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US breathes life into a new cold war

It's not just Pakistan. Every single south Asian country is interested in deepening ties with China to offset India's rise.

As for China-India 'relationship', its a case of managing tensions so they don't get out of hand. China is more than happy to undercut India's status in south Asia though, try as it might, India has not been able to return the favor in south east Asia.

India is eating what it can digest without confronting anyone. We are simply not ready to confront China and since 1962 China hasn’t done anything which may prompt us to fight them out to the likes of Pakistan; sorry it’s not going to happen.
China’s role in south Asia is non-confronting if one sees the larger picture, period. But its influence is negligible as compare to western counties like USA who have been meaner and more forth coming with great potential to inflict harm or aid at whim. China’s posture in south Asia by the eyes of Pakistan may be of a hyper power but is laughably ineffectual as compare to USA and its allies; India trying to cosy with (rightly) as we speak.
On individual merits India and China may have many pending issues but they have wisdom to move along irrespective of those, unlike Pakistan who is paying the price more than India by having a big dead lock. We may restore to blame game by saying ‘you started first’. But the key line here is ‘who is paying the price more’.
It’s an obvious read of a Pakistani perspective who thinks/wishes any Chinese operation in south Asian countries (excluding India) is going to undercut Indian influence. But let me tell you that all south Asian countries are far more intelligent to maintain an optimum balance between India and China. They will deal with India at the cost of China if India has to offer better and vise a verse. Pakistan can be an exception here, I will say lucky to be in good terms with China when militarily teething herself but I will monitor closely how free trade with China is going to affect already compressing Pakistani economy. We all wish good to each other isn’t it?
India is eating what it can digest without confronting anyone. We are simply not ready to confront China and since 1962 China hasn’t done anything which may prompt us to fight them out to the likes of Pakistan; sorry it’s not going to happen.
China’s role in south Asia is non-confronting if one sees the larger picture, period. But its influence is negligible as compare to western counties like USA who have been meaner and more forth coming with great potential to inflict harm or aid at whim. China’s posture in south Asia by the eyes of Pakistan may be of a hyper power but is laughably ineffectual as compare to USA and its allies; India trying to cosy with (rightly) as we speak.
On individual merits India and China may have many pending issues but they have wisdom to move along irrespective of those, unlike Pakistan who is paying the price more than India by having a big dead lock. We may restore to blame game by saying ‘you started first’. But the key line here is ‘who is paying the price more’.
It’s an obvious read of a Pakistani perspective who thinks/wishes any Chinese operation in south Asian countries (excluding India) is going to undercut Indian influence. But let me tell you that all south Asian countries are far more intelligent to maintain an optimum balance between India and China. They will deal with India at the cost of China if India has to offer better and vise a verse. Pakistan can be an exception here, I will say lucky to be in good terms with China when militarily teething herself but I will monitor closely how free trade with China is going to affect already compressing Pakistani economy. We all wish good to each other isn’t it?

These points have already been discussed. Nobody, least of all Pakistan, wants a war between India and China.

Like you said, south Asian countries want a balance between India and China. Balance is the key word.
Indian desperation showing again. I only mentioned China as an external player -- it could have been any other country.

Oh dear, so now you welcome US presence in Asia??
India's true feeling come out after all.

So much for that 'Asian unity' against the west. :rofl:

The desperation you were so trying to attribute to me you gave away for yourself so clearly with your rolling emoticon. As i always say the post reveals emotion more clearly than the emoticon itself .

Anyways , Yes most Pakistanis worship China . I stick by that statement and its evident to everyone everywhere , dont blame only an Indian for saying it .

About US presence , i never said I welcomed it , but the east and south east Asian countries surely do .Plus i have never advocated any Asian unity against the west . I have never believed in this bloc mentality and neither do i think it is possible atleast in the forseeable future.
On the contrary, we are all for cooperation within Asia.

But Indians view any cooperation with China as a threat to their local hegemony and accuse China of 'using' the countries. India's view seems to be that only India should have good relations with China -- none of its neighbors should.

It is India which is the greatest obstacle to cooperation within Asia.

Too much paranoia at play here.
On the contrary, we are all for cooperation within Asia.

But Indians view any cooperation with China as a threat to their local hegemony and accuse China of 'using' the countries. India's view seems to be that only India should have good relations with China -- none of its neighbors should.

It is India which is the greatest obstacle to cooperation within Asia.

Really ?

And Terrorism from Pakistan is the biggest obstacle to world peace.
You see we will not get anywhere with these meaningless statements.:)
The desperation you were so trying to attribute to me you gave away for yourself so clearly with your rolling emoticon. As i always say the post reveals emotion more clearly than the emoticon itself .

It sure does. Indian desperation and insecurity in trying to belittle other countries' relationship with anyone outside south Asia.

From the Indian viewpoint, as I said, only India is allowed to maintain strategic relationships. When other countries do so, they are accused of worshipping or being used.

You guys really need to rein in your insecurities.

Anyways , Yes most Pakistanis worship China . I stick by that statement and its evident to everyone everywhere , dont blame only an Indian for saying it .

No. Most Pakistanis mention China only because it is the surest way to stop Indian chest beating.

About US presence , i never said I welcomed it , but the east and south east Asian countries surely do .

Don't leave India out of it. Don't be so modest.

Plus i have never advocated any Asian unity against the west . I have never believed in this bloc mentality and neither do i think it is possible atleast in the forseeable future.

This whole thread is about a supposed cold war -- Asia against the US. My whole presmise is that there is no such thing as 'Asian unity'. If you agree with me, then so much the better.
Asian unity is an evolving concept that will take time to mature.

Europeans fought two world wars before they got to their senses. One hopes we Asians can do one better.

The key will be cooperation over conflict. Major nations of Asia need to lead the way.
The Asians will have to understand this for their own good. The mere act of signing a deal with a major Western nation creates suspicion in the neighborhood.

How often we hear Nato saying 'Nato is united on this issue.' That proclamation serves specific purposes.

Asian nations will have to figure this out on their own.
Firstly, I took your post as a sort of "personal" attack or insult. If that was not intended, okay.

Anyways, I'm not attacking China but I am simply stating my opinions and issues with its affairs concerning other countries. I am entitled to do so. Also, I agree that it is a good thing for our country to have a diverse set of views. Only up to a point though. Supporting a foreign country over your home country is inherently wrong to me. Perhaps, there are exceptions albeit very rare.

Right to take a freedom of stance on China? When did I say you could not? I simply made the claim you seemed pro-China in many aspects and as an American, it seemed worrying because the US disagrees or has issues with China on many different things. Furthermore, from your posts, it seemed that you were more concerned for China and its rise (well-being, etc.) than the country you live in. I completely disagree with that view but you are entitled to it.

I don't understand how being pro-China is anti-American. American sovereignty or American existence is not being directly threaten by China.
Exhibit A.

The India troll brigade reponding to itself....

It is this Indian tendency to attack any thread as a mob and further each other's agenda by building up on each other's posts is the reason Indians have a reputation for lowering the quality of threads.

I thought I was a part of the "damage control brigade"! Did that change to the "troll brigade" recently?

May one have the honor of a list of all the hallucinations in one go? Would just make life so much easier. ;)
On the contrary, we are all for cooperation within Asia.

But Indians view any cooperation with China as a threat to their local hegemony and accuse China of 'using' the countries. India's view seems to be that only India should have good relations with China -- none of its neighbors should.

It is India which is the greatest obstacle to cooperation within Asia.

Would really appreciate some facts that prove your hypothesis.

Of course, I believe there is something in the ghutti that makes many of you believe so. You have a chance to prove otherwise.
It is not me, but you Indians who claimed that countries look to the US to counter China's rise in Asia.

And it is you Pakistanis that claimed the same about South Asians looking to China to counter India.

We Indians just showed you an analogy. Of course, you had to jump on it to show why Asian cooperation can't work. ;)

BTW, it is really touching to see the devotion you guys have for China. If 1% of that had been reserved for your own country, things could have been so different.
I thought I was a part of the "damage control brigade"! Did that change to the "troll brigade" recently?

May one have the honor of a list of all the hallucinations in one go? Would just make life so much easier. ;)

Still smarting, eh? ;)

Would really appreciate some facts that prove your hypothesis.

Of course, I believe there is something in the ghutti that makes many of you believe so. You have a chance to prove otherwise.

The posts by Indians on this thread alone is indicative of the Indian mindset. You guys think India's relationships with the West are legitimate, but you are terminally insecure about other countries pursuing similar relationships. You accuse China of 'using' other countries. You accuse others of worshipping China. It does not occur to Indians that every country has the right to look out for their own self-interests.

Bouyed by all the Western hoopla, India gets all huffed and puffed with self-importance, and goes marching around south Asia acting like the big daddy. Then a tiny little country like Sri Lanka tells India to buzz off and stop sticking its nose in their internal affairs.
And it is you Pakistanis that claimed the same about South Asians looking to China to counter India.

We Indians just showed you an analogy. Of course, you had to jump on it to show why Asian cooperation can't work. ;)

The subject here is Asian unity. China is part of Asia, the US isn't.

Any cooperation with China is within the realm of 'Asian unity'. Unlike the US.

You guys just let slip out the fact by mistake that you view China as an adversary.

Better don that damage control hat once again and issue statements about 'hindi chini bhai bhai'. Yeah, mate, Asian unity all the way.... ;)

We promise we'll ignore your slipups where you justify and validate US meddling in Asia to 'counter China'.

BTW, it is really touching to see the devotion you guys have for China. If 1% of that had been reserved for your own country, things could have been so different.

Still upset about Pak-China relationship, eh?

No worries. It tells us all we need to know about India's vision of 'Asian unity'.

Just knowing how much it burns you up gives us immense pleasure! :D
Still smarting, eh? ;)

A list would have been a better substitute.

The posts by Indians on this thread alone is indicative of the Indian mindset. You guys think India's relationships with the West are legitimate, but you are terminally insecure about other countries pursuing similar relationships. You accuse China of 'using' other countries. You accuse others of worshipping China. It does not occur to Indians that every country has the right to look out for their own self-interests.

I asked for facts and all you have is this!

Is this all you can conjure up? This was the basis for your big statements?

Bouyed by all the Western hoopla, India gets all huffed and puffed with self-importance, and goes marching around south Asia acting like the big daddy. Then a tiny little country like Sri Lanka tells India to buzz off and stop sticking its nose in their internal affairs.


Ghutti was strong and the effects are visible for all to see.

BTW, do you know there is a difference between facts and opinions? I care more for the former.
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