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US an Arab allies begin airstrikes in Syria

Photos of rocket remains that targetted a Al Nusra Front HQ tonight in Idlib.


Its funny that when Assad barrel bombed hundreds of thousands, starved to death and used chemical weapons no one cared.

When IS was attacking rebels slaughtering entire families no one gave a damn again.

But once IS began attacking Assad US immediately intervened and started bombing IS.
Its funny that when Assad barrel bombed hundreds of thousands, starved to death and used chemical weapons no one cared.

When IS was attacking rebels slaughtering entire families no one gave a damn again.

But once IS began attacking Assad US immediately intervened and started bombing IS.
Are you implying that US is protecting Assad?
Its funny that when Assad barrel bombed hundreds of thousands, starved to death and used chemical weapons no one cared.

When IS was attacking rebels slaughtering entire families no one gave a damn again.

But once IS began attacking Assad US immediately intervened and started bombing IS.
I think it was the rebels who used the chemical bombs as a false flag to involve the US to help topple Assad. Well, they're involved now, but definitely not to protect Assad, talks of US involvement started after Mosul fell and they were threatening to take Baghdad.

these so called rebels aren't much better than IS anyway, same extremist ideology, they'll destroy whatever is left of Syria if Assad falls.
David Blair outlines the Arab coalition supporting US air strikes against Isil:

Five Arab countries are supporting the US air campaign against Isil targets in Syria, according to the Pentagon. But only Jordan has confirmed that its aircraft have actually carried out air strikes. All of the others have kept silent, raising doubts over whether they are flying bombing missions, or confining their role to offering bases and opening their airspace.
The very fact that Arab countries are part of the coalition at all, however, allows America to demonstrate that the anti-Isil offensive is not simply a Western campaign in the Middle East.
The states named by the Pentagon are as follows:

Saudi Arabia
With 305 combat aircraft, Saudi Arabia possesses the most powerful air force in the Arab world. The backbone of the kingdom’s striking power is provided by two squadrons of US-supplied F-15 Eagles and three of British-supplied Tornados. This makes Saudi Arabia ideally placed to operate alongside a Western coalition.
Whether the Royal Saudi Air Force has actually struck targets inside Syria is unclear. So far, the kingdom’s rulers have kept silent. They have traditionally been deeply reluctant to deploy their own forces in Western-led military ventures. The last time this happened was in 1991 when Saudi Arabia joined the coalition that expelled Iraq’s army from Kuwait. But this decision was relatively uncontroversial because the kingdom’s own security was directly threatened by Iraqi forces.
King Abdullah has repeatedly urged America to intervene in Syria, but he may not feel able to deploy his own strike aircraft in this cause. If the kingdom has not flown bombing missions against Isil, its part in the offensive may be limited to opening its airspace for US aircraft.

United Arab Emirates
The UAE has 201 combat aircraft organised into three squadrons of US-supplied F-16s and three of French Mirages. Last month, the country showed its ability to carry out air strikes when the UAE bombed Islamist militias in Libya’s capital, Tripoli. In 2011, the UAE also joined Britain and France in the campaign that toppled Col Gaddafi’s regime.
But the UAE shares the traditional Arab reluctance to join Western-led military offensives. Whether its air force is carrying out combat sorties in Syria is unclear. If not, the UAE’s role may be confined to opening its air space and allowing the US to use al-Minhad military air base near Dubai.

With only 85 combat aircraft, the Royal Jordanian Air Force ranks among the smallest in the region. Yet it remains highly capable – and King Abdullah leads the only Arab government which has publicly confirmed that its aircraft are striking Isil targets in Syria alongside the US.
But this comes as little surprise. Of the five Arab states named by the Pentagon as supporting the offensive, only Jordan is directly threatened by Isil fighters. The terrorist movement has captured the area of Iraq along Jordan’s eastern frontier. Hence King Abdullah can argue that Jordan’s participation is essential for national security.

Made rich by the revenues of gas and oil, Qatar has laid ambitious plans to re-equip its air force. At present, however, the country possesses only 18 combat aircraft – 12 French Mirages and six antiquated training jets. This makes it highly unlikely that Qatar is flying bombing missions in Syria.
But Qatar also hosts the regional headquarters of US Central Command and al-Udeid air base, which serves as the hub for all American air operations in the Middle East. So the campaign against Isil is almost certainly being coordinated and controlled by US commanders based in Qatar. Yet that is probably the limit of the country’s participation.

With only 39 combat aircraft, Bahrain’s air force is one of the weakest in the region. The fact that the Pentagon named Bahrain as part of the anti-Isil coalition is a surprise. The country possesses only one ground attack squadron consisting of 12 antiquated F-5 aircraft, a model designed in the 1950s. This means that Bahrain’s air force is almost certainly incapable of striking targets in Syria. Instead, Bahrain’s participation is probably limited to opening its air space and allowing the US to use military facilities on the island, notably the headquarters of the Fifth Fleet.

Its funny that when Assad barrel bombed hundreds of thousands, starved to death and used chemical weapons no one cared.

When IS was attacking rebels slaughtering entire families no one gave a damn again.

But once IS began attacking Assad US immediately intervened and started bombing IS.

The same US who armed,funded and encouraged flow of thousands of jihadis into Syria to weaken Assad in order to protect Israel.

Btw, the person who made you a ''PDF THINK TANK: ANALYST'' needs to get his head checked.


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Capabilty is one thing but executing it is different, for example if you were a billionaire you would buy hundreds of warplanes but where you get the pilots,knowledge,maintenance,moral, fighting for the cause etc ?

This is the case of Saudi Arabia, they have modern hardware but i doubt they can be meaningful on the ground (yeh i know, skies).

I am also doubting the amount of pilots Saudi has for such huge numbers of aircraft, what are their pilot training programs ? where do they take place (i assume USA) and how long does it take, are they trained in such a way that they can operate independently without US pilot organizers,planners, assistance etc.


My pleasure. :partay:

See all old links :

Report: Saudi Arabia Mulls German Tank Deal

Royal Saudi AF's top training leader sees 'inspiration' at Sheppard

Saudi Arabia Receives Two Further Typhoons Today! | Page 2

Iraq F16 Blk 52's slightly inferior | Page 4

Saudi Advanced Electronic Company gains approved avionics repair status for Typhoon jets

Saudi Advanced Electronic Company gains approved avionics repair status for Typhoon jets

Saudi Advanced Electronic Company gains approved avionics repair status for Typhoon jets

Saudi Advanced Electronic Company gains approved avionics repair status for Typhoon jets | Page 2

Are you implying that US is protecting Assad?
They ineed help Assad, but their aim is rather prolong the conflict not protecting Assad.

I think it was the rebels who used the chemical bombs as a false flag to involve the US to help topple Assad. Well, they're involved now, but definitely not to protect Assad, talks of US involvement started after Mosul fell and they were threatening to take Baghdad.

these so called rebels aren't much better than IS anyway, same extremist ideology, they'll destroy whatever is left of Syria if Assad falls.
There are two options:

1) Rebels somehow stole battery of Burkan rocket launchers from Assad, then filled them with chemical weapons, then sneaked with these rocket launchers into Assad's controlled neighborhood and launched them against themselves.

2) Attack was made by Assad.

The same US who armed,funded and encouraged flow of thousands of jihadis into Syria to weaken Assad in order to protect Israel.

Btw, the person who made you a ''PDF THINK TANK: ANALYST'' needs to get his head checked.
Kindly explain me why "US funded and armed jihadis" are still using self made mortars and trebushettes.
Kindly explain me why "US funded and armed jihadis" are still using self made mortars and trebushettes.
Those are for propaganda and are ''left alone jihadis'' that have nothing to do with the US training etc but rely on Persian gulf sheikh donations. But the US is allowing their free traffic in and out of Syria, that is for sure.

Those rebels with heavy weaponry,trained and funded by the Americans are the ones you will never see recording themselves for propaganda purposes.
Those are for propaganda and are ''left alone jihadis'' that have nothing to do with the US training etc but rely on Persian gulf sheikh donations. But the US is allowing their free traffic in and out of Syria, that is for sure.

Those rebels with heavy weaponry,trained and funded by the Americans are the ones you will never see recording themselves for propaganda purposes.
Here captured rebel weapons proudly shown by Assad media:





Why rebels are using this junk if they have NATO support? :rolleyes: Do u see rebels in Ukraine using this stuff?
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