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US clears sale of Integrated Air defence weapons to India with AMRAAM C8/AIM-120D missile

JF-17 offers much more, its an aircraft that PAF can increase in numbers to fight a war of attrition.
In war of attrition we may replace the machine but not the human resource operating and maintaining the machine, therefore we need some sort of automated/IA based systems to keep human loses to minimum in any long duration war of attrition
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Am I the only one who is not understanding anything of this discussion? I have a few questions and it would be great if someone would be able to answer in the simplest way possible:

1) Why is this defence system such a big deal?
2) Does Pakistan has a similar defence system?
3) What's the difference between Spyder defence system, something called S-400 and this one?
4) How is the status of Indian and Pak planes? Does India has better planes or Pakistan has better planes?
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Buzz off you moron---.

No, your the moron, that’s having an erection on every news coming out from across the border.

As @Signalian said nothing will satisfy the Indians who are on a buying spree, they already have assets on hand that could have denied PAF access from within our own borders on 27th of Feb but they couldn’t among other things.

Just be happy they have incompetent commanders and planners (see the other thread of their retired Air Chief) within their armed forces. It’s not alway about having the best but having a proper strategy and India besides Cold Start and other force planning have nothing.

What we need to work on is building our Armored Forces/Mechanized Units to blunt their numerical superiority on the ground, the Air Force with JF and hopefully Project AZM/FC-31 will allow us to maintain some edge in the air for time to come.

I’m pretty sure our officers are working and strategizing how to counter Indian purchases. So you need to take a chill pill.
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Truth is a truth and i am having a genuine discussion with you with a genuine and REAL reply. You said that India doesn’t intend to go on offence first while Balakot doesnt support your statement and neither does the current indian warmongering statements from your generals and government.
Ask your so called non state actors - JEM. It was a retaliatory strike. And a small skirmish isnt equivalent to a war. You guys have fought 4 wars against us, should understand better about what is an aggression.
Red Flags have been appearing in India since the advent of F-16 up-gradation and newer Block 52+. JF-17 offers much more, its an aircraft that PAF can increase in numbers to fight a war of attrition. JF-17 is not American or European that India can lobby around by running here and there. Myth of SU-30 MKI remained up to a myth only, the french Mirage-2000 dared come close to CFL. S-400 is in the pipe line. Hopes are pinned on Rafale to join the ranks. IAF calls SU30MKI as 4.5+++ (put as many + as you want). Rafale is 4.5+. Mirage-2000 and Mig-29 are 4 Gen. So far there are US, Russian, French, Israeli, Indian systems in place for IAF.

Exactly what will put IAF at ease ? I dont think anything can put them at ease. Why didnt the SU30MKI eat up JF-17 or Mirage-III/V ? Some Indian member said up there that India has S-300, where was S-300 when PAF attacked, where was Spyder SAM ? Have a look at IAF AD/SAM inventory. It seems on paper not even a fly can pass through.

Dynamics have been changed by PAF through JF-17 and incoming Block III.

Exactly my point but we have some members acting crazy about this purchase. Indian already has a Dense Air Defense System with over 20+ years of spending and what did it achieve? Nothing.

Now, I’m not saying don’t worry and forget it. But this is the time to develop intelligence and SOWs to take these Air Defense Units off line during a conflict. I forgot who wrote the article and posted here that satellite imagery and intelligence and who fires the 1st shot will have the upper hand.
No matter how superior the tech is. Its not foolproof. It only makes the Integrated Defence powerful but there are several ways to tackle if you have a clear target and information about the systems. Anyway, Pakistan will probably get similar systems from China, which if not better, they could provide a similar level of protection cheaper
Air defense systems aren't countered with air defense systems. To counter Indian air defense systems Pak will have to find some other way.
The gap isnt so bad now, but it's going to really bad in the future.
Pakistan will probably find a counter...there are few different ways
1) wild weasel types of jets(China has those that Pak can acquire)
2) stealth SOWs and stealth jets(distant future maybe with Azm)
3) air launched(from jets) decoys that look like a jet on radar.
4) saturation types of attacks to overwhelm the AD.
Pakistan will probably find a counter...there are few different ways
1) wild weasel types of jets(China has those that Pak can acquire)
2) stealth SOWs and stealth jets(distant future maybe with Azm)
3) air launched(from jets) decoys that look like a jet on radar.
4) saturation types of attacks to overwhelm the AD.

All good ideas. Its something I am sure your planners are looking at. The new jet deals make the head lines, but the amount of SAM systems going to be integrated is unlike anything India has had before. Unlike anything PAF has dealt with before. With that being said, it's going to take some time get all systems ready.
Pakistan has good relations between Chinese suppliers and Turkish suppliers. between Chinese hackers stealing the latest about Iron Dome and Turkish engineers about to field their standoff jammer plane based on the Global 6000, there are a lot of options for Pakistan if the need arises.

Pakistan needs to master the tech it operates is has just acquired (such as the Aesa on the JF-17 Block 3) and keep an eye out for tech that can give it that little bit of extra EW protection.

It’s not always about the best tech but t best tactics. Considering China is working on how best to use their jets against the worlds best IAD networks and Turkish industry was part of the F-35 Program; these are good friends for Pakistani industry to have. Throw in Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, and South African Industry trying time make a buck here and there and you have a good number of options to fill in the gaps. It is for Pakistani engineers to understand, master, and innovate in the use of the Electromagnetic spectrum to come up with options (or ask around from above mentioned suppliers) that can be used to deal with these threats.

The best thing the government (political class in general) can do for the military is get the economy growing and keep a strong United front when threatened by the enemy. Also they can fund the improvement of our engineer universities so that Pakistani engineers are as good as any others in EW.
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As per the proposed overall air defence plan for Delhi, the innermost layer of protection will be through the NASAMS. It will be a combination of different weapons like Stinger surface-to-air missiles, gun systems and AIM-120C-7 AMRAAMs (advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles), backed by three-dimensional Sentinel radars, fire-distribution centers and command-and-control units. “The networked system, capable of even shooting around building“

Overall, Delhi will be protected with multiple defense layers:
1st layer : Advanced Air Defence (AAD)/Ashwin Ballistic Missile Interceptor.
2nd Layer: S400 defence system
3rd Layers: Barak-8, Akash and NASAMs -2.

Its a pretty good defense for any city.... And, whoever is criticizing.. I must say to them, there is a famous sentence :something better than nothing...

Major cities should be protected with same defense missile systems "Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore"

Major threats For Delhi from - basaltic & cruise missile and F16 fighter.

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