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US clears sale of Integrated Air defence weapons to India with AMRAAM C8/AIM-120D missile

But can’t you guys arm tejas with it ?
I dont think so we can , Tejas uses Israeli radars and imho US will allow AMRAAMs with only US fighters and radars ,not even Israeli radars

But you have S-300 , S-400, AKASH and more projects for SAM systems.
Tbh this deal looks like to avoid CAATSA for S400 purchase. Need to balance both US and Russia. But its a win win ,NASAMs 2 is a great system
Pakistan should consider buying new jet like SU 35 we are laging behing in airwarfare but rafale wont be using these AMRAAM may be india getting F 16
Pakistan should consider buying new jet like SU 35 we are laging behing in airwarfare but rafale wont be using these AMRAAM may be india getting F 16
Nope we are not , instead we may buy systems which we lack. Eg we are buying Raytheon Sentinel ISTAR.
Man u guys are upgrading your defense. Whom are u planning to attack?
Remember if US is offering u any weapons system that means its either to buy diplomatic support or your indigenous system is close to success. Guess what US refused Thaad in 2010 but no they were offering post S400.
Which one you have?
Thora ghaur karo neeche walay Goku ke reply par.
Hints : thaad rejected before, post s400 allowed. V and F-16s rejected to us before, Block 3 taking shape with AESA and PL-15, who know :-)
Remember if US is offering u any weapons system that means its either to buy diplomatic support or your indigenous system is close to success. Guess what US refused Thaad in 2010 but no they were offering post S400.
Which one you have?
We have XRSAM in progress(though not at a level of Thaad , S400 , we have our own BMD system as well). We have indigenous AWACS program , Boeing has offered their Wedgetail. Foreign imports are necessary but they slow down Indigenous development.
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