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US blocked transfer of Jordanian F-16s to Pakistan

Why does Pakistan even bother with F-16s ? JF-17 seems to be as capable of an aircraft, why not invest in it more and make it more of a capable platform ?

" SEEN COMBAT " is an old fairy tale from an outdated fighter pilot's biography---.

Today---all aircraft's inducted into an air forces of the world are battle tested---that is done thru simulation of real battle conditions during training---.

So---that term does not hold any value at all.

That is why the Paf got fckd up regarding the Rafale---said it was not battle tested---what idiots---off course it was " battle tested " it is the premium leading aircraft of the world #2 super power---France---"---by the time it got battle tested for Paf's sake in Libya---the aircraft got out of the reach of Paf / Pakistan---.

So---please take that term out of the vocabulary---all weapons once integrated are " battle tested and are battle ready ".
Trainings and war situations cannot be alike, no matter how you put it, whether as a fairy tale or a biography. Trainings can be stretched to come close to war situations, but the variables will always be different and thats what makes a difference.

The term may not hold a value for you, but it does hold a value for troops and machines that are thrown in real combat. Coming back to SU34 and JH-7, the former still has many positives over the latter. Juggling on and about one point doesn't sound too convincing.

Its expected from you to turn your guns towards PAF during your posts which is why i almost stopped quoting you. Im not PAF, im not even talking about PLAAF or even Russian Air Force, just the machines and their capabilities. The way you bring in PAF squeezes out the interest from the posts and replying them.
Why does Pakistan even bother with F-16s ? JF-17 seems to be as capable of an aircraft, why not invest in it more and make it more of a capable platform ?
We bought 13 F-16 from Jordan in cost of 3 JF-17, but our main problem is the number of BVR capable fighters which are very low as compare to our enemy, so induction of secondhand F-16 address this specific issue. Additionally secondhand F-16s are advantageous for as due to the PAF's infrastructure to support F-16 which can absorb few more F-16 with the savings in terms of Finance & Time
Trainings and war situations cannot be alike, no matter how you put it, whether as a fairy tale or a biography. Trainings can be stretched to come close to war situations, but the variables will always be different and thats what makes a difference.

The term may not hold a value for you, but it does hold a value for troops and machines that are thrown in real combat. Coming back to SU34 and JH-7, the former still has many positives over the latter. Juggling on and about one point doesn't sound too convincing.

Its expected from you to turn your guns towards PAF during your posts which is why i almost stopped quoting you. Im not PAF, im not even talking about PLAAF or even Russian Air Force, just the machines and their capabilities. The way you bring in PAF squeezes out the interest from the posts and replying them.


Seems like you are arguing just for the sake of it---.

Every system that has been field tested successfully prior to battle---has come out successful in battle---. The failure only occurred if their was deception behind the field testing / war games / war exercises / battle condition testing---.

A successful training leads to a successful response in war---there are no other measurements of testing.

Positive is " what is available "---if it is not available readily---it does not EXIST---.

Wars only give you the limitations of your equipment and manpower---but then that is the universal truth for all the militaries---.
Israel has retired 40 F-16 A/B and these birds are ready to be sold to the right customer.
Israel has retired 40 F-16 A/B and these birds are ready to be sold to the right customer.
The Pak government will never order them as they have a clause in their passports to satisfy the Arab world to not recognise the State of Israel. Not that it benefits them but that's the way some things are...
The Pak government will never order them as they have a clause in their passports to satisfy the Arab world to not recognise the State of Israel. Not that it benefits them but that's the way some things are...
Via Jordan or Turkey
Israel has retired 40 F-16 A/B and these birds are ready to be sold to the right customer.
They have C130 around 12 of them in Stock as well .All F16s I heard SUFA upgrades would be a treasure for PAF .
They have C130 around 12 of them in Stock as well .All F16s I heard SUFA upgrades would be a treasure for PAF .

there are huge bunch of surplus since late 1990s in europe, for some reason wither we didnt purse them or we were not allowed in 2000s. ...given that countries like Romania got them around 20M a piece with training and spares , i doubt price was an issue, i think we were simply not allowed to..

Pakistan diplomacy regarding weapons procurement has been very shitty since mushi left, we have gotten nothing special in EDA since he left(all P3C orions, f-16s, other weapons were his time achievements)...

i doubt this has anything to do with Washington , it is due to poor diplomacy from our side, well, forget about poor, we had NO diplomacy in nawaz sharif era

f-16s whole advantage lied in huge chain of supplies and prospect of cheaper used f-16 down the line, i think Pakistan didnt cash on that advantage due to poor diplomatic efforts
Israel has retired 40 F-16 A/B and these birds are ready to be sold to the right customer.

The Israelis are strategic allies with India. Do you think they will sell them to us? Oh they are already investigating a case where some Israeli technology made its way to Pakistan via a Turkish firm. Probably that was the refuelling trucks ordered from Turkey in Musharraf era. There was a thread on that here
there are huge bunch of surplus since late 1990s in europe, for some reason wither we didnt purse them or we were not allowed in 2000s. ...given that countries like Romania got them around 20M a piece with training and spares , i doubt price was an issue, i think we were simply not allowed to..

Pakistan diplomacy regarding weapons procurement has been very shitty since mushi left, we have gotten nothing special in EDA since he left(all P3C orions, f-16s, other weapons were his time achievements)...

i doubt this has anything to do with Washington , it is due to poor diplomacy from our side, well, forget about poor, we had NO diplomacy in nawaz sharif era

f-16s whole advantage lied in huge chain of supplies and prospect of cheaper used f-16 down the line, i think Pakistan didnt cash on that advantage due to poor diplomatic efforts
If selling the blood of there country men and creating anarchy gives you good diplomacy its better to be bad diplomatic country .Apologies in advance for OFF TOPIC
If selling the blood of there country men and creating anarchy gives you good diplomacy its better to be bad diplomatic country .Apologies in advance for OFF TOPIC

and waht did nawaz and PPPP did
i think they sold more people via killed drone attack, sold more of our country "left over" honor by allowing foreign raid

i dont support any one of the above....
and waht did nawaz and PPPP did
i think they sold more people via killed drone attack, sold more of our country "left over" honor by allowing foreign raid

i dont support any one of the above....
Please read a book in the market name "in the line of fire"

And author the president of Pakistan admitted to even take money for kids .
FOr PPP & PML if you have any proof we all are ears

Secret memos 'show Pakistan endorsed US drone strikes'
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