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US deploys troops along Pak border

why should we need to be on confrontation path with the U.S.?

all they need to do is to treat ''partners'' as equals, instead of just making blind demands --some of which go against our national security interests
“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.”- General George Patton
You realli told the truth...very good....I like that saying........made me laugh.....:lol:
Not to worry on that score because what I've said is far from trolling! And I'm from India! So? Are you from the ISI's 'S' Wing, that only you know what's going on? You get your info from a biased media. I don't...... Nuff said!

And since you don't know me and who I am, jumping to conclusions that being an Indian I have no clue about what's going on out there is pretty lame. I know exactly what's going on there after following this duplicitous war that Pakistan has been involved in, since 9/11 and earlier. I know my beans and what the heck I'm talking about. Do YOU know what EXACTLY is going on including those subtle and not so subtle 'palace intrigues' that's part of geopolitical strategy?

So be sure where and how you throw your boomerangs next time. Thanks for a patient hearing.

Not sure if I understand your post fully but I think of two possibilities with the key words “duplicitous war” and “palace intrigues”

(1) Since 9/11 America’s War on terror is duplicitous and Pakistan being a Partner is also involved in this Duplicitous war of America which means that there might be a disconnect between the stated goals and what is being planned and discussed behind closed door ref “palace intrigues”. In short you are questioning the real motives of all active parties i.e America, its NATO allies, Afghan government and Pakistani government in this so called War on terror.

(2) The second possibility is that your choice of key words are only reserved for Pakistan.

First one I would agree to some extent. 9/11 tragedy is genuine and so the emotional bruising and humiliation of American military might and its secret service that failed to prevent the atrocity. It gave the political boost to the much ridiculed President Bush and that was only promised on the bases of a visible, strong and unrelenting response from the American might. The villains wee already declared and verdict passed before the twin towers started falling.

Originally the mission was to capture or kill the Al Qaeda leadership that was held responsible for the tragedy but after the Taliban regime was decimated and tis leadership along with Al Qaeda managed to escape, the American got bogged down with the war and with the passage of time the new mission statement was the national building and elimination of terrorist sanctuaries in the region and then the presence of Iran, Pakistan, Central Asian corridor and China only thickened the plot.

In this context Pakistan was a forced partner but also found it in the national interest to side with America and sever its ties with the Taliban. even before the 9/11 the so called relationship between Pakistan and Taliban government was only cosmetic. There was no high level engagement and Taliban atrocities at Nad-e- Ali and Mazar e Sharif & supporting the Deobandi militants in Parachinar in the siege and attacks on shias only dampened the relations further. Indeed the prospect of getting bombed to stone age also played its part in making this choice. But once Pakistan committed itself it became an open and active partner.

Now regarding the duplicitous role of Pakistan I would Like to quote Michael Scheuer, who is an ex CIA officer and section chief on Osama Bin Laden during President Bush era. While the Pentagon, CIA and state department plays its broken record of do more and Pakistan’s alleged soft corner for Taliban & support of Haqqanis, there are people like Michael Scheuer who don’t follow this line and have their own take on things. He acknowledges that no other country has done more than Pakistan for America’s war on terror, while enough attention is given to the allegations and rhetoric against Pakistan, its only fair that a different point of view also gets mentioned specially if its coming from an American (not a Pakistani).

Michael Scheuer on Pakistan and Times Square Bomber | MRCTV
US Must Grow Up On Pakistan | The Diplomat

going further on the Duplicitous charge on Pakistan I will like to remind my fellow readers few pointers since the invasion of Afghanistan to the present day.

* Pakistan’s stance today is same as it was when it decided to partner with America in War on terror. While the “public” mission statements of Americans changed from the revenge to nation building to ensuring a friendly Afghan regime after its departure. what it has secretly planned for the present and long term is anybody’s guess.

* it was Pakistan which actually advocated talks with Taliban regime to hand over Osama and ISI chief and a Saudi diplomat made a visit to Kandahar to persuade Mullah Omar to hand over Bin laden.

* Pakistan warned America against alienating the Pashtun population and playing at the hands of Northern Alliance that used American support to cause dissent and discord among the biggest ethnic group of Afghanistan.

* Pakistan advocated including the Pashtuns in the national setup despite the resistance of the tajiks from Northern Alliance to ensure peace.

* After 10 years of war and no result in sight Pakistan’s advice was heeded and Americans started to accept Pashtuns and open a dialog channel with Taliban but put a spanner in their own progress by excluding Haqqanis.

* While Pakistan deployed its forces and engaged with the local and escaping Taliban from Afghanistan in Kurran, Khybar, Bajur and Muhmand , south Waziristan Agencies. Americans demanded to expand the war to the north Waziristan too despite the constraints men and material. These were the places that had the most overt and heavy presence of the Taliban that were either killed or captured by the Pakistani forces but a fact that is conveniently forgotten.

* Had Pakistan launched operation in all Waziristan specially north instead of other agencies, the same critics would have questioned why Pakistan is only going after “Haqqanis” and not after the rest of the Taliban? (some people are never willing to be pleased).
Today Pakistan is supporting American efforts by facilitating negotiation channels with Taliban (and Haqqanis) while the American establishment (Pentagon, state department and CIA) are publicly point scoring by blaming Pakistan for their failure to resolve the conflict. Since American primary objective is achieved i.e dismantling the Al Qaeda network and killing of OBL, it should stop the war with Taliban and use the influence of both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to convince Taliban to come to a peaceful settlement with the rest of the Afghan factions that can lead to a stable Afghan government that will have no room for terrorist outfits. (the key word is talk to taliban and be done with this war now).

But if American goals are different and it intends to stay in the region and instigate uprising in Iran (& possibly Pakistan) and keep China in check while establishing an exclusive energy corridor via Afghanistan to central Asian states then this conflict will drag one beyond our lives. If it’s the case then not only Pakistan, but Iran and China too will have to safeguard their interests and not let America get a free reign, it tried its best on its own for past ten years and changed its stance lets see how far its willing to go for its future secret strategy. It all depends on the appetite and the endurance of the American public, the macho Bush bravado is long gone and the “2 May-11 revenge” also seems a distant memory given the current economic crises so only time will tell who blinks first, the American government (taken for another ride) or the present American government with an eloquent speaker like Obama who is bit quite and letting the hawks do the talking.
behind closed doors, the White House/State Dept & CIA/Pentagon are at loggerheads with eachother!

you nailed it
thats exactly what I think
there is no unity of purpose and unity of direction
due to a weak president (who is world's best speaking leader of all time) US military, CIA the state department, the hawks within the establishment and the senate are all trying their own approach hence you can never tell who is calling the shots and what the US state actually wants.
US will never enter Pakistan before B-2, F-18 and Tomahawk do their job. So no worry. It may be routine mobilizations. :D

because the no of US ground forces are very small nor capable to fight high terrain. They already lost Afghanistan War and the main battle disadvantage is mountain terrain. Pakistan and Indian Army are far far capable as compare to American and also much capable and understand the situation of such terrain.

In fact very understanding thing is US Never ever attack NUCLEAR Arm country especially country like Pakistan who have massive amount of missiles nuclear warheads gunships helicopters, Military might.

America lost 2 war against those who have nothing just AK47. The war with Pakistan is not possible nor American afford War with heavy military might country with the population of 1.87 people.

US will try to check Pakistan response as much as they can but never ever try to go for so called "ATTACK" because such attack will turn this whole region into battle ground.
USA did not lost any war.

Iraq and Libya represent victories. Afghanistan is a stalemate. Get your facts straight and stop underestimating your enemies.

Regarding fighting in mountain regions:

And skills of US commandos:

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