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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

Its the mob reacting to someone's supposed "freedom of expression". Who controls the mob? You may not like my comparison, but it is the reality on the street. Ideally one can discuss till kingdom come that we should not inflame and we should not become violent in our reaction to such instigations, but it is happening.

So if mob reactions are uncontrollable, then it seems you would have no complaints against the world wide anti muslim reactions that happened post 9/11. That too was kind of a mob reaction to an inflammatory action (of the extremest kind) by some muslims..

That is not true. Muslims comply for the most part, but you will always have individuals who would disagree and that is an individual prerogative. Secondly, what freedom of non-Muslims is not reciprocated in the Muslim world? As an example, is the treatment of the Hindus by some in Pakistan representative of the entire Muslim world? After all Hindus live in Malaysia and Indonesia and do not encounter problems of the type that they are presented with in Pakistan. The life of Muslims in the West is not without challenges either. Yes some of the less educated Muslims societies need to mature, but minorities anywhere in the World are not without challenges.

Let me try and rephrase this.. What you said before was that there are certain things that may be acceptable in West (like the film in question) under the aegis of Freedom of expression, but are not so in the Muslim world. Hence westerners when living in Muslim world should not apply those standards..Fair enough.. But then the same thing in reverse (like Banning Burqa in France or minarettes in some Nordic country) is termed as Islamophobia by most Muslims (at least most Pakistani members here). Kind of like double standards
And maybe we should broadcast shows praising the Holocaust 10 times a day, till bloodthirsty Zionist entity realizes how pathetic they were.

nice idea holocaust lolz 5000 die and they make millions for earn money and be pose victim :meeting:
If you don't like the movie just ban it. Killing ambassador?? inviting more trouble for libya.
So its ok if few million muslims believes in TTP .......by that giving them right to do violence for the greater justice ??
If you want to challenge freedon of expression...then you have the freedom of courts and law !! ....ban the bloody movie..ban youtube .....................what hypocrisy !! supporting and opposing violence according one's ideals !!

Hypocrisy? What were you able to do about the mob violence in Ayodhya? Were you or any others able to calm down people when they felt disrespected and hurt and reacted with violence?

Think through this. The common man on the Muslim street will tell you, let this one go. Don't instigate because some will react. There are many factors as to why there will be reaction. But if you insist that you must (and to that, its a silly and vulgar instigation, not even something that is based on any literary or educated reasoning, just to poke vulgar fun), then the mob will do what it does best (and by the way the mob does not discriminate, it will kill Muslim, non-Muslim, whosoever comes in its way).
If you don't like the movie just ban it. Killing ambassador?? inviting more trouble for libya.

becasue that ambassador was face of USA in libya dear .do you think they should go hollywood and burn it ?:D
Its a well known "Fact" that Muslims have zero tolerance about Disgracing their religious icons..If you don't believe in our religion and our Religious figures,why not mind your own business and Keep away?
Why Provoke us on Purpose? If they hadn't made the Movie,nothing of this had ever happened.

Do you apply the same principles of zero tolerance when some Muslims want to indulge in a beef festival in India knowing very well that certain Hindu segments have zero tolerance for killing of cows.. Exactly the same thing I was referring to while replying to Blain.. You folks are pretty possessive of the concept of zero tolerance when it comes to your religious beliefs, but cry a river about minority oppression when some other religion shows the same zero tolerance about theirs ..
Idiots won't quit mudslinging Arabs and Muslims, although we made it very clear that we feel so sorry for the loss of American innocents' lives and distanced ourselves from the savage mobs who did this deplorable crime. They don't represent Islam nor Muslims in any way.
Do you apply the same principles of zero tolerance when some Muslims want to indulge in a beef festival in India knowing very well that certain Hindu segments have zero tolerance for killing of cows.. Exactly the same thing I was referring to while replying to Blain.. You folks are pretty possessive of the concept of zero tolerance when it comes to your religious beliefs, but cry a river about minority oppression when some other religion shows the same zero tolerance about theirs ..

yes...if it as me,i had certainly avoided eating beef knowing that it will hurt Hindu religious feelings and may instigate violence.
first RIP US ambassador i am very sad for his death
second you cant say this is because islam this has nothing to do with islam and just to be clear every religion has extremest there is people use religion to justify killing. crusades el qauda salfi groups jews war crimes and the list goes on i dont except you to say i am right but this is the truth islam didnt tell us to do this
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The difference is as sharp as night vs. day.

Drones are used against armed religious revolutionaries by the UN mandated joint forces, which by the way includes the military of Pakistan as one of the UN allies fighting armed terrorists who are themselves religious heretics, with Muslims (radical) just this week in Kuriam Agency murdering peaceful Shiite Muslims, saying they (radical Sunnis) are the "only" true Muslims.

Of course we worldwide, to include in Pakistan, Christians happen to believe that we, Muslims and Jews all worship the same God. Imagine, peaceful faith beliefs being used as a pretext to murder those of other faith systems.

Drones are used in hot warfare, openly declared warfare, to kill the enemy. This was an announced as such extremist religious murder of 4 brave, unarmed, on US diplomatic soil at our consulate, pure and simple. We won't parade the bodies of the murderers if caught and killed. Disgusting and a great demeaning of Islam by some of it's own self proclaimed radical practitioners.
It is a third rate , humorless satire . Search for "innocence of Muslims". Can't believehow effortlessly he achieved his goal.

$hit.. Just watched the trailor.. I take back all that I said in this thread.. The moron who made this movie should be shot.. But only that moron who made it.. !!! :facepalm:
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