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Saudi Arabia Receives Two Further Typhoons Today!

India does not attack pakistan since there is not gain for India. India is just content with LoC as IB. So, as you see, there is no need. And procurement delay is not because of money. It is coz of the fat *** bureaucrats and the lethargic system. And BTW...lets not make this into another Indo-Pak measuring contest. :D

india doesn't attack Pakistan because it can't, unless offcourse it wants to get annihilated by its own will.

And you are right, lets not make in india Pakistan thread.
Typhoons are very potent planes but shap wise looks a bit odd to me.
Saudi Air Force is technologically superior to indian and Pakistani airforce...even Chinese for that matter.
Having those toys are Admirable but in Execution, Do they have acceptable Standard Criterion about their Air Force that can match International Standards???

And they have BILLIONS in store. So their fast-pace induction is understandable
They Invested heavily their Sum in US / UK. Saudis are Biggest investors of West, now (lets assume) if they feel threatened by Israel, Do u feel comfortable about their Sum available very next Day??

Password Vimeo video : AdamaBattlestar
Red and green flag Saudi Air Force and U.S. - 2012
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I am asking since one Typhoon costs SA $ 61 million while similar Rafale is being offered to India at $ 120 million with 50% offset and ?some ToT.
Saudi deal may help in understanding the cost viability of Rafale deal for us enthusiasts who are not privy to all information.

It was a competitive bidding and Typhoon was L2 i.e quoted above rafale price. So o question of Typhoon being half of the cost of rafale.
It was a competitive bidding and Typhoon was L2 i.e quoted above rafale price. So o question of Typhoon being half of the cost of rafale.

The parameters of the two deals are very different.
I think the Saudi deal was off the shelf purchase with minimal ToT and offsets.

I am not privy to the details of the contract but this is what the numbers suggest.
Either Saudis pulled a hell of a deal if they got ToT and offset at the price of $61 million or we are complete buffons.

Basically we buy Rafale for $120-150 million per plane and $60- 75 million of that money is ploughed back into Indian Aerospace Industry.
While Saudis buy Typhoon which is more expensive off the shelf at $61 million.
This is the reason why many people are saying Rafale is overpriced. Nobody knows the extent of ToT and what should be the fair price for ToT.
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Well for a country that had 80% illiteracy not 35 years ago, we're doing alright, not as fast as Japanese Meji era Industrialization but its okay.

Japanese were a whole different species then
Yeah, the plane will be retired by french forces by the time India finally signs. We started out negotiations after you, and have already made a few active wings with the Typhoon.

we hope to close the deal soon,the new govt is a lot more efficient than the previous Idiots that ruled us
india doesn't attack Pakistan because it can't, unless offcourse it wants to get annihilated by its own will.

And you are right, lets not make in india Pakistan thread.
India not only attacked but caused an irrepairable damage to pak. And pak cannot "annhilate" India. At the most it will strike 5 nukes. And the retaliation will make sure that pakistan ceases to exist. Not saying India is superior or pak is inferior...but just coz of size of both the countries.
the plane will be retired by french forces by the time India finally signs.
no, they'll stop production but no question of the french "retiring" their fleet of Rafales.. they'll be retiring their mirage f1s and induct Rafales in it's place.

congratulations of the Typhoons though, what a beauty :smitten:
The first post of linked thread does not give any info about industrial benefits and offsets to SA.
I could only make out Saudis getting a desk in HQ and influence regarding future upgrades,
Do you have info regarding the same ?

I am asking since one Typhoon costs SA $ 61 million while similar Rafale is being offered to India at $ 120 million with 50% offset and ?some ToT.
Saudi deal may help in understanding the cost viability of Rafale deal for us enthusiasts who are not privy to all information.

While at first the deal included the establishment of an AirCraft factory for the Typhoons, and work was well underway in it, the BAe factory was actually on my way to college everyday, however as the aircraft factory deal broke through due to corporation interests, the factory was handed over to AEC as well as turned into a maintenance facility for the Typhoon, so that KSA has the third complete maintenance facility for the Typhoons after UK and Germany.

Saudi Arabia was granted full rights into the program, meaning that we can add our own equipment, fit it with whatever ordinance we see fit to fit it too, and there would be no restrictions from home country's technology department, for example the Americans refuse for countries to tinker with their aircraft without prior approval from the US policymakers, while said thing does not apply to our Typhoons currently, hence the name of the program being "Saudifighter Typhoon" instead of "Eurofighter Typhoon". Which I think is an ingenious name. Also regarding offset Saudi Arabian law states that 60% of all defense spending must be invested in country into the Local Arms Industry, so 60% of all Saudi Arabia defense spending never actually leaves the country.
The parameters of the two deals are very different.
I think the Saudi deal was off the shelf purchase with minimal ToT and offsets.

I am not privy to the details of the contract but this is what the numbers suggest.
Either Saudis pulled a hell of a deal if they got ToT and offset at the price of $61 million or we are complete buffons.

Basically we buy Rafale for $120-150 million per plane and $60- 75 million of that money is ploughed back into Indian Aerospace Industry.
While Saudis buy Typhoon which is more expensive off the shelf at $61 million.
This is the reason why many people are saying Rafale is overpriced. Nobody knows the extent of ToT and what should be the fair price for ToT.

Actually as I replied earlier, one Double-Stick Typhoon is the property of the PSATRI, which is Saudi Arabia's Aerospace research institution, here is a picture of a meeting between the RSAF handing over a single Typhoon for research to PSATRI:


So to answer your question, everything about the Typhoon head to toe is for us to explore and tinker with. It is what the contract is about, it is even said here:

"From an early stage, it became apparent that the Al Salam programme would involve an unprecedented degree of defence technology transfer to a Middle Eastern country"

And that involve Israel, not even Israel got as much ToT as KSA did with the Typhoon.

Arabian Aerospace - Saudis countdown to Typhoon service entry

I forgot to add, the reason why the deal is being stalled is because BAe think they are being scammed and are asking for more. And quite honestly I can hardly blame them.
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Having those toys are Admirable but in Execution, Do they have acceptable Standard Criterion about their Air Force that can match International Standards???

They Invested heavily their Sum in US / UK. Saudis are Biggest investors of West, now (lets assume) if they feel threatened by Israel, Do u feel comfortable about their Sum available very next Day??

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You are really underestimating Saudi air force you think they are going to spend billions upon billions and not get the best training that money can buy.
You are really underestimating Saudi air force you think they are going to spend billions upon billions and not get the best training that money can buy.
I pray for saudia, and stop myself here.....
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