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US Defense Secretary Panetta threatens ground intervention into Pakistan

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See I replied like this because Aryan B has commented that US is a barking dog. I am sorry if i use any harsh words. In my personal opinion, US has to stop drone strikes if pakistan takes action against militants holed up in NOrth waziristan.
Yes! I agree here too that Pakistan shold not let any terrorist running any terrorist camp here within our tribal areas....But we have confirmed reports that CIA/Mosaad/MI6 alongwith the RAW are running hidden terrorist camps within our tribal areas under the name of Mujahideen or the freedom fighters. Our rulers are getting paid to shut their mouth too and keep their eyes shut in this matter. The pplz or the terrorists getting trained are then sent around the world especially to do terrorism within Russia and China whereever the western funders want them to go....Alqaida is one such example.....Many of these terrorists training camps are across the border within the tribal areas of Afghanistan as well.....The East Turkistan movement is one such terrorists group run by CIA cum MI6 to destabilize south Asian state of Turkistan and especially the Muslim majority areas of China.....I guess thats enough for now.....I can go into the details if U want me to disclose more info on this terrorism game/secrets........:smokin:
If they are terrorist you guys are bigger terrorists!
What merit can you find in this statement of frustration and putative injustice?

But we have confirmed reports that CIA/Mosaad/MI6 alongwith the RAW are running hidden terrorist camps within our tribal areas under the name of Mujahideen -
I've seen many allegations and a single interview with someone purporting to a captured terrorist in Baluchistan who "confessed" to such things; nobody knows who he is or his background, we never heard from him again, so he might as well have been an actor. And I've heard nothing about these things from the tribal areas.

If I'm wrong I'm sure you'll provide the appropriate links.

That's a pretty tiny smidgen to hold onto America-hatred and terror support with, isn't it?

Our rulers are getting paid to shut their mouth too and keep their eyes shut in this matter.
And you know this how? Because you are also on the same payroll?
Yes! I agree here too that Pakistan shold not let any terrorist running any terrorist camp here within our tribal areas....But we have confirmed reports that CIA/Mosaad/MI6 alongwith the RAW are running hidden terrorist camps within our tribal areas under the name of Mujahideen or the freedom fighters. Our rulers are getting paid to shut their mouth too and keep their eyes shut in this matter. The pplz or the terrorists getting trained are then sent around the world especially to do terrorism within Russia and China whereever the western funders want them to go....Alqaida is one such example.....Many of these terrorists training camps are across the border within the tribal areas of Afghanistan as well.....The East Turkistan movement is one such terrorists group run by CIA cum MI6 to destabilize south Asian state of Turkistan and especially the Muslim majority areas of China.....I guess thats enough for now.....I can go into the details if U want me to disclose more info on this terrorism game/secrets........:smokin:

It was zia ul haq who started operation Topac, Terror camps of Lashkar e Taiba, Hizbul Mujahidden continue to exist in Punjab and Sindh provinces of Pakistan. Now India is using it as a chance for which it suffered in Jammu and Kashmir. Who ever supports Terroism will have to face it, May be United States, Pakistan or India. Regarding Terror attacks in Pakistan, Yes RAW is involved, But Indians have played the card well they started their actions after 26/11. They used the timing well.
You're being manipulated by Pakistan's leadership into protecting terrorists and dictatorship, baqai. Is that really what you want?

I wish that is untrue
if they are really trying to protect the terrorists then they are doing an awful job. when U2 plane was shot down over USSR, the Russians growled that they will remove Badhbair from the face of the earth. we knew what we were getting ourselves into.
if the USSR did decide to invade then we would have had no choice but to fight.

whether we want it or not is not up to us. but when threatened we do put up a fight and go down fighting, its a natural human trait.

Pakistan has to take action against al-qaeda/Haqqani network militants holed up in North Waziritan, Mean while United States also must help pakistan in fighting against TTP militants. US must also take action on Taliban safe heavens that exist in Nuristan Province and Kunar Province.
well said,

even a token effort from each side will help towards ending this war. we are still on the same side and view AQ as common enemy.

only the common enemy here is wishing a conflict between the two countries that it will love to see because it will take the focus off it. Afghanistan will come even more worse off due to any such conflict.
It was zia ul haq who started operation Topac, Terror camps of Lashkar e Taiba, Hizbul Mujahidden continue to exist in Punjab and Sindh provinces of Pakistan. Now India is using it as a chance for which it suffered in Jammu and Kashmir. Who ever supports Terroism will have to face it, May be United States, Pakistan or India. Regarding Terror attacks in Pakistan, Yes RAW is involved, But Indians have played the card well they started their actions after 26/11. They used the timing well.
Yes the Lashkare Taiba was coriginally created to run terrorism within China and Russia. As China is our brotherly country the leader of this group Hafiz Saeed refused to pursue terrorism within China under the guidance of CIA/USA....As a result USA banned this group in his list now they started using East Turkistan movement to pursue their terrorism goals within China and Ex- Russian states.....Mr. Hafiz Saeed admitted in public in one of its interviews that USA has been forcing them to do terrorism within China so that they can destabilize that country, but He refused it so his group got banned..Sir we got so much stuff that U wouldn't even believe ure eyes here........:smokin:
Trust me if United states leaves Afghanistan and iraq i bet you all so called terrorist attack will automatically stop.
What merit can you find in this statement of frustration and putative injustice?

I've seen many allegations and a single interview with someone purporting to a captured terrorist in Baluchistan who "confessed" to such things; nobody knows who he is or his background, we never heard from him again, so he might as well have been an actor. And I've heard nothing about these things from the tribal areas.

If I'm wrong I'm sure you'll provide the appropriate links.

That's a pretty tiny smidgen to hold onto America-hatred and terror support with, isn't it?

And you know this how? Because you are also on the same payroll?
Plz see my post #261 it contains some evidences...but for hard evidences U gotta come visit here so we can show U around , let pplz meet U and give U hard evidences so that U know how the world of international intelligence is going on here and using and abusing the innocent pplz of our country for their evil monetary/power gains.......:smokin:
Its election season in US and Pak both, so nothing to worry about. Plus Kiyani forward the case to PPP democratic govt, so let them solve democratically. Now time for Zardari to take courage and take wise decision for the long term. Even Panetta pass silly statement in India to happy Indian counterpart . But Indian politicians are wise enough when to laugh and when to avoid.
You're being manipulated by Pakistan's leadership into protecting terrorists and dictatorship, baqai. Is that really what you want?

And you are being manipulated to believe that Pakistan is intentionally protecting terrorists. Why in the world would these Taliban need to run over to Pakistan to take cover when they control most of Afghanistan? I know your leadership has cleverly avoided this question that their military campaign has been a colossal failure and even with all of NATO's might she fails to extend her control beyond cities.

How can 4 to 5 thousand Haqqani fighters inflict a military defeat on the world's greatest military machine. How possibly can they cross over to Afghanistan, attack NATO positions and exit with impunity. This argument is simply ridiculous, with the amount of air power that US can deploy they should squash these fighters as soon as they enter Afghan territory. I am surprised to see how even educated people like you are brain washed into believing whatever mumbo jumbo propaganda Pentagon feeds you. There is absolutely no logic or proof behind what your Defence Secretary is accusing Pakistan off. You want to know something funny; more terrorists hiding in Afghanistan have crossed over to Pakistan from Kunar and Nuristan to attack Pakistani positions as compared to terrorists hiding in Pakistan attacking NATO check posts.
Plz see my post #261 it contains some evidences...
Rumor is not evidence. Even "confession" isn't evidence, only context for evidence or eyewitness accounts that may exist.

but for hard evidences U gotta come visit -
How do I know I wouldn't just end up kidnapped or jihadi food? I guess if I'm to disabuse you of your complexes and mis-education I'll have to do that remotely.

Why in the world would these Taliban need to run over to Pakistan to take cover when they control most of Afghanistan?
One, to operate from secure bases and two, to collect pay and supplies from the ISI.

I am surprised to see how even educated people like you are brain washed into believing -
List the techniques a citizen may use to escape such brainwashing, notorious_eagle.

One, to operate from secure bases and two, to collect pay and supplies from the ISI.

Lets suppose the argument of secured bases in correct, but once in Afghanistan, they also have secure basis as they fight from within Afghanistan, its not hit and run tactics of just a few hours, rather they cross the border by walking for hours, then they do rest in Afghanistan, they are then taken by Afghan locals to their targets, they engage the enemy, then leave the battle ground on foot, they go to their Afghan bases on foot or motor bicycles, get rest, injured ones are treated and given first aid, then they get transported back.

Now this whole process takes days, right inside Afghanistan, where is ANA/NATO & US in all these phases. I wonder why can't these mujahedins be engaged in Afghanistan when they are spending so many days.

And this is a very serious allegation, do you seriously think ISI can support someone who are waging a war against a super power, heck in the old days we asked for your help to make these mujahedins capable to fight another super power, we could not done that alone.

Plus, why aren't you asking your representative to move a motion in the US senate or congress to take the evidence to the UN and get a war sanctioned and pay pakistan in the same coin. Who and what is stopping you ??

Man, you are more brain washed then i thought you were, and you call us brain washed.
Lets suppose the argument of secured bases in correct, but once in Afghanistan, they also have secure basis as they fight from within Afghanistan, its not hit and run tactics of just a few hours, rather they cross the border by walking for hours, then they do rest in Afghanistan, they are then taken by Afghan locals to their targets, they engage the enemy, then leave the battle ground on foot, they go to their Afghan bases on foot or motor bicycles, get rest, injured ones are treated and given first aid, then they get transported back.
You describe a situation where the front-line bases are in Afghanistan while the rear bases are in Pakistan.

Now this whole process takes days, right inside Afghanistan, where is ANA/NATO & US in all these phases. I wonder why can't these mujahedins be engaged in Afghanistan when they are spending so many days.
Gotta avoid those "civilian" casualties, I suppose.

And this is a very serious allegation, do you seriously think ISI can support someone who are waging a war against a super power, heck in the old days we asked for your help to make these mujahedins capable to fight another super power, we could not done that alone.
Of course I do. I don't think of Pakistanis as some sort of inferior species.

Plus, why aren't you asking your representative to move a motion in the US senate or congress to take the evidence to the UN and get a war sanctioned and pay pakistan in the same coin. Who and what is stopping you ??
Who says I haven't, or that the U.N. doesn't have evidence? For the past six years UNSCR 1373's intelligence arm, the Counter-Terrorism Committee, has classified its reports: link

I think presenting evidence at the U.N. is an excellent idea. Yet what would the impact be if the U.S. or U.N. showed a video of the P.A. paying off Talibs? You might deny the evidence, claiming it's just a Bollywood video, yes? Indeed, no evidence presented would ever suffice to convince Pakistani officialdom, yes?
You're being manipulated by Pakistan's leadership into protecting terrorists and dictatorship, baqai. Is that really what you want?

If killing innocent people is terrorism than Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and various other places should also be considered. Why term terrorist now seem to be only used for Muslims, why stereotype? a person goes around killing 13 person in a University in USA is never termed as a terrorist, why?

I have lost three family members in this "war against terrorism" have you lost any loved one's? i think i am being bitter but hey blame it on terrorists please.
You describe a situation where the front-line bases are in Afghanistan while the rear bases are in Pakistan.

Gotta avoid those "civilian" casualties, I suppose.

Not an excuse, more like an excuse to hide the incompetence. Front line bases are not being taken down, not the way they should be, their infrastructure is getting strong day by day inside Afghanistan and they are controlling vast areas of the country. Well many ways to avoid civilian casualties, you can ask your army to adopt the model which we used, its costly but effective if employed effectively.

Of course I do. I don't think of Pakistanis as some sort of inferior species.

A big lie, you Americans do consider us inferior species, that is why the threatening posture all the time.

Who says I haven't, or that the U.N. doesn't have evidence? For the past six years UNSCR 1373's intelligence arm, the Counter-Terrorism Committee, has classified its reports: link

I think presenting evidence at the U.N. is an excellent idea. Yet what would the impact be if the U.S. or U.N. showed a video of the P.A. paying off Talibs? You might deny the evidence, claiming it's just a Bollywood video, yes? Indeed, no evidence presented would ever suffice to convince Pakistani officialdom, yes?

If you can prove the world with false videos and intel that Iraq had WMDs to actually capture its oil, i can bet you guys can provide more solid intel other then just videos of people giving each other money. I still remember the US presentation of secretary powel at UN, showing lot of stuff and getting a war sanctioned based on lies. You Americans are experts at being hypocritical and liars when it comes to US interests.

I say you guys have no intel, had there been solid Intel, US would not have given billions in aid, rather it would have punished Pakistan by going to war. You invaded Afghanistan as it supposedly caused deaths of 2900 or so Americans, but you can't do anything against Pakistan against whom you are saying you have solid evidence and its actions have let to thousands of US soldiers getting killed.

What kind of game are you playing ?? You have the intel but still you don't do anything for years, it just gives one conclusion that you or UN has no intel and after so many years having not presented anything solid, it definitely means Pakistan is not involved in what you say.
India should ensure that there will be no such measures taken by United states in the region.... US expeditionary forces in Pakistan could be disastrous for India in long run. If there is any ground intervention in Pak, India should set asideits differences and help Pakistan.
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