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US Bill On Balochistan

Pakistan is a Islamic Republic. All the laws are bound to be in the limits of Islamic sharia'ah. Sharia'ah laws are already there in Pakistan, just not enforced yet.
So what is enforced, exactly? Tribal law? The diktat of petty little tyrants?
We need to establish writ of estate in FATA, Balochistan and all other lawless regions before other powers take advantage of our weakness. It is now or never folks.

Pakistan Army can't be all spread out. Focus on one area. Right now Military operations in Balochistan is needed, and Pakistan Army should show no mercy to BLA terrorists. Balochistan is the largest province and more strategically important than FATA. Let Pakhtun tribes take care of FATA.
We need to establish writ of estate in FATA, Balochistan and all other lawless regions before other powers take advantage of our weakness. It is now or never folks.

This bill clearly vindicates Musharraf's stand in not going against or possibly head on with the sole super power of this world and confronting radical outfits. Nonetheless, I do not believe this would pass through but this should be an eye opener for those who want lawless regions of Pakistan to remain in the hands of barbaric animals who are hell bent in destroying our country.


Drive those barbarics and terrorists out from Pakistani soil. It will help Pakistan a lot by improving the situation in Pakistan as well as by improving its relations with its neighbors.
Please dont mistake Pakistan with Israel.
C'mon superkaif, you can do better than that. A google search will show you that even Arabs in the West Bank have access to the highest courts of Israel.

How can any one ever lift themselves and their country up to a higher plane of spiritual and material existence if one nurtures such excessive pride that he or she becomes blind to reality?
All this issue can be normalized if ISI stops killing.
Rather they should just focus on controlling the border, looking for Indians and Americans who come in illegally to support this movement....
It is nothing of serious nature. US can have all resolutions as it wants, this is not going to change anything. They have already had thousands of such resolutions against Iran, what could they do? Zilch. Absolutely nothing. Recently US has been becoming more and more anti-Pakistan, forgetting all we have done for it whether when we introduced them to Chinese and made them friends or when we helped them to break up USSR. Now they have chosen to side against us and favor India giving it nuclear technology, military hardware and trillions of dollars in economic deals. That is ok. We are seeing all this with patience. But when time comes, Pakistan will go the Iran way and then we will see what US will do then. Infact Pakistan should band in with Iran, Venezuela, China and Belarus since the American ship is sinking fast in 21st century and Pakistan should not be on it when it goes down:

How The U.S. Will Become A 3rd World Country (Part 1) | ZeroHedge

How The U.S. Will Become a 3rd World Country (Part 2) | ZeroHedge

C'mon superkaif, you can do better than that. A google search will show you that even Arabs in the West Bank have access to the highest courts of Israel.

How can any one ever lift themselves and their country up to a higher plane of spiritual and material existence if one nurtures such excessive pride that he or she becomes blind to reality?

I think its really funny that you of all people can talk about "blind to reality" and "a higher plane of spiritual and material existance " when every post that you put up here is smothered with your blind hatred and rage for our nation. A man (if you are a man) that spends so much time on a site belonging to a nation that you hate so so much shows us the mindset you have. Each post you put up here is laced with cyanide. This blind hatred and rage you have is shown by the ever frequent pink bikini you wear.
When you attempt to point out the faults or the present situation in Baluchistan to us is difficult to accept your "crocodile" concern judging by your past record. It will and is always a part of Pakistan An intergral part of our nation that must aquire our attention - and in due course will.
Goodnight Solomon2.
Pakistan Army can't be all spread out. Focus on one area. Right now Military operations in Balochistan is needed, and Pakistan Army should show no mercy to BLA terrorists. Balochistan is the largest province and more strategically important than FATA. Let Pakhtun tribes take care of FATA.

Military operation is not the solution right now. It will create more resistance among Balochis... We need to learn from 71...

The fact is, already, Pak Army is fighting on many fronts i.e. India, Tribal Areas, Afghanistan border, U.S., and even if we had to do an operation in the Baloch region, we won't be powerful enough. I think the Sri Lankans have shown that they can die, but can never let Tamils free the land they want. Unfortunately, apart from Pak Army, our government and our local citizens are a bit careless. We need to be nationalists if we want to prevent such kind of resistance. A strong nationalist will always be successful...

We also need to play smart. Trying to have good relations with Afghanistan will help us understand the ins and outs of the country, especially the movements of Americans and Indians....

Just like what India did when Sikhs were after the Khalistan movement, we need to promote Balochi locals to high level to make them happy. I don't think sikhs now ever think about their movement. As of now they know that their Prime Minister is one of them and so is their army. Economically, they are in prosperity, From what other reasons would they want to be free from.???
All this issue can be normalized if ISI stops killing.
Rather they should just focus on controlling the border, looking for Indians and Americans who come in illegally to support this movement....

ISI has been caught in this cross firing. It is not only Americans and Indians. Mossad is also operating there as reports confirm. There is a bigger game going on and Americans want to have a passage to Afghanistan without Pakistan and also Israelis want to weaken Iran: False Flag - By Mark Perry | Foreign Policy
ISI has been caught in this cross firing. It is not only Americans and Indians. Mossad is also operating there as reports confirm. There is a bigger game going on and Americans want to have a passage to Afghanistan without Pakistan and also Israelis want to weaken Iran: False Flag - By Mark Perry | Foreign Policy

The we need to play smart. We need to have good relations with Iran so they can help us crack down Mosad related organizations... I am sure, they will want to take part. It is obligatory for them to protect their sovereign from Israel...
If this is passed in congress it is effectively a declaration of war. Just the fact that US officials are mentioning the word 'Baluchistan' shows their post-Afghanistan intentions. In the long-term they are Pakistan's enemy.

There can be no military action in Baluchistan, peaceful action must go into overdrive to win over the Baluchi people and make them feel part of Pakistan.
The we need to play smart. We need to have good relations with Iran so they can help us crack down Mosad related organizations... I am sure, they will want to take part. It is obligatory for them to protect their sovereign from Israel...

Yeah, only if we could make a powerful alliance with Iran. It would be wonderful and will become our biggest leverage against American bullying and Mossad supported terrorism in Pakistan.
If this is passed in congress it is effectively a declaration of war. Just the fact that US officials are mentioning the word 'Baluchistan' shows their post-Afghanistan intentions. In the long-term they are Pakistan's enemy.

There can be no military action in Baluchistan, peaceful action must go into overdrive to win over the Baluchi people and make them feel part of Pakistan.

It isn't going to be passed. Agreed with the later part of your post.
self determination??????i think done their choice in 1947?US is going crazy like USSR in their last days

---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 PM ----------

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