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US clears sale of Integrated Air defence weapons to India with AMRAAM C8/AIM-120D missile

Range signaficantly decreases in Ground Launched

Nope this is the stated range of this missile. Also it stands to reason that modifications were made so it is not the same missile as one used for air to air role.
As I said sometime ago at this forum India is preferred regional power for USA and I don't see change of policy any time soon so rather to comment about any particular weapon system I would say US would strengthen war fighting capabilities of Indian forces.
US uninterested in Pakistan is more of a threat than it was earlier !!!

Sides have been formed, China for Pakistan, USA for India. Russia plays the usual business but i would prefer for them to remain neutral as they are.
In other words all Russian and Israeli stuff India got is trash.

Uncle SAM was really angry over sale of s400 so it seems like a balancing act by India. Also this is a very Donaldy Trumpy deal where he told them to by his stuff as well.
Unless India commits to buy F-21 or F-18, this will not be a significant development.
And the worshipping begins. Just wait, 10 years down the line, India would be calling the AIMs as duds just like they called R-77.

On topic.
Which ground system will exactly launch AMRAAMs?
They were calling it duds last Feb.
Nope this is the stated range of this missile. Also it stands to reason that modifications were made so it is not the same missile as one used for air to air role.

There is a standard for stated range. The higher your altitude, the greater the range since AAMs rise to a calculated altitude before vectoring towards targets.

If that thing had a 180 km range, everyone would be after it... a jeep with 180 km. S-400 has a range of 400 km.

India was presented with a souvenir last year, took an year for the deal to materialize.

@Windjammer le bhai mein bhi mood mein agaya

@Mangus Ortus Novem @SIPRA
US uninterested in Pakistan is more of a threat than it was earlier !!!

Sides have been formed, China for Pakistan, USA for India. Russia plays the usual business but i would prefer for them to remain neutral as they are.
India want to be a security guarantor of Indian Ocean Region and US need another junior partner in this region, as far as Pakistan is concern it was never an ally or partner of USA and it will never be in the future as well, the nature of relationship between US and Pakistan was always transactional so interest or no interest of US in Pakistan is not a relevant question, the relevant question is :

Could India become a security gurantontor of Indian Ocean Region without securing the South Asian region as per their National perspective .... ???

and this is the stage where the threats to our National Security emerge with greater regional dimension.

I think I have said more than enough for you to draw the conclusion.
This is for NASAMs and not for fighters. Probably to protect New Delhi just like US uses it for DC.......

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