisions are what are being taken till now atleast. So let us hope that what i have said is true and there will be no further war and blood shed in our region.
Is it really confirmed? And hundreds of troops, you need hundreds of troops for a small area, NW is a big big area you know. So, if it was really this easy to seal the border, why not do it before?
Considering that the Pakistan Army has repeatedly refused to take action against the Haqqani group based in the AFPAK region, and which is responsible for killing American troops, they probably had no other choice than to deploy their troops along the border to prevent such attacks emanating from Pakistan.

It's quite likely that this U.S. deployment could inevitably result in Pak-U.S. clashes which could spiral out of control. And that's bad news!
In the long run a ground assault or heavy targeting of the Haqqanis in NW will make no difference without Pakistani support, since the network will relocate to other agencies/areas and link up with other groups.
All Pakistani members had been screaming blood blue murder that NATO/US allows movement of terrorists between Pakistan and Afg. Now when they are moving to seal the border, the empty threats are still coming out.. Strange..

PS: Didnt come out right.. What I mean is that as NATO moves to restrict movement of the terrorists, Pakistanis should be happy but dont seem to be by the tone of the posts

Did you read all the posts other people have made before you posted ?
If yes, then the logical thing was either to contest their argument or to accept.

Tell me, what will artillery do to seal the border ?
To support artillery there must be infantry, an attachment of mechanised armor , signals, engineers, engineers ..... and in case of USA, they'd have close air support units also.

How does all that sum up to a few hundred ?

After that, you must study the terrain and the length of the border, how can a few hundred seal the border ?
In the long run a ground assault or heavy targeting of the Haqqanis in NW will make no difference without Pakistani support, since the network will relocate to other agencies/areas and link up with other groups.

And this in your opinion is good for Pakistan ? Why can't Pakistan corner Haqqanis and let US deal with it ?
All Pakistani members had been screaming blood blue murder that NATO/US allows movement of terrorists between Pakistan and Afg. Now when they are moving to seal the border, the empty threats are still coming out.. Strange..

PS: Didnt come out right.. What I mean is that as NATO moves to restrict movement of the terrorists, Pakistanis should be happy but dont seem to be by the tone of the posts
I don't see a lot of Pakistanis criticizing the deployment of troops on the Afghan side - what is being criticized and warned against is the potential of those forces being used to conduct cross-border attacks into Pakistan.

As long as they stay on the Afghan side and limit their operations to the Afghan side, I have no problems with the deployment.

In fact, the US/ISAF should do the same along the North Eastern Afghan-Pakistan border (Kunar etc.) from where terrorists have been launching attacks in groups of hundreds, into Pakistan.
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