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US attitude unacceptable - PM Gillani

But S-2 what about people like me who are way too good looking to be scanned by the body scanners and that too free of charge ? :dirol:

But in all seriousness, while this is a matter of national security and no matter what anyone says shouldn't influence state's decsion. But considering this particular situation singling out these countries is discrimination. Its not so much about the checking at the airport, its more about the welcome message your giving to people who are coming to this country

Just drawing a parallel.. In MOst countries, you will find segments of roads which are more prone to accidents (due to gradient, curves etc) and are marked as accident prone area. It does not mean that if you drive on that road, you will have an accident. Its just that you have to be more careful there. The same situation applies. Identifying some nationalities does not brand those nationalities as terrorists. Its just that historically, most terrorists have come from those countries and hence you need to be more careful with folks coming from there. Its same as US being more vigilant on their mexican border than on the canadian becuase illegal immigration is more probable from mexico than from canada. Or pakistan having more forces on Afghanistan border (now) than at Iranian border

just my 2 cents...
Just drawing a parallel.. In MOst countries, you will find segments of roads which are more prone to accidents (due to gradient, curves etc) and are marked as accident prone area. It does not mean that if you drive on that road, you will have an accident. Its just that you have to be more careful there. The same situation applies. Identifying some nationalities does not brand those nationalities as terrorists. Its just that historically, most terrorists have come from those countries and hence you need to be more careful with folks coming from there. Its same as US being more vigilant on their mexican border than on the canadian becuase illegal immigration is more probable from mexico than from canada. Or pakistan having more forces on Afghanistan border (now) than at Iranian border

just my 2 cents...

And the mexicans are discriminated, they hold deep grudge against the americans for that. It depends on your point of view bro, had india been on the list maybe your reaction would have been different maybe not. What i said is more along the lines of what kinda welcome message you are giving, but then again its upto their government and they have every right to do so
Dude.. Easier said than done. US is not going to make the same mistake twice. It wont allow pakistan to do another taliban in Afghanistan like last time around.

Haha..Dude you honestly believe we cannot hit Afghanistan without Taliban?The retaliation i am talking is more of covert in nature then overt.As long as the Afghanistan Government continues to disregard the Durand Line as a border and sing Pushtunistan song i don't see how they expect flowers from us.These people are so bloody arrogant.If they could they would try to get NWFP by force but they know it's like Mexico trying to take Texas from US.
Well I hope you lot are going to feel for this 8 year old...

Eight-year-old Michael Hicks named on terror watchlist | The Australian

James Bone From: Times Online January 16, 2010 3:05PM

IS little Mikey really a terrorist? That is the question America is asking after it emerged that the eight-year-old Cub Scout from New Jersey is frisked every time he flies because his name is on a US terror watchlist. Michael "Mikey" Hicks, whose father is a US Navy veteran and mother a photojournalist who has flown with the US vice-president, has been the target of extra security measures at airports since he was 2. "Why would a kid be a terrorist?" he asks.
Michael is not on the US Government's "no-fly" list of 2,500 people considered too dangerous to be allowed into the air. However, his name appears to be among, or to closely match, one of the 13,500 on the "selectee" list who are singled out for extra airport security.

His parents first learnt of his status when they could not get him a seat for a flight to Florida because, as an airline official explained, he was "on the list". He was patted down for the first time aged 2 as he passed through Newark airport in New Jersey.

Michael has been asked to see the supervisor whenever he checks in for a flight. On a recent trip to the Bahamas he was frisked on the way out and searched more aggressively on the return flight.

Fine a case for real security is need but there appears to be many in the US who are on "watch lists" and they are there by error and it can not be fixed.
This is not new its been going on for many years.

Security is one thing BUT security based on bluntly stupidity is another and not useful.
"Security is one thing BUT security based on bluntly stupidity is another and not useful."

Dunno. I heard the lil' bugger's been a terror from the day he showed up on God's green earth.

All his teachers say so.

So do the ladies...;)

BTW, how ya' doin', you ol' sod?:lol:

Haha..Dude you honestly believe we cannot hit Afghanistan without Taliban?The retaliation i am talking is more of covert in nature then overt.As long as the Afghanistan Government continues to disregard the Durand Line as a border and sing Pushtunistan song i don't see how they expect flowers from us.These people are so bloody arrogant.If they could they would try to get NWFP by force but they know it's like Mexico trying to take Texas from US.


They have blamed tit for tat as Jahadi element!
I wonder the good minds of Western people who think that white people are very smart....
They are too ignorant or perhaps too lazy to dive in the sea of ture history..
I heard the lil' bugger's been a terror from the day he showed up on God's green earth.

I thought he looked suspicious in the picture.

BTW, how ya' doin', you ol' sod?
simple .. ":no:"
With the weather bouncing from 20s to 40s and overnight back to 20s is knocking life about. Its playing havoc with every injury I have and did not know about. I always though the Q took back old injuries so they could be reissued to someone else..

At least the beer is cold.. :cheers:
"I wonder the good minds of Western people who think that white people are very smart....
They are too ignorant or perhaps too lazy to dive in the sea of ture history.."

Sometimes we think other people are pretty smart too here in the west. At least, here in America anyway-



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"With the weather bouncing from 20s to 40s and overnight back to 20s is knocking life about."

Good sleeping weather at night with all that daytime heat, no?

'Course, it'd help matters if you'd quit falling off the damned horse...:lol:
Haha..Dude you honestly believe we cannot hit Afghanistan without Taliban?The retaliation i am talking is more of covert in nature then overt.As long as the Afghanistan Government continues to disregard the Durand Line as a border and sing Pushtunistan song i don't see how they expect flowers from us.These people are so bloody arrogant.If they could they would try to get NWFP by force but they know it's like Mexico trying to take Texas from US.

Its going to be a tall order friend. Any covert ops of the type you mention in Afghanistan in the near future will be a tricky move with very unfavourable risk reward ratio. Don' t think Kayani will risk that..
"I wonder the good minds of Western people who think that white people are very smart....
They are too ignorant or perhaps too lazy to dive in the sea of ture history.."

Sometimes we think other people are pretty smart too here in the west. At least, here in America anyway-


Why are you embarrassing me?
I was not talking about these "BESTEST" "creatures" of the world!

I was talking about an American hope, American people..
"Why are you embarrassing me?"

Not my intention at all, saad. Just defending my nation but, you should know, some of those folks have risen from very humble beginnings. Powell and Obama certainly. Maybe Rajiv Shah as well.

If I have embarassed you please accept my apology as I certainly didn't mean to do so.


"Why are you embarrassing me?"

Not my intention at all, saad. Just defending my nation but, you should know, some of those folks have risen from very humble beginnings. Powell and Obama certainly. Maybe Rajiv Shah as well.

If I have embarassed you please accept my apology as I certainly didn't mean to do so.



You have all the right to defend your nation!
We are called terrorists/jihadi elements when we defend our nation and you are called saviours..
Same job with different labels

anyways...accepted your apology!

"We are called terrorists/jihadi elements when we defend our nation..."

Not when you wear the uniform of a Pakistani army soldier.:pakistan:

"...and you are called saviours..."

Most at this board call us satan despite wearing the uniform of my nation's armed forces.

I wouldn't agree at all. Tim McVeigh wasn't muslim. Mexican narco-terrorists aren't muslim. Sendero Luminoso aren't muslim. FARC, in Columbia, aren't muslim. ETA, the Basque group, aren't muslim.

I clearly knew your response to me, that is why I did put a hint of a shoe bomber at the end.

I will not take this argument any further then this, but I do want to relay that the orgainzation and persons mention above regarding terrorism are based on freedom moment within a given geographic areas.

What we are dealing with today (which you clearly know), are governed by terrorism backed by religion, hense "Islamic fundamentalist" is the correct political term used today, and there's ideology of controlling areas are in macro level. Therefore, mass marketing for chosen ones goes on daily for recruitments, and to apply them for soft targets for there war/ideology/domination.

No matter how an argument is put, but this is paradigm shift in terrorism, where one pivotal aspect is put into play, that is religion.

Therefore, I come back to current issue at hand, that all Muslims should be given regiment that you have spelled out clearly (Airports, security check, etc..). By the way, The only solution to this problem is muslims themselves. If they cannot control there chosen ones then nobody in the world can.
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