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US Congressional hearing may spell trouble for Pakistan

Bro, they aint stopping drone attacks any time soon. There is no Pakistani leadership, America wont invade nothing they will arm terrorists against us and call them protesters. They want to cause chaos throughout Pakistan. And they want the public to demand a new leadership/overthrow the existing one.

Then they can step in and "save" Pakistan..

Well they are not educated enough to know the demographics of Pakistan then. If they want to succeed in throwing out the leadership, they need to get into the side with the major ethnic groups who make most of Pakistan not Baloch who make only 3% of Pakistan, and Pakistanis are already fed up with Zardari and Gilani who are in government at the moment.

Yes I know America caused all those Arab Springs, but just like FATA, army operations in Balochistan province will not cause much of a public outrage in other parts of Pakistan. Most Pakistanis do not trust U.S. intentions, and I hope Pakistan army, ISI, and more Pakistanis watch the hearing to know the real plans of America so they can be well-prepared to counter those plans.

In a way, its good that U.S. is having these hearings out in public so Pakistanis can all know the real U.S. we have today, which is so different from the U.S. of Kennedy and Reagan so they wont be fooled and think U.S. is "helping" them.
Congressma*n Louis Gohmert suggested after the State of the Union address that aid to Pakistan should be cut off and a free Baluchista*n could help defeat the Taliban. Gohmert’s comments have gone viral on the twitter feeds of Baluch youth.

US interference on Balochistan issue condemnable: Legislators

ISLAMABAD: Senators from both sides of the divide on Thursday condemned the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations for discussing the Balochistan issue, and termed it as a direct interference in Pakistan’s affairs.

Raising the issue on a point of order Senator Raza Rabbani said that the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations has no jurisdiction to call a hearing on any issue happening in Pakistan.

Rabbani said that there should be a clear message to the US from Pakistan Senate and the Government that such interference was intolerable.

He said that some foreign elements have joined hands to exploit the situation in Balochistan which is against the soverignity of an independent country.

Must see, it seems ultimate target is China, Iran and Pakistan

US House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations,Baluchistan 8th Feb 2012.

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Good job American politicians. Now even the pro-American members in the government of Pakistan and the military of Pakistan will not trust U.S. Good job showing your real face, and real intentions to the public. Anti-Americanism in Pakistan will jump from 80% to 99% thanks to those stupid American politicians.
every one knows israeli lobby and all its senators in america hate Pakistan.....David ben gurion the the founder of illegal zionist state openly called for war on Pakistan..........since we have blocked the nato route and political parties wont allow its opening......all the tanks and artillery guns and humvees and bradleys that americans shipped in Afghanistan for 10 years have a pretty bad future......once the occupation is over and american forces retreat after negotiating with taleban.....all the hardware in afghanistan will have to make its way back to america via Port Qasim,Pakistan.....so they want Pakistan for another 10 years.......

imo america attacked salala to avenge the deaths of its navy seals killed in afghanistan.....everyone know american killed its marines itself so that the bogus osama story remains as it it told...jus like killing of lee harvey oswald........zionist lobby in american will do anything to for its interests and they dont care about american christian and muslim taxpayer.
relax the U.S can cry all it wants, Baluchistan is going nowhere, having said that yes the people of Baluchistan has legitimate concerns & issues which needs to be given attention urgently the sooner the better

I agree Baluchistan is going nowhere and of course like several other part of the country there are issues to attend and resolve and they will. What is incredible is the external forces that exist that are desperate to create unrest and instability in this part of the world. The USA are unable to show the hand of diplomacy and tact - and make it clear they want to stick their nose in an issue that really doesnt have ANYTHING to do with them. Jeeeeeeeez one would think there are enough issues that they should attend to and mind their own business in our land.
The HRW representative asked the US government in his recommendations to “communicate directly to the agencies responsible for disappearances and other abuses, to demand an end to abuses and facilitate criminal inquiries to hold perpetrators accountable.”

He clarified that the HRW took no position on the issue of the independence of Balochistan
US House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations,Baluchistan - YouTube

America wants to free Balochistan. Here is the senate debate calling for independent Balochistan.

One Indian named Kumar also speaking on the panel and all indian-looking faces in the background.

This is what Pakistani nationalists was saying all along about the U.S.-India alliance in Afghanistan destabilizing Pakistan's western provinces, the westernized secular Pakistanis said no its just a conspiracy theory. Hope they watch this video, and open their eyes.
Addressing a news briefing here, US State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland said her country is not in support of independent Balochistan.

---------- Post added at 02:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 AM ----------

A Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who recently co-authored an article with Congressman Louie Gohmert expressing support for an independent Balochistan, held the province a strategically vital but, turbulence and insurgency-hit area.

Nuland confirmed the meeting on Balochistan; but, said the US position on Balochistan has not changed, adding her country encourages all the factions involved in the province to tackle all their differences peacefully and under political process.
Listen to Indian dude, what sad face, time after time indirectly instructing US govt to impose US arm embargo. What US weapons has to do with insurgency. Every Pakistani should watch and learn.
Its hearing about about Baluchistan, but at the ending part, time after time Indian supporter are raising Indian issues, which has nothing to do with Baluchistan issue.
But good to see presiding senator raise the question of independence of Kashmir with human right and right of self determination..

Talk about terrorism ,but no appreciation of 30,000 dead civilian and over 3000 military personal in this war.
Pakistan khapay.... celebration time for Pakistan assembly in general and Zardari + Gilani in particular.

I hope every one heard the nonsense.

Now keep dividing Pakistan on linguistic basis as demanded by PPP, ANP & N-League.

This was open agenda of PPP from day 1.

ANP leaders are openly agents of RAW so is Zardari and Rehman Malik.
Interesting article on what may be the motivation of US senators that couldnt previously spell Baluchistan let alone tell you where it was.

In an election year, anything is possible. But, when anything includes the U.S. policy approach to Pakistan, Congress must remain a responsible stakeholder. Members of Congress must clearly convey their intentions when taking on potentially contentious issues that risk undermining one of the Obama administration's most important strategic partnerships. Balochistan is clearly one of those issues. However, the Congressmen who have scheduled a hearing on Balochistan for this week have failed to properly set expectations as to what they are trying to accomplish. This could raise fears that some in Congress are recklessly engaged in a high stakes gamble to undermine the administration's policy approach on Pakistan under the guise of Baloch human rights concerns.

Eddie Walsh: Congressional Balochistan Witness Prepares for Potential Firestorm Hearing for U.S. Pakistan Policy
Pakistan khapay.... celebration time for Pakistan assembly in general and Zardari + Gilani in particular.

I hope every one heard the nonsense.

Now keep dividing Pakistan on linguistic basis as demanded by PPP, ANP & N-League.

This was open agenda of PPP from day 1.

ANP leaders are openly agents of RAW so is Zardari and Rehman Malik.
No new province on linguistic basis
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