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US Bill On Balochistan

You'd think the massive US debt, increasing poverty, inter ethnic tensions would take up the time of these four US politicians, but alas playing Caesar seems to be their passion and they will continue to play the fiddle of another ever so fateful roman emperor and things burn down around them.

There is a reason why all these things are not affecting the United States as much as the world wants it to.

1) Regarding Debt-
We all love to quote that USA has more than 14 trillion of debt. But, we do not look at the break up of the debt. Nearly 10 trillion to 11 trillion of the debt is internal and hence, USA can easily default these without any external threats. Hence, if we look at the remaining debt, which is external, it is around 40 - 50 percent of its GDP. This is still very high but not enough for USA to crumble.

2) Increasing Poverty-
They are still amongst the developed nations with a very high per capita income.

3) Inter ethnic tensions -
Not so highly prevailent in USA.

And yes, they do love to play the game of WORLD POLICE :P
But then, you need someone to do this (though not in this manner).
its simple case of blackmailing pakistan if still not wakeup from sleeping it will be too late . at least sermon US envoy and give him a massage :hitwall: they are making program of break of pakistan and islamabad pindi is sleeping tight tonight .now its same like 1971 for me that time also we take it easy til 16dec .:angry:
Your sources are the same who assured us that nothing wrong is going to happen in East Pakistan.This really same institution lost our land to enemy and we did not even knew for days in 1980s,

the whole media and civil society are telling us about the excess in Baluchistan but we are not listening to them because we do not want to listen,

There may be few excess but it doesn't change the fact that media is telling you and us the half truth. And half truth is more dangerous than the full lie.

1 The media might tell you that there are 340 missing persons dead bodies have been found in Baluchistan in past one year. All of them are Baloch or not is a different issue.

But what media isn't telling you

1 Media isn't telling you that over 1200 Punjabis and Urdu speakers have been killin in past four years. And these killings started much before the missing persons issue.

2 Media also doesn't tell you that in past one year around 180 Bugti's have been killed by IED's planted by Baloch militants loyal to Barahmadagh.

There are many other things that media doesn't tell you but still do search here on internet and try to learn Baluchistan issue by those journalists who have actually traveled to Baluchistan not those who just keep whining about Army and ISI sitting in Islamabad and Karachi.

---------- Post added at 02:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 AM ----------

its simple case of blackmailing pakistan if still not wakeup from sleeping it will be too late . at least sermon US envoy and give him a massage :hitwall: they are making program of break of pakistan and islamabad pindi is sleeping tight tonight .now its same like 1971 for me that time also we take it easy til 16dec .:angry:

Nahi hota Imran bhai 1971. Baifikar raho. :)
its simple case of blackmailing pakistan if still not wakeup from sleeping it will be too late . at least sermon US envoy and give him a massage :hitwall: they are making program of break of pakistan and islamabad pindi is sleeping tight tonight .now its same like 1971 for me that time also we take it easy til 16dec .:angry:

Yes. Military operations in Balochistan is in Pakistan's national interests while military operations in Waziristan is not. Pakhtun tribes in Waziristan are not separatists, if they want to establish Sharia law in FATA let them.
Baluchistan comprises of 40& of pukhtun population, plus they have many punjabis in there area and offcourse the baluch nationalism is not great because they are divided into makranis, turbatis, khuzdars and different districts which have their own language.
Second thing is their local population is with pakistan and they hate Sardars.
Happy to see the resolution because it will help the local to know the reality that how world powers interferes in that area.
yaar kab tak ? they start it doing openly and we sit in homes watching them ? if they did like this with india or even iraq responce will be not same like ours :angry:

Yeah I know our response is pathetic. But believe me 1971 isn't possible with Baluchistan. Wait and watch.
Yes. Military operations in Balochistan is in Pakistan's national interests while military operations in Waziristan is not. Pakhtun tribes in Waziristan are not separatists, if they want to establish Sharia law in FATA let them.
And since that's about establishing Sharia law independent of Pakistani courts, if they want to screw Pakistani citizens it's O.K. to let them do so? What a great thing it is being a Pakistani citizen!
And since that's about establishing Sharia law independent of Pakistani courts, if they want to screw Pakistani citizens it's O.K. to let them do so? What a great thing it is being a Pakistani citizen!

FATA was always an autonomous region of Pakistan. The founder of Pakistan wanted Pakistan's provinces to be autonomous. He wanted each province to make it own laws like U.S. founding fathers wanted for the United States.

And Pakistan had no problem with Waziristan before U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. In fact, Waziristan was the most peaceful part of Pakistan.

Pakistanis are almost all Muslims. If they want to visit Waziristan or live in Waziristan they must follow the laws of Waziristan even if it happens to be Sharia Law. Most Pakistanis outside of Pakistan live in Saudi Arabia and that country also has Sharia Law. So it won't be a problem for Pakistanis.
India currently is in a better position then pakistan now.

india doesn't share a border with war torn Afghanistan where foreign intelligence agencies are helping the enemies of Pakistan. india doesn't have to deal with U.S. drones flying over its territory and killing indian citizens.

Pakistan was also in a better position than before U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.
Balochistan has much more chance of becoming the new 'Kurdistan' as compared to East Pakistan.

Very true and that's the worst part. This is the biggest fear and this is something which we should try to avoid at any cost.
FATA was always an autonomous region of Pakistan. The founder of Pakistan wanted Pakistan's provinces to be autonomous. He wanted each province to make it own laws like U.S. founding fathers wanted for the United States.

And Pakistan had no problem with Waziristan before U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. In fact, Waziristan was the most peaceful part of Pakistan.

Pakistanis are almost all Muslims. If they want to visit Waziristan or live in Waziristan they must follow the laws of Waziristan even if it happens to be Sharia Law. Most Pakistanis outside of Pakistan live in Saudi Arabia and that country also has Sharia Law. So it won't be a problem for Pakistanis.

To add to that. Why do people speak without any research? Pakistan is a Islamic Republic. All the laws are bound to be in the limits of Islamic sharia'ah. Sharia'ah laws are already there in Pakistan, just not enforced yet.
Too much sensationalism in the article by the way. Sleepless nights. Lol.
Wait wait wait, no "innate right of self determination" for the Palestinians????? what about Kashmiris?? These people have been "oppressed" for more than several decades! Yet when some separatist Balochis rebel against Pakistan, and she tries to put them out of the picture to protect it's sovereignty, Uncle Sam must pass a bill to protect and support these Balochis (more than half of who don't want to separate from Pak anyway)!!!
IS AMERICA OUR FRIEND OR NOT??? They have played double games with us since 1947, I don't think they are
We need to establish writ of estate in FATA, Balochistan and all other lawless regions before other powers take advantage of our weakness. It is now or never folks.

This bill clearly vindicates Musharraf's stand in not going against or possibly head on with the sole super power of this world and confronting radical outfits. Nonetheless, I do not believe this would pass through but this should be an eye opener for those who want lawless regions of Pakistan to remain in the hands of barbaric animals who are hell bent in destroying our country.
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