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US biggest ‘threat’ to China, says top Chinese military expert

No. I don’t think US should collapse since it will generate a disaster as the world power structure left vacuum, just as I don’t think CPC should collapse as the power structure in China left vacuum.

If this thing indeed happens, chaos is the result in both cases.

Is it strange that US to the world is CPC to China? No.

The people of the world love US just as the people of China love CPC; the people of the world hate US just like the people of China hate CPC.

Not everyone in the world love and hate the United States and the CPC, the way CNN purports them to be.

I, for one, dislike Americans with a passion, though am not a fan of the CPC.

I also have many friends who reveres authoritarian capitalism for its efficiency. Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany are very good examples of this. Both of which were hardcore copy cats prior to WWII but emerged as huge inventors and innovators during and after the war. One has to learn before he can innovate. Is it ironic how we invest more in education, where most of the copying and re-invention of anyone's life take place?

Correct...Not as a totality...Because an alliance of functional democratic states, led by US, shattered that communist unity, led by the USSR and China, who also had their hands into everyone else's backyards. I hope you are not as stupid as you sound.

1) East Europe and central Asia were part of the Russian empire. The Russians were the ones who broke them into socialist republics in exchange for support in overthrowing Tsar (Nicholas II at the time), not America.

2) What are you talking about? The United States never shattered communist unity. It was the Sino-Soviet split, instigated by Mao, which disrupted unity. His huge ego led him to believe that he should lead the Soviet Union and all other communist states.

3) However, if you mean the United States and Europe largely contributed through the Arms Race, then yes, But the Sino-Soviet, which forced Russia to stay alert on 2 fronts (3 if Afghanistan is included), was the main cause to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

4) You should research more into communism before reiterating generalizations from your parents.
Not everyone in the world love and hate the United States and the CPC, the way CNN purports them to be.
Is CNN the only news source available to US?

I, for one, dislike Americans with a passion, though am not a fan of the CPC.
Do not care.

I also have many friends who reveres authoritarian capitalism for its efficiency. Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany are very good examples of this. Both of which were hardcore copy cats prior to WWII but emerged as huge inventors and innovators during and after the war. One has to learn before he can innovate. Is it ironic how we invest more in education, where most of the copying and re-invention of anyone's life take place?
Does their efficiencies made their bloody atrocities more palatable?

1) East Europe and central Asia were part of the Russian empire. The Russians were the ones who broke them into socialist republics in exchange for support in overthrowing Tsar (Nicholas II at the time), not America.

2) What are you talking about? The United States never shattered communist unity. It was the Sino-Soviet split, instigated by Mao, which disrupted unity. His huge ego led him to believe that he should lead the Soviet Union and all other communist states.

3) However, if you mean the United States and Europe largely contributed through the Arms Race, then yes, But the Sino-Soviet, which forced Russia to stay alert on 2 fronts (3 if Afghanistan is included), was the main cause to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The internal rivalries of the communist bloc are really no different than that which exists among the functional democracies. But both sides also realized that they need to be unified behind a leader, be it the US and the USSR. Or Great Britain and China. The point here is that the leader of the communist bloc collapsed, ignobly and spectacularly, not because of the most prominent internal rivalry, but because of that leader's failure to compete and make gains against the other side. If it was China who was the leader of the communist bloc, given communism's inability to compete on the economic front, the outcome would have the same, an ignoble and spectacular collapse for China.

4) You should research more into communism before reiterating generalizations from your parents.
I was in East Berlin, as an adult serving in the USAF, when it existed. I saw the contrasts between the two sides. If West Berlin was day, then East Berlin was night and a dreary one at that. If West Berlin was fine cuisine, then East Berlin was offal and both sides knew it. The graves of East Berliners who tried to find fine cuisine and were shot for their desire for freedoms are still there. Generalizations are easy to make but once supported by actual experience they are even easier to believe. I take it that with this comment, you are too young to know what Cold War era communism and communist life were like. So what does that say about your generalizations?
<2) What are you talking about? The United States never shattered communist unity.>

Of course many know this.

<It was the Sino-Soviet split, instigated by Mao, which disrupted unity. His huge ego led him to believe that he should lead the Soviet Union and all other communist states. >

I don't think this is totally correct in referring to Mao's ego that led to the split. Stalin who was the leader of USSR at the time advised Mao to join Chiang Kai Shek to fight the Japanese but Mao decided to fight both fronts (Chiang and Japanese).

Yes, it's true that Mao wanted to be the leader after Stalin died but I don't think there was ever a solid unity between USSR and China.

USSR reneged in helping China to develop nuclear weapons and supported India in Sino-India war.
Gambit i wonder if you saw south vietnam pre-liberation and post-liberation.

it was also day and night. south vietnam was a colonial hellhole ruled by CIA "democracy" before it was freed by North Vietnam, now it's the vibrant center of vietnam's export based economy. tiny vietnam's GDP is already half of india's and rising.

also, Afghanistan under the Soviet Union had women's rights, a relatively modern air force, little opium production and was not the poorest country in the world. Under the Afghan rebels (now known as the Taliban) and Al Qaeda which the US carefully created and funded, including Osama Bin Laden, they turned a country on the rise to a country in decline. afghanistan is now a hotbed of terrorism, drugs and women's rights abuses.

Anyone with logic can deduce that in fact it was the sole responsibility of the US that it was attacked on 9-11, assuming it was not actually carried out by the CIA.
Gambit i wonder if you saw south vietnam pre-liberation and post-liberation.
Yes I have. Today...The majority of Viet Nam, North and South, are borned after unification and they have nothing but contempt for communism. They see Viet Kieus like myself as what they should be, but no thanks to the old communist guards. I have spoken to NVA and VC veterans who privately admitted they were wrong. If in vino veritas has any truth in it, then my tactic of plying them with liquor worked well beyond expectations...:lol:

it was also day and night. south vietnam was a colonial hellhole ruled by CIA "democracy" before it was freed by North Vietnam, now it's the vibrant center of vietnam's export based economy. tiny vietnam's GDP is already half of india's and rising.
:rofl: Freed? Freed from what? During the war, the flow of refugees were consistently North-South. If SVN was so terrible, then why did those Northern Viets risked their lives to go from bad to worse? If unified Viet Nam today is 'vibrant' it is as certain that the sky is blue that such vibrancy DID NOT come from the failed communist economic model. During the war, it was acknowledged by the international community that no matter how flawed SVN was, its economic status and output were superior to NVN.

also, Afghanistan under the Soviet Union had women's rights, a relatively modern air force, little opium production and was not the poorest country in the world. Under the Afghan rebels (now known as the Taliban) and Al Qaeda which the US carefully created and funded, including Osama Bin Laden, they turned a country on the rise to a country in decline. afghanistan is now a hotbed of terrorism, drugs and women's rights abuses.
Then why did communism failed to gain VOLUNTARY acceptance worldwide? We do not see Americans in rickety homemade rafts fleeing to Cuba, do we? There are East Berliners' graves trying to escape to West Berlin, not vice versa. Why not? Whatever few freedoms the Soviets gave to Afghanistan, it was not because they believed in them but because the Kremlin realized that they were necessary to somewhat modernize a backward country to better serve the Soviet cause.

Anyone with logic can deduce that in fact it was the sole responsibility of the US that it was attacked on 9-11, assuming it was not actually carried out by the CIA.
Anyone with logic have deduced that these are loony 9/11 conspiracy theories that does not and did not stand up to logic and reason.
WARNING: DO NOT discuss ideology with Gambit he is a right winger (although he likes to use that diplomatic word conservative).

He is an Amerisian, I guess.

He once claimed to be a Vietnamese but he strikingly support Americans who raped and bastardized almost the whole of Vietnamese population during the invasion on Vietnam.

Well, America also systematically and in an organized way bastardized the entire Philippine population during the invasion.

American atrocities

General Jacob H. Smith's infamous order "KILL EVERY ONE OVER TEN" was the caption in the New York Journal cartoon on May 5, 1902. The Old Glory draped an American shield on which a vulture replaced the bald eagle. The bottom caption exclaimed, "Criminals Because They Were Born Ten Years Before We Took the Philippines". Published in the New York Journal-American, May 5, 1902.
In 1908 Manuel Arellano Remondo, in General Geography of the Philippine Islands, wrote: “The population decreased due to the wars, in the five-year period from 1895 to 1900, since, at the start of the first insurrection, the population was estimated at 9,000,000, and at present (1908), the inhabitants of the Archipelago do not exceed 8,000,000 in number.”[71]
United States attacks into the countryside often included scorched earth campaigns[60] where entire villages were burned and destroyed, torture (water cure[72]) and the concentration of civilians into "protected zones"[73]. Many of the civilian casualties resulted from disease and famine.

In November 1901, the Manila correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger reported:"The present war is no bloodless, opera bouffe engagement; our men have been relentless, have killed to exterminate men, women, children, prisoners and captives, active insurgents and suspected people from lads of ten up, the idea prevailing that the Filipino as such was little better than a dog...."[74]
In an article, We Charge Genocide: A Brief History of US in the Philippines, appearing in the December, 2005 issue of Political Affairs (the official magazine of the Communist Party USA), E. San Juan, Jr., director of the Philippines Cultural Studies Center, Connecticut, argued that during the Philippine–American War (1899–1902) and pacification campaign (1902–1913), the operations launched by the U.S. against the Filipinos, an integral part of its pacification program, which they quoted as claiming the lives 1.4 million Filipinos, constituted genocide.[75]

Philippine?American War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just search the word Amerisian to know more.
<He is an Amerisian, I guess.> Hey thanks there Communist.

I've been trying to figure out why would a right winger hang around at this web site (where you see PRC flag flying majestically). So, that info could explain why.

<Well, America also systematically and in an organized way bastardized the entire Philippine population during the invasion.>

When the US military occupied Philippines. The nothing to do soldiers would hunt down Filipinos as if they were game animals.
First of all, stop the BS, common Americans don't hate Chinese or China, only some fanatic hard-core so called Americans do.

Hey, gambit, why the hell you waste your valuable time shooting
trash here, do you think you got better things to do like go back to Vietnam to start a revolution, over throw the "Evil Vietnamese communist regime ? Reclaim the "Glory" of south-Vietnam, kill all those evil viet-commie, what say ?

Go gambit Go, do it before its too late since you said you were from the cold war era, time is running out for you !! Do it now !!

Btw, the Vietnam war never end in US, i got quite a few Vietnamese friends here from south and north, and they still hate each other's gut, especially those from the south, they insult and making fun of the accent of the north, really sad.:cry:
Yes I have. Today...The majority of Viet Nam, North and South, are borned after unification and they have nothing but contempt for communism. They see Viet Kieus like myself as what they should be, but no thanks to the old communist guards. I have spoken to NVA and VC veterans who privately admitted they were wrong. If in vino veritas has any truth in it, then my tactic of plying them with liquor worked well beyond expectations...:lol:

:rofl: Freed? Freed from what? During the war, the flow of refugees were consistently North-South. If SVN was so terrible, then why did those Northern Viets risked their lives to go from bad to worse? If unified Viet Nam today is 'vibrant' it is as certain that the sky is blue that such vibrancy DID NOT come from the failed communist economic model. During the war, it was acknowledged by the international community that no matter how flawed SVN was, its economic status and output were superior to NVN.

Then why did communism failed to gain VOLUNTARY acceptance worldwide? We do not see Americans in rickety homemade rafts fleeing to Cuba, do we? There are East Berliners' graves trying to escape to West Berlin, not vice versa. Why not? Whatever few freedoms the Soviets gave to Afghanistan, it was not because they believed in them but because the Kremlin realized that they were necessary to somewhat modernize a backward country to better serve the Soviet cause.

Anyone with logic have deduced that these are loony 9/11 conspiracy theories that does not and did not stand up to logic and reason.

Hmm, what about the whole thing about South Vietnamese fleeing Vietnam? Looks like they're fleeing from a capitalist country about to collapse to me.

What about free and democratic phillipines having its major export to china being domestic servants?

i find it hilarious that the south vietnamese flag still exists, but only in the US. they're admitting that their ideology is weak and pathetic, and can only survive with the aid of the white man. south vietnam collapsed in 2 years without the help of whites. the SOCIALIST republic of VIETNAM is now 35.
First of all, stop the BS, common Americans don't hate Chinese or China, only some fanatic hard-core so called Americans do.

Hey, gambit, why the hell you waste your valuable time shooting
trash here, do you think you got better things to do like go back to Vietnam to start a revolution, over throw the "Evil Vietnamese communist regime ? Reclaim the "Glory" of south-Vietnam, kill all those evil viet-commie, what say ?

Go gambit Go, do it before its too late since you said you were from the cold war era, time is running out for you !! Do it now !!

Btw, the Vietnam war never end in US, i got quite a few Vietnamese friends here from south and north, and they still hate each other's gut, especially those from the south, they insult and making fun of the accent of the north, really sad.:cry:
I have...And it is working. My visits and communications to my fellow Viets exposes the flaws of communism and how it failed Viet Nam, then and now. As pointed out here in other discussions, revolutions does not need to be bloody. The pressure of the Vietnamese people is constant and its scope is wide. The communist 'old guards' are slowly dying, physically and intellectually. Just like how Leningrad had its name changed back to <whatever>, Ho Chi Minh City will be called Saigon again.
sure. and maybe the US can be changed back to the "British North America".
Possibly...But only with British citizens willing to subvert America from within, but for what gains? All indicators point to the greater probability that communist countries are likely to be subverted than functional democracies will. It is already happening in China...:lol:
I have...And it is working. My visits and communications to my fellow Viets exposes the flaws of communism and how it failed Viet Nam, then and now. As pointed out here in other discussions, revolutions does not need to be bloody. The pressure of the Vietnamese people is constant and its scope is wide. The communist 'old guards' are slowly dying, physically and intellectually. Just like how Leningrad had its name changed back to <whatever>, Ho Chi Minh City will be called Saigon again.

Good job, gambit, best wishes to your "Dream", but may i remind you stop hiding behind the American flag spreading "Hate", do it with your "South-Vietnamese" identity, cos you are endanger Americans which i happened to be one of it, its because of your kind of so-called asian American who did a damn good job of damaging the image of USA and her citizens, shame on you.

Becareful what you wish for, hope you won't bump into this;

The sight of the prisoner stunned Bomar, he stood transfixed, trying to make himself believe that human beings could so batter another human being. The man could barely walk; he shuffled slowly, painfully. His clothes were torn to shreds. He was bleeding everywhere, terribly swollen, and a dirty, yellowish black and purple from head to toe. The man's head was down; he made no attempt to look at anyone. He had been through much more than the day's beatings. His body was ripped and torn everywhere; "hell- cuffs" appeared almost to have severed the wrists, strap marks still wound around the arms all the way to the shoulders, slivers of bamboo were embedded in the bloodied shins and there were what appeared to be tread marks from the hose across the chest, back and legs. Fidel smashed a fist into the man's face, driving him against the wall. Then he was brought to the center of the room and made to get down onto his knees. Screaming in rage, Fidel took a length of rubber hose from a guard and lashed it as hard as he could into the man's face. The prisoner did not react; he did not cry out or even blink an eye. Again and again, a dozen times, smashed the man's face with the hose.
Good job, gambit, best wishes to your "Dream", but may i remind you stop hiding behind the American flag spreading "Hate", do it with your "South-Vietnamese" identity, cos you are endanger Americans which i happened to be one of it, its because of your kind of so-called asian American who did a damn good job of damaging the image of USA and her citizens, shame on you.
What 'hate' am I spreading? Against whom? Why is it wrong to express hate against an ideology?

Becareful what you wish for, hope you won't bump into this;

The sight of the prisoner stunned Bomar, he stood transfixed, trying to make himself believe that human beings could so batter another human being. The man could barely walk; he shuffled slowly, painfully. His clothes were torn to shreds. He was bleeding everywhere, terribly swollen, and a dirty, yellowish black and purple from head to toe. The man's head was down; he made no attempt to look at anyone. He had been through much more than the day's beatings. His body was ripped and torn everywhere; "hell- cuffs" appeared almost to have severed the wrists, strap marks still wound around the arms all the way to the shoulders, slivers of bamboo were embedded in the bloodied shins and there were what appeared to be tread marks from the hose across the chest, back and legs. Fidel smashed a fist into the man's face, driving him against the wall. Then he was brought to the center of the room and made to get down onto his knees. Screaming in rage, Fidel took a length of rubber hose from a guard and lashed it as hard as he could into the man's face. The prisoner did not react; he did not cry out or even blink an eye. Again and again, a dozen times, smashed the man's face with the hose.
Thanks for showing everyone the true face of Fidel...If you are referring to Castro...And how brutal communists can be if they cannot get their way through persuasion...:lol:

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