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US - Anti muslim crowd quite pleased.

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The average person in the street (in the world) will not say something as blatantly racist as that. I've been traveling for a long time, and I've met plenty of people, and so far you're the only person who has said that about Chinese people. :azn:

Whatever words they may use, the core insinuation is that Chinese people don't have freedom of thought and are brainwashed by their government. You can dance around it all day long, but that is the propaganda against China.

Many Chinese here battle it daily -- and kudos to them -- against the Indians. You, as usual, don't defend China when Indians attack it.

Whereas the average person on the street will say that Al-qaeda are Islamic terrorists, and will refuse to say that Breivik is a Christian terrorist.

Still no response on the bible verses in his manifesto, eh? Keep dancing!

(Also, China is the 5th most positively viewed country in the world, according to global polls. Pakistan is at the bottom, so don't try to invent what other people think, the polls are clear enough).

Look more closely at the polls and see what people are criticizing, even as they admire China's economic progress.
@Chinese dragon , if Breivik is a christian terrorist, then idi amin was an islamic terrorist because he did support highjackings by islamic terrorists (entebbe) and kicked out asians from his country after stealing their money?

But nobody calls him an islamic terrorist, they call him a brutal dictator. What kind of western media conspiracy is this?
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Maybe its time to get out of the MADE IN CHINA rock you're living under

go take a hike kid! lol!

Here you go:


BBC News - Europe less, China more popular in global BBC poll


And here is what China thinks of other countries:


Chapter 2. China and the World | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Pew Global Research and the BBC Country rating polls are the two biggest international polls in the world.
@Chinese-Dragon: Ignore the poll, answer the questions/posts above.
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I don't see why Christianity or for that matter Hinduism can't be used to justify terrorism when Islam can be. However there is an inherent supremacism in Muslim world which make them think they are the victim of some kinda global conspiracy and there is nothing wrong with the basics. I don't think condemning the act will change anything until Muslims stop taking their religion too seriously. There are Christians and hindus as well who take their religion rather too seriously, however their number has diminished since medieval age.
another conspiracy theory is that chinese-dragon isnt chinese,he is from Hong Kong which isnt a true part of china.
Chinese mind thinks very different from hong kong mind.

LOL, Hong Kong is a part of China. That is the official view of the Chinese government, the HK government and the United Nations, i.e. in International Law. :lol:

Tell me, the poll above of how Chinese people view the world, did they take that poll in HK or the mainland?
He specifically quoted bible verses and claimed he was fighting for Christ to defend Christian Europe from Muslim invaders. If a Muslim did something like this, he would be called a "Muslim terrorist".

He quoted Hindu scriptures also. So that would make him a Hindu terrorist according to that reasoning.

Victimhood points earned : 0
I posted the poll to show that Developereo's racist views of Chinese are not supported by the average person in the world. In fact we are viewed the 5th most positively in the world.

Read this post #180
I don't really care how China is viewed globally... If you learn to read you'd see that I specifically mentioned US

I can't provide you with a tangible poll, but I can tell you most here have positive views and look forward to a booming trade relationship between the two nations. Myself included. Chinese people on a whole are respected greatly.

Though many are not trusting of their leadership (CCP), and possibly vindicated in that.
For an example, Bangladesh is considered tolerant Muslim nation and indeed they are compared to other nations in south Asia. But see how a large fraction of people brought the country to stand still for death sentence of blasphemers. Even in this very forum how educated youngsters gloated over murder of some bloggers. If this is the situation in so called tolerant county not how it is in middle East or central Asia.
@Developereo, it was the member here called "Vinod" I believe, who kept giving you a poll similar to the one above, showing that Chinese generally had a negative view of Muslim countries?

Even I don't think such views are fair, but that's how it is. Every major country is being hit with Islamic extremism, you can't wish this one away.
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