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US clears sale of Integrated Air defence weapons to India with AMRAAM C8/AIM-120D missile

sentinel radar systems mean battlefield systems that you can install near loc or working boundary. they are preparing for a limited war or a surprise attack. it is clear that they will start a war but when and where? nobody knows! obviously they don't want Pakistani electronic countermeasures to work and they are trying to find a solution after Feb 27.they can use these AIM 120 in batteries or probably it's for future Indian f-16 or f-21. united states are providing India sophisticated weapons. this is not good for Pakistan.
Should i expect F-16 coming to India? Compliments Imran Khan.
are you a c#nt by nature or is it upbringing?

sentinel radar systems mean battlefield systems that you can install near loc or working boundary. they are preparing for a limited war or a surprise attack. it is clear that they will start a war but when and where? nobody knows! obviously they don't want Pakistani electronic countermeasures to work and they are trying to find a solution after Feb 27.they can use these AIM 120 in batteries or probably it's for future Indian f-16 or f-21. united states are providing India sophisticated weapons. this is not good for Pakistan.
they have bought 130 or so stinger missile and M4 Rifles with so many 5.56 ammo. 5 radars mean that they have suppressed our systems? is this more advanced than green pine? what about SEAD? Pakistan has extensive experience with Stinger missiles and heck has Stinger in service with better systems now from China like this FN-6.


its not worth getting into a frenzy.
Everything India buys is a game-changer, but the game never changes.
It's always Pakistan ripping a new arse to India every time they come with a new game-changer.

Remember, it's the players who change the game not the equipment.

Holy cr@p.
This is a total game changer, AIM-120C8 is just another name for AIM-120D
This deal is more of a "Hall Pass" for india, to avoid CAATSA and a move to encourage the Turks to do the same if they want to avoid being left in the lurch. I am certain that india would not get punished under CAATSA, instead Zionist States of America would make a few $$$ billion and they would have their grip on India a little more. Beware though, it could be something deeper, where indians might even share details of S-400s with Zionist-America.

Bottom line, Pakistan ought to forget about F-16s from America and start becoming a bit more realistic in their arms build up. Pakistan must recognize the fact that Zionist-America's only goal is to break up Pakistan, whether it by infiltration of terrorists, or by sabotage, or by any other means available. Fools who think that Zionist-America would continue to supply Pakistan with new Vipers, are living in a fantasy world and really ought to be admitted to a mental asylum.
Holy cr@p.
This is a total game changer, AIM-120C8 is just another name for AIM-120D

It's will be from ground based system.
Although missile is identical to air launched ones.

I remember Pakistanis on this forum saying Pakistan should get AIM-120D for Afghan peace deal but India gets it instead.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Tipu7 @Signalian @Gryphon

Unsatisfied with Russian S-400 already that procurement begins for IADS ground based SL-AMRAAM, or is Spyder SAM not good enough too?
Unsatisfied with Russian S-400 already that procurement begins for IADS ground based SL-AMRAAM, or is Spyder SAM not good enough too?
Its for protection of New Delhi , same like US uses it for DC...but whatever "we are dissatisfied with a system that didn't arrive yet"
Should i expect F-16 coming to India? Compliments Imran Khan.

They had zero defense against AIM, this is why political channels were used to keep PAF away from firing more AIM.

Some of their defence analysts are seen keeping F-18 models on their desk recently. The USA had offered them F-18 but possibly not with as much TOT as India wanted. Looks like India is ready to settle on US terms.
Hmm, What next, 114 Made in India F-21 ??

On a serious note, rapid build up & purchasing by Indians for all 3 services while their national Airline is going broke & will need to be shut down if not sold / privatized.

Maybe i am wrong but some red flags must rise now in our HQs if not already. As many members have already expressed their concern time & again that after 27th Feb saga, India has gone on a shopping spree while already few big ticket items are on order & will try to square the debt as soon as they seem confident & ready.

Despite knowing the fact that Pakistan cannot win an arms race with our neighbor, I am sure we are not that broke that we cannot manage to spare few $$ for whatever new procurement/s (Air Defence & Strike capability) our Forces think is necessary to maintain minimum conventional deterrence & be able to reply back in kind as well for any future misadventure in coming years (taking into account new weapon systems being incorporated by Indian forces). It is a hard time for our economy but a compromise should not be made for the safety & integrity of our homeland.

A dialogue from movie Munich

"It (homeland) costs dearly, but home always does"

For us Pakistanis, the cost is both; literal & metaphorical.

I will finish by quoting your signature & if you feel your view as well;

" Price of SUCCESS is ALWAYS too high, but PRICE of COWARDICE is HIGHER ".

Red Flags have been appearing in India since the advent of F-16 up-gradation and newer Block 52+. JF-17 offers much more, its an aircraft that PAF can increase in numbers to fight a war of attrition. JF-17 is not American or European that India can lobby around by running here and there. Myth of SU-30 MKI remained up to a myth only, the french Mirage-2000 dared come close to CFL. S-400 is in the pipe line. Hopes are pinned on Rafale to join the ranks. IAF calls SU30MKI as 4.5+++ (put as many + as you want). Rafale is 4.5+. Mirage-2000 and Mig-29 are 4 Gen. So far there are US, Russian, French, Israeli, Indian systems in place for IAF.

Exactly what will put IAF at ease ? I dont think anything can put them at ease. Why didnt the SU30MKI eat up JF-17 or Mirage-III/V ? Some Indian member said up there that India has S-300, where was S-300 when PAF attacked, where was Spyder SAM ? Have a look at IAF AD/SAM inventory. It seems on paper not even a fly can pass through.

Dynamics have been changed by PAF through JF-17 and incoming Block III.
sentinel radar systems mean battlefield systems that you can install near loc or working boundary. they are preparing for a limited war or a surprise attack. it is clear that they will start a war but when and where? nobody knows! obviously they don't want Pakistani electronic countermeasures to work and they are trying to find a solution after Feb 27.they can use these AIM 120 in batteries or probably it's for future Indian f-16 or f-21. united states are providing India sophisticated weapons. this is not good for Pakistan.

In hindsight, US wants war. It destabilize region. US wants instability. Its policy is keep this status quo of instability.

At the same time, you wont know, may be it will offer Pakistan a good weapons package too. Selling weapons too and keeping the region instable.
Obviously anything and everything India acquires is a game-changer. :lol:

So it's basically just a SAM system....just like the efficient Spyder system.:enjoy:
Now we know how accurate our AMRAAMs were on 27 feb..and dodging was a drama otherwise why a country buy a system that failed to shot down 70 era Russian junks
Sir G, since last 72 years and they renew their joy every year.
Since last year ;), now I rarely herd about mini AWACS MKI.
Obviously anything and everything India acquires is a game-changer. :lol:

So it's basically just a SAM system....just like the efficient Spyder system.:enjoy:


Whatever is India doing---they are getting a step closer to their goals---.

What has not been clicking over the decades will click one day---because that is the Law Of The Nature---.

Nature will not always keep them down---specially when there are pakistanis there to teach them how t correct their mistakes---.

This bragging by the pakistanis will be the death sentence of the pakistanis---.

It is a simple numbers game---. A loser will only lose so many times---and then luck will favor them---.

In the end---the pakistani generals will exclaim " we are ready to lay down our lives for the country---".

The fools don't know that the country does not need their lives---the country needs their brains to act pro-active.

I told you guys before that the 26th feb was just a test by the indians---. All they wanted to see was your reaction and your fire power---.

You showed them---but then your generals starting bragging about their techniques and the enemy's short comings---.

Now who can make such a big fool of themselves---only a pakistani can---.
Last edited:

Whatever is India doing---they are getting a step closer to their goals---.

What has not been clicking over the decades will click one day---because that is the Law Of The Nature---.

Nature will not always keep them down---specially when there are pakistanis there to teach them how t correct their mistakes---.

This bragging by the pakistanis will be the death sentence of the pakistanis---.

It is a simple numbers game---. A loser will only lose so many times---and then luck will favor them---.

In the end---the pakistani generals will exclaim " we are ready to lay down our lives for the country---".

The fools don't know that the country does not need their lives---the country needs their brains to act pro-active.

I told you guys before that the 26th feb was just a test by the indians---. All they wanted to see was your reaction and your fire power---.

You showed them---but then your generals starting bragging about their techniques and the enemy's short comings---.

Now who can make such a big fool of themselves---only a pakistani can---.

Don't worry nothings going to happen -- we'll still knock them out. :D

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