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US clears sale of Integrated Air defence weapons to India with AMRAAM C8/AIM-120D missile

All good ideas. Its something I am sure your planners are looking at. The new jet deals make the head lines, but the amount of SAM systems going to be integrated is unlike anything India has had before. Unlike anything PAF has dealt with before. With that being said, it's going to take some time get all systems ready.
I don't think so PAF has ever dealt these things.
No, your the moron, that’s having an erection on every news coming out from across the border.

As @Signalian said nothing will satisfy the Indians who are on a buying spree, they already have assets on hand that could have denied PAF access from within our own borders on 27th of Feb but they couldn’t among other things.

Just be happy they have incompetent commanders and planners (see the other thread of their retired Air Chief) within their armed forces. It’s not alway about having the best but having a proper strategy and India besides Cold Start and other force planning have nothing.

What we need to work on is building our Armored Forces/Mechanized Units to blunt their numerical superiority on the ground, the Air Force with JF and hopefully Project AZM/FC-31 will allow us to maintain some edge in the air for time to come.

I’m pretty sure our officers are working and strategizing how to counter Indian purchases. So you need to take a chill pill.

PAF thrashed IAF back in 1965 as well but Pakistan still failed to secure IOK. All out WAR is where our own limitations surface and prevent a breakthrough.

Indians might be incompetent on average, they still have NUMBERS on their side whereas Pakistan never have enough to ALTER the game to its advantage. Both countries are locked in a perpetual stalemate of sorts over Kashmir and otherwise.

This is the problem.

Air defense systems aren't countered with air defense systems. To counter Indian air defense systems Pak will have to find some other way.

Pakistan will probably find a counter...there are few different ways
1) wild weasel types of jets(China has those that Pak can acquire)
2) stealth SOWs and stealth jets(distant future maybe with Azm)
3) air launched(from jets) decoys that look like a jet on radar.
4) saturation types of attacks to overwhelm the AD.
AMRAAM have excellent target profiling and distinguishing capabilities. I do not recall any type of countermeasure which have managed to fool AMRAAM variants. This thing WILL kill under the right circumstances.
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Red Flags have been appearing in India since the advent of F-16 up-gradation and newer Block 52+. JF-17 offers much more, its an aircraft that PAF can increase in numbers to fight a war of attrition. JF-17 is not American or European that India can lobby around by running here and there. Myth of SU-30 MKI remained up to a myth only, the french Mirage-2000 dared come close to CFL. S-400 is in the pipe line. Hopes are pinned on Rafale to join the ranks. IAF calls SU30MKI as 4.5+++ (put as many + as you want). Rafale is 4.5+. Mirage-2000 and Mig-29 are 4 Gen. So far there are US, Russian, French, Israeli, Indian systems in place for IAF.

Exactly what will put IAF at ease ? I dont think anything can put them at ease. Why didnt the SU30MKI eat up JF-17 or Mirage-III/V ? Some Indian member said up there that India has S-300, where was S-300 when PAF attacked, where was Spyder SAM ? Have a look at IAF AD/SAM inventory. It seems on paper not even a fly can pass through.

I agree with you cent per cent,Never had any doubt in capabilities of our men and equipment. If me or some one had any doubt, 27th is there to put all at ease.

What i wanted to imply through my post was that our men should not be handicapped to repeat another 27th performance (considering the new & upgraded equipment of our adversaries) if the need comes down the years just because they were not able to procure / upgrade their equipment/s because of poor financial condition.
I am hopeful we wont be disappointed rather the persons in charge know much better than us about their needs.

Dynamics have been changed by PAF through JF-17 and incoming Block III

Agreed but we should not be repeating the same mistake what was done by labeling Raptor of the east to their Su-30 (although it is a capable platform) as Jack of all & in the end look just how they were mocked.

"Very happy & more than satisfied are our operators of JF-17 of how it performed in Feb last year" is the thing we came to know thanks to PDF & its senior members & we are equally happy. Therefore what Block III will bring is one can only imagine BUT my question is this brother;

" given the financial constraint not there anymore, will our men still not want to buy / upgrade new platform/equipment ? "

We work with what we have & we plan our strategies around those constraints & we have been doing it pretty well but i think even you will agree that there is a NEED to replace stuff & a lot of it.

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Whatever is India doing---they are getting a step closer to their goals---.

What has not been clicking over the decades will click one day---because that is the Law Of The Nature---.

Nature will not always keep them down---specially when there are pakistanis there to teach them how t correct their mistakes---.

This bragging by the pakistanis will be the death sentence of the pakistanis---.

It is a simple numbers game---. A loser will only lose so many times---and then luck will favor them---.

In the end---the pakistani generals will exclaim " we are ready to lay down our lives for the country---".

The fools don't know that the country does not need their lives---the country needs their brains to act pro-active.

I told you guys before that the 26th feb was just a test by the indians---. All they wanted to see was your reaction and your fire power---.

You showed them---but then your generals starting bragging about their techniques and the enemy's short comings---.

Now who can make such a big fool of themselves---only a pakistani can---.
Yes Uncle Ji, seems that Law of the Nature is already taking it's foothold.
I mean when PDF Pakistanis start advising those running the show, I'm sure it's called something more than Internet wars....pity we couldn't advise the defenders before 26th February as what to expect and how to respond and now that those matter have delivered a sterling performance, we for whatever reason still are critical of them. There's an old saying in our part of the world,
Jis ka kaam usi ko sajhe, جس کا کام اسی کو ساجھے

It has an interesting story behind it, check it out.
Everytime I read such posts, I get pretty annoyed. How I wish India used its resources for education, sanitation, Healthcare, housing, ecological preservation, even space missions instead of keep filling the pockets of western nations through expensive arms purchases. I understand the strategic need though - still feel bad.
Everytime I read such posts, I get pretty annoyed. How I wish India used its resources for education, sanitation, Healthcare, housing, ecological preservation, even space missions instead of keep filling the pockets of western nations through expensive arms purchases. I understand the strategic need though - still feel bad.
This is $2 billion in the pockets of Uncle Sam, who is also making $5 billion from Pakistan via the recent F16 deal. Trump must be proud; he may even prepare a school chart about it and organize a press conference like he did with the Saudi king :usflag:

PAF thrashed IAF back in 1965 as well but Pakistan still failed to secure IOK. All out WAR is where our own limitations surface and prevent a breakthrough.

Indians might be incompetent on average, they still have NUMBERS on their side whereas Pakistan never have enough to ALTER the game to its advantage. Both countries are locked in a perpetual stalemate of sorts over Kashmir and otherwise.

This is the problem.

AMRAAM have excellent target profiling and distinguishing capabilities. I do not recall any type of countermeasure which have managed to fool AMRAAM variants. This thing WILL kill under the right circumstances.
1965 war was about Indus water treaty which India tried to violate prior to the war and Ayub Khan started a campaign in IOK.
Then India attacked Pakistan and Pakistan whipped their rear side, making them to run away with their tails between their legs, and Indus water treaty was reinforced.
How is that not a victory?
This is $2 billion in the pockets of Uncle Sam, who is also making $5 billion from Pakistan via the recent F16 deal. Trump must be proud; he may even prepare a school chart about it and organize a press conference like he did with the Saudi king :usflag:
Everytime I read such posts, I get pretty annoyed. How I wish India used its resources for education, sanitation, Healthcare, housing, ecological preservation, even space missions instead of keep filling the pockets of western nations through expensive arms purchases. I understand the strategic need though - still feel bad.
You Know There is a Military Budget Every year :-) And Separate Budget for others
Red Flags have been appearing in India since the advent of F-16 up-gradation and newer Block 52+. JF-17 offers much more, its an aircraft that PAF can increase in numbers to fight a war of attrition. JF-17 is not American or European that India can lobby around by running here and there. Myth of SU-30 MKI remained up to a myth only, the french Mirage-2000 dared come close to CFL. S-400 is in the pipe line. Hopes are pinned on Rafale to join the ranks. IAF calls SU30MKI as 4.5+++ (put as many + as you want). Rafale is 4.5+. Mirage-2000 and Mig-29 are 4 Gen. So far there are US, Russian, French, Israeli, Indian systems in place for IAF.

Exactly what will put IAF at ease ? I dont think anything can put them at ease. Why didnt the SU30MKI eat up JF-17 or Mirage-III/V ? Some Indian member said up there that India has S-300, where was S-300 when PAF attacked, where was Spyder SAM ? Have a look at IAF AD/SAM inventory. It seems on paper not even a fly can pass through.

Dynamics have been changed by PAF through JF-17 and incoming Block III.
isn't greenpine deployed as well?
No, your the moron, that’s having an erection on every news coming out from across the border.

As @Signalian said nothing will satisfy the Indians who are on a buying spree, they already have assets on hand that could have denied PAF access from within our own borders on 27th of Feb but they couldn’t among other things.

Just be happy they have incompetent commanders and planners (see the other thread of their retired Air Chief) within their armed forces. It’s not alway about having the best but having a proper strategy and India besides Cold Start and other force planning have nothing.

What we need to work on is building our Armored Forces/Mechanized Units to blunt their numerical superiority on the ground, the Air Force with JF and hopefully Project AZM/FC-31 will allow us to maintain some edge in the air for time to come.

I’m pretty sure our officers are working and strategizing how to counter Indian purchases. So you need to take a chill pill.


Signalion maybe a god for you---but for me he is a nobody---.
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