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US - Anti muslim crowd quite pleased.

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We strongly condemn any such act. As Prophet Muhammad said killing one human is like killing entire humanity. Islam strictly forbids killing any women or children. People who kill innocent and call themselves Muslims have never read the teachings of Islam.
Who is we here?

But they were taught this twisted religion, why don't we shift the blame to the mullahs and their supporters en mass?
They were Muslims, please have the heart to accept that there is a problem.

But, I would ask the Americans to develop a bit of empathy. In their senseless wars the blood of innocent Muslims is being spilled like water, but one event in Boston and they are all on fire. Would they like seeing New York presenting a similar catastrophic scene as Baghdad. Are citizens of other countries inferior to mighty Americans? Americans aren't going to live in their comfort zones for long if they don't consider others as humans as well.

Misplaced priorities of Islamic countries has to be blamed for allowing US to intervene. Empathy, after killing innocent people is asking too much. Why there is no mass movement to root out terrorism in the Islamic lands? There has to be start.
Your petty attempts to engage others in pointless bickering emanate from the fact that you have no intellectual capacity to hold a civil discussion and thus should be replied to in your own language; trolling.......guilty as charged!
And thanks for the third time, this time for admitting that Muslims have to face the backlash because they are outnumbered by their enemies.....and here I thought you couldnt say anything wise........

I am very sorry to hear that, the boldfaced part.

If you think Kaafirs (non-believer (of Islam)) are Muslim's enemy, I offer my sincere condolences.

BTW, I have many good friends who are Muslims/Hindu/Christian/... we share something in common and at odds on something else. But we never see each other as enemy but friends.
I am very sorry to hear that, the boldfaced part.

If you think Kaafirs (non-believer (of Islam)) are Muslim's enemy, I offer my sincere condolences.

BTW, I have many good friends who are Muslims/Hindu/Christian/... we share something in common and at odds on something else. But we never see each other as enemy but friends.
My best friend is an Israeli........and not once has he ever uttered a single word that i would find offensive and I reciprocate the respect and sentiments............its a shame that some degenerates like Chinese-Trollagon are spreading hatred. I wasnt even commenting on this thread, he pasted my comment here from an other thread and apparently logic doesnt suit his feeble-mind, so I had to talk to him in his own language.
P.S if you think I was offensive to others then I offer my sincere apologies..........also lemme know if you find the word kaafir offensive I shall never use it again.....with the exception Chinese-trollagon offcourse.
Maybe its time to get out of the MADE IN CHINA rock you're living under

Most people in the US have a very negative view of China (which I don't agree with). Are you trying to have us believe that China is viewed favorably in the US and and West in general? LOL!

go take a hike kid! lol!

Are you sure? :whistle:

Check this out in its entirety:
Nearly two-thirds describe relations between the U.S. and China as good, and most consider China a competitor rather than an enemy. ..

U.S. Public, Experts Differ on China Policies | Pew Global Attitudes Project

And I am more interested in this:

The trend is what we consider important. Those oldies will eventually phase out and the young will step in...
at the least 70% of muslims(perhaps except turkey?) hold grudge on America and see it as a major hindrance in achieving victory(ummah). So, even a White person recently converted to Sunni-ism can have the anger to nuke America and Israel 100 billion times. it is not like how a christian or jew or hindu follow religion, Islam also has the Political agenda as it was had in 7th century. it is like in excited state through out the life. the striving for ummah, waiting for the arrival of "true justice" and many weird things.

if a Muslim overcomes this brainwashing, he will no longer remain as a believer.
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