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US consulate targeted in Chennai over anti-Prophet Muhammad film

From where I see is the fundamentalism and illiteracy in India which is root cause of these problems. We destroy mosques, Islamists attack consulates, destroy Amar Jawan Jyoti, beat couples on Valentine's day while these same saffronists don't take up the task of protecting women in delhi, which is becoming rape capital of the world, burn Christians alive, Christians converting hungry people by giving food (survival used by them)
Well that's what the discussion merited.

And as the intentions and motives of Gelani sire are clearer now the only thing required out of the authorities is to 'counter' the propaganda or else with the kind of IQ level and understanding some have in the sub-continent (as displayed by a fellow member on on this thread) these things can be blown up out of proportion and result into serious consequences.

i mean people are already flared up and the last thing you guys want is another sensitive issue providing more fuel to an already sensitive issue.

But the point to be noted is that this 'Kashmiri' websites do have a readership and news posted there have the tendency to go viral, so rubbishing t out (as done by Karan) is not what would settle it.

This display of immaturity will only result into someone taking undue advantage of the situation which in any case will prove detrimental to Kashmiris, irrespective of being Muslims or not.

i mean, who are you to blame the villagers and the (ignorant) youth if they accept the news on face value and stage protests when angraji masters on PDF are having a hard time in understanding two different news pieces especially when the differences have been thoroughly explained to them?

Agreed, but there also needs to be a well defined matrix of social and personal responsibility. I'm reminded of the US Quran burning episode which left a personal toll on Kashmir. Loose canons make merry while people kill and get shot for something that had little to do with them or India in the first place;

Indian police kill 18 in Kashmir during Koran-burning riots | Mail Online

There needs to be some accountability put in place for the venom spitting leaders who incite mobs to resort to violence.
Agreed, but there also needs to be a well defined matrix of social and personal responsibility. I'm reminded of the US Quran burning episode which left a personal toll on Kashmir. Loose canons make merry while people kill and get shot for something that had little to do with them or India in the first place;

Indian police kill 18 in Kashmir during Koran-burning riots | Mail Online

There needs to be some accountability put in place for the venom spitting leaders who incite mobs in the first place to resort to violence.
This responsibility solely lies on the state, and in this case the indians in Kashmir. Merely, blaming everything on the ISI, rubbishing the news and making a mockery out of oneself by ones poor understanding of a particular event just because he/she failed to understand simple english and relate geographically distinct towns (in this case Srinagar and Kupwara) will only worsen the matters.

Also, media will pick on anything controversial and anything that can 'sell', it's just like the Pakistani media sensationalizing every anti-army news, because they know very well that's exactly what is going to sell. So probably you guys also need to look into the matter why such things sell in your part of Kashmir.

As a basic rule, propaganda can only succeed if it has buyers or else sooner or later, it will die its own death.
From where I see is the fundamentalism and illiteracy in India which is root cause of these problems. We destroy mosques, Islamists attack consulates, destroy Amar Jawan Jyoti, beat couples on Valentine's day while these same saffronists don't take up the task of protecting women in delhi, which is becoming rape capital of the world, burn Christians alive, Christians converting hungry people by giving food (survival used by them)
I dont think that illiteracy or even the unemployment or being poor are the main reason for fundamentalism.Main reason for fundamentalism is systematic brain washing and use of propaganda machinery...these days you have social media to spread propaganda.Take any example of high profile terrorists and check his education and wealth background.you'll be amazed to find the irony that will disapprove your theory.
Any organization or for that matter a terrorist outfit or even a political party has atleast three type of cadres among them, these are ;


A smaller group of 'top members'. These leaders and activists are very small in number and are often grouped around a dominant public figure. The effectiveness of this organization depends upon the caliber of this cadre. Most leaders and activists are completely dedicated to their cause and usually have some psychopaths among their folds, who prefer violence over the cause. Now these guys may not be influenced by propaganda but these are the ones who generate propaganda.

Active Cadre:

Any group/party will have a bunch of activists with fairly high standard of intelligence, educational, intellectual know how and technical knowledge. They are the ones who organize a certain action/propaganda. Again they are not goofs.


The leader and the active cadre are then supported by a large number of "lesser caliber" followers who perform the work on ground. It is these guys who are influenced by the propaganda created by the above mentioned cadre which result into bloodshed and violence. It is these guys the propaganda is directed towards and have poor understanding of affairs and would buy anything which is told ti them with conviction. These guys are usually less literate but consist of large numbers. It is their illetarcay that is made use of by the leader cadre.

So what Krait has said is absolutely correct.
Any organization or for that matter a terrorist outfit or even a political party has atleast three type of cadres among them, these are ;
Lol Xeric, you just explained ISI's cellular structure. :D
I dont think that illiteracy or even the unemployment or being poor are the main reason for fundamentalism.Main reason for fundamentalism is systematic brain washing and use of propaganda machinery...these days you have social media to spread propaganda.Take any example of high profile terrorists and check his education and wealth background.you'll be amazed to find the irony that will disapprove your theory.

It is difficult to limit the causes of fundamentalism only to some of the factors which you and Krait have highlighted.

Fundamentalism can emerge due to a variety of factors. Some of these may fall under, societal weaknesses, economic deprivation, lack of education, identification with a major cause, political isolation, militaristic mindset, state oppression, overbearing majority populace, weak minorities, absence of government writ, religious persecution, cultural dogmas and even nationalism can generate fundamentalism etc etc.

One can add many more such like aspects. Identification of the causes in a particular kind of fundamentalism which may not include all the factors highlighted above, may certainly help not only to remove its spread but also in controlling its after affects.
Lol Xeric, you just explained ISI's cellular structure. :D

^^ ISI dont have to depend upon nincompoops for its operations, so the hierarchy that i have narrated doesn't pertain to the ISI. It has more to do with a splinter South Asian political party general or a terror outfit in particular.
Indian idiots..most of them might not be aware of the actual issue, someone must have said something about supposed insult of their allha and what next...all educated and uneducated go mad.......this really piss me off~!
It is difficult to limit the causes of fundamentalism only to some of the factors which you and Krait have highlighted.

Fundamentalism can emerge due to a variety of factors. Some of these may fall under, societal weaknesses, economic deprivation, lack of education, identification with a major cause, political isolation, militaristic mindset, state oppression, overbearing majority populace, weak minorities, absence of government writ, religious persecution, cultural dogmas and even nationalism can generate fundamentalism etc etc.

One can add many more such like aspects. Identification of the causes in a particular kind of fundamentalism which may not include all the factors highlighted above, may certainly help not only to remove its spread but also in controlling its after affects.
Let me put on my Thinking hat here.Let me take up some prominent examples like Osama bin lade,Ayman al-Zawahiri,Omar sheikh etc...back home Lt.col.purohit, pragya thakur,Afzal Guru and other IM modules etc...none of these guys are either uneducated or economically deprived.

So the question is why they got into terrorism?
Answer is simple...it is systematic brain washing and use of propaganda machinery and the influence of the ideology.

Now coming to the example of illiterate and economically deprived terrorists like kasabs and dara singh etc....Why would one put ones life in danger and end up as cannon fodder for the others just for few bucks......here also answer is same it is systematic brain washing and use of propaganda machinery and the influence of the ideology.

Even a persecuted person don't easily get into terrorism unless someone keep on egging/brainwashing him using visuals/pic etc there by making him go mad seeking vendetta thats what happened with various IM terrorists and thats what is happening with young kids who are turning up as suicide bombers in FATA.

So bottomline is same for all terrorist inspite of their background etc ..and that is...

it is systematic brain washing and use of propaganda machinery and the influence of the ideology which is responsible for terrorism.

Muslim party members attack Chennai US consulate, pelt stones

Chennai: Activists of a Muslim party picketed the American consulate in Chennai on Friday and pelted stones at it protesting against Innocence of Muslims' Movie by Sam Becile

Slogan-shouting Tamil Nadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam activists used logs besides stones to damage window panes of a structure in the front of the heavily fortified consulate, police said.

Officials at the US Consulate said all the staff were safe.

"The protestors came around 4.15 pm and threw stones at the Consulate, damaging the perimeter wall. All the staff members are safe," a Consulate spokesperson said.

TMMK president J S Ribayee said in a statement the picketing was to register their protest against the film. Innocence of Muslims' Movie by Sam Becile

Chennai, September 14 (Newztime)- Activists of a Muslim party today pelted stones at the US consulate here protesting against a controversial film deemed offensive to Islam.
Around 300 protesters belonging to the Tamil Nadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam (TMMK) tried to picket the US consulate here but were stopped by police.
Some window panes were damaged but nobody was injured, police said, adding the protest caused traffic pile-up on the arterial Anna Salai where the consulate is located.
Anti-US protests have erupted in several countries over the controversial film. US Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, along with three other Americans was killed when a mob attacked a consular office at Benghazhi in that country on Tuesday night.
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