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US biggest ‘threat’ to China, says top Chinese military expert

If US were not being hijacked by some ideology/religion based fundamentalists, US would be the biggest contributor to the world peace as in the WWII.
too bad. most of my generation will be grandparents by that time.

hopefully the US crumbles from within first.

No. I don’t think US should collapse since it will generate a disaster as the world power structure left vacuum, just as I don’t think CPC should collapse as the power structure in China left vacuum.

If this thing indeed happens, chaos is the result in both cases.

Is it strange that US to the world is CPC to China? No.

The people of the world love US just as the people of China love CPC; the people of the world hate US just like the people of China hate CPC.
<No. I don’t think US should collapse since it will generate a disaster as the world power structure left vacuum,>

Dude, the world could be a better place without the US getting its dirty hands in somebody's backyard.

If the US collapses the world would not collapse and another country would take its place. Read the history. Many powerful countries, empires, kingdoms have collapsed and the world is still revolving.

So, don't give me sh*t about the US saves the world. The US only cares its interests only. The US population is 1/4th of China or India and yet they consume natural resources more than India and China together. Is the US saving the world in this example?
<And communists' bloody hands are any better?>

I hope you're not as stupid as you sound. You're responding to something that is not taken as totality.
<And communists' bloody hands are any better?>

I hope you're not as stupid as you sound. You're responding to something that is not taken as totality.
Correct...Not as a totality...Because an alliance of functional democratic states, led by US, shattered that communist unity, led by the USSR and China, who also had their hands into everyone else's backyards. I hope you are not as stupid as you sound.
<shattered that communist unity, led by the USSR and China, who also had their hands into everyone else's backyards.>

You have proven yourself. You're living in FL? You could be one of those right wingers. You must be adhering to 2nd Amendment tightly. How many assault rifles you got? Guess you need to protect yourself against those commies entering your backyard huh?
You have proven yourself.
As what?

You're living in FL?
I lived in FL once.

You could be one of those right wingers.
Am a conservative.

You must be adhering to 2nd Amendment tightly.
Yes I do.

How many assault rifles you got?
None. Assault rifles are automatics. Am partial to pistols myself but I do have rifles. Jealous?

Guess you need to protect yourself against those commies entering your backyard huh?
If any of them are foolish enough.
<Originally Posted by mDumb
How many assault rifles you got?

None. Assault rifles are automatics. Am partial to pistols myself but I do have rifles. Jealous?>

Is it because forbidden in your state where you reside? Or you don't want to have one?

If it's forbidden and you want one then why are you living in a liberal state? You claim you're conservative.
very pleasant to be around BUTTTTTTT they think that they can do no wrong and that they're always right no matter what.
"we nuked Japan but that saved thousands of lives"
"we attacked AFG to find Osama"
"we attacked Iraq b/c they had nukes and we wanted to free their people"
"we killed hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese b/c they were good for nothing commies"
"Life is cheap in Russia"
"the middle east is a dangerous place"
"Europeans are good for nothing socialists"
"Canadians are pussies"
The ignorance of the American people has resulted in millions of deaths over the years b/c those in power can easily manipulate the entire population.
You recite these characterizations, but don't contradict any of them? Can't you do better than that?
Is it because forbidden in your state where you reside? Or you don't want to have one?

If it's forbidden and you want one then why are you living in a liberal state? You claim you're conservative.
It is illegal to own automatic rifles except for a special license and not everyone want to have that burden.
<It is illegal to own automatic rifles except for a special license and not everyone want to have that burden.>

What's the burden? I guess only the federal can give you that special license not the state.

What about Tennessee?

It's strange you could get a semi AK-47 or AR-15 but you cannot get auto? It's not that difficult to convert semi to auto.
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