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Saudi Arabia Receives Two Further Typhoons Today!

Sorry, my previous answer was not according to your question, i was thinking something else, ....Undone from my side...
Now come to 1973 war
Its very famous among us , PAF assissted Arabs in that War, Last time senior Politician MUSHAHID HUSSAIN SYED OF PML Q (very Educated & Intellectual) endorsed that Myth

PAF pilots flew Egyptian and Jordanian Aircrafts, not Saudi ones, don't lump all Arabs together, it shows a smudge of Racism from you.
I understand the jealousy.

I guess these Rafales will rust for good!
Jealous in the sense...you just cant help it dude. We having more threats than you are still dilly dallying with the negotiations while you promptly are finalizing the deals. So... take it as positive jealousy . :D

Yeah, the plane will be retired by french forces by the time India finally signs. We started out negotiations after you, and have already made a few active wings with the Typhoon.
This in addition to the dwindling squadron numbers of the IAF. Only god knows what the morons at the helm are doing. Anyways..with the new govt at the centre, lets hope for the best.
Jealous in the sense...you just cant help it dude. We having more threats than you are still dilly dallying with the negotiations while you promptly are finalizing the deals. So... take it as positive jealousy . :D

This in addition to the dwindling squadron numbers of the IAF. Only god knows what the morons at the helm are doing. Anyways..with the new govt at the centre, lets hope for the best.

I think we have more threats to our security than India does, we are basically surrounded by hostile states. Syria, ISIS, Iraq, Iran and Northern and Eastern Yemen.... We need every bullet we have and then some if we are going to keep all of them at bay simultaneously.
I think we have more threats to our security than India does, we are basically surrounded by hostile states. Syria, ISIS, Iraq, Iran and Northern and Eastern Yemen.... We need every bullet we have and then some if we are going to keep all of them at bay simultaneously.
Yeah...you have threats as well. I dont deny. But, imaging getting sandwiched between two nuclear armed countries, non democratic, with which , in the past you have had wars and have unresolved disputed territories. Lemme tell you bro, not a very pretty place. :D
Yeah...you have threats as well. I dont deny. But, imaging getting sandwiched between two nuclear armed countries, non democratic, with which , in the past you have had wars and have unresolved disputed territories. Lemme tell you bro, not a very pretty place. :D

Don't worry. If india does not attack, no war will happen.

If india does attack, there will no india any longer.

And Chinese and Pakistanis know this. MAD factor. So no war is happening in our region any time soon..Inshallah.

Saudi Air Force is technologically superior to indian and Pakistani airforce...even Chinese for that matter.

And they have BILLIONS in store. So their fast-pace induction is understandable
Don't worry. If india does not attack, no war will happen.

If india does attack, there will no india any longer.

And Chinese and Pakistanis know this. MAD factor. So no war is happening in our region any time soon..Inshallah.

Saudi Air Force is technologically superior to indian and Pakistani airforce...even Chinese for that matter.

And they have BILLIONS in store. So their fast-pace induction is understandable
India does not attack pakistan since there is not gain for India. India is just content with LoC as IB. So, as you see, there is no need. And procurement delay is not because of money. It is coz of the fat *** bureaucrats and the lethargic system. And BTW...lets not make this into another Indo-Pak measuring contest. :D
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What's up with the American homes in the background? :D
At first the Jets were to be made and assembled locally however we have only one company capable of doing this and it is 50% owned by Boeing so Boeing refused the order and instead offered to carry out manufacturing and assembling of F-15SA locally which we took.

AEC however is a Middle Eastern Technological Military Giant, it got rights that made it equivalent for KSA to tinker with the Typhoon as any partner nation does, for which I created a thread a while ago here:

Saudi Arabia Becomes Full Partner Nation in the Typhoon Program

The first post of linked thread does not give any info about industrial benefits and offsets to SA.
I could only make out Saudis getting a desk in HQ and influence regarding future upgrades,
Do you have info regarding the same ?

I am asking since one Typhoon costs SA $ 61 million while similar Rafale is being offered to India at $ 120 million with 50% offset and ?some ToT.
Saudi deal may help in understanding the cost viability of Rafale deal for us enthusiasts who are not privy to all information.
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