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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

Where is the peace and tolerance among the followers of the religion of peace?

Look within first and you will find an answer. Followers of all religions have done similar things in the past and will do so in the future. Just because it is in vogue to critique Muslims and Islam does not make it right. Plenty has been dished out by Christians, Jews, Hindus etc. etc. at different times.

What the Mob has done is indeed wrong, but once again, after instigation which does not take into account the religious sensitivities of the Muslim masses. If you have a difference of opinion, you can debate, you can critique, but do so in a manner that is productive and not one where the sole purpose is to poke fun and stick your thumb in someone's face. It is an immature action, and I am afraid to say, the reaction is just as immature and brutal.
Somehow the action and agenda of TTP seems justified !!! they too believe the purer and more rigid version of your sentiments !!

That is fine if they believe in that, but the majority of Muslims do not agree with TTP, whereas they do agree with my point about unnecessary instigation all in the name of freedom of expression and speech.

Meaning that Pakistanis are willing to inflame religious violence to seek desired ends but not the reverse.

All the more reason to broadcast blasphemy over and over from balconies and loudspeakers, yes?

If you subscribe to that then you should be worried about your sister getting raped at the hands of these same "sensitive" Salafists. When that happens do you plan to run away, fight, join the apes, or meekly request she marry one of the "gang-bangers" who you know is sure to beat her for the rest of her life?

Please spare me the details about the Salafis. You talk as if the entire Muslim world is comprised of wife-beating extremist Salafis.
Please spare me the details about the Salafis. You talk as if the entire Muslim world is comprised of wife-beating extremist Salafis.
If I had meant Muslims I would have said so. You're trying to hide behind a screen of your co-religionists now. But is that really going to work when push comes to shove?
How come Islam is religion of peace
when it justify violence over a movie
when it prosecute a minor over burning of their holy book
when threats to life are issued over the sketch of Prophet
It's not islam's fault that muslims are idiots.

While catholic church practically banished science and art for a thousand years in europe, Islam's first order was to READ. Islam encouraged science from the very beginning. How can muslims end up most uneducated people is beyond me. Also according to islam suicide is a great sin and murder is an even greater one. What can i say? bad people use everything for the worse. They can take words and flex their meanings to their purpose.

All ideologies corrupt in time, but i assure you these brainless retards are not products of islam or any religion.
"If your freedom of speech has no limits, may you accept our freedom of action."

What a twisted,sick logic..What did ambassedor had to do with the movie..?We can see plenty of anti US demonstrations in pakistan,burning US flags and obama effigis etc..Does that justify americans getting pissed at that and killing some pakistani americans who have nothing to do with that demonstrations?
It's not islam's fault that muslims are idiots.

While catholic church practically banished science and art for a thousand years in europe, Islam's first order was to READ. Islam encouraged science from the very beginning. How can muslims end up most uneducated people is beyond me. Also according to islam suicide is a great sin and murder is an even greater one. What can i say? bad people use everything for the worse. They can take words and flex their meanings to their purpose.

All ideologies corrupt in time, but i assure you these brainless retards are not products of islam or any religion.

It just shows in order to be modern and acceptable, we the educated muslim have become so far detached from even the basic teachings of islam. Good point.
2 points of contention here

1. comparing Freedom of expression that someone may find distasteful with murdering someone is kind of too much of a stretch..

Its the mob reacting to someone's supposed "freedom of expression". Who controls the mob? You may not like my comparison, but it is the reality on the street. Ideally one can discuss till kingdom come that we should not inflame and we should not become violent in our reaction to such instigations, but it is happening.

2. On your last paragraph, when western folks tell muslims that wearing a hijab or a veil may be fine in a Muslim country but is not ok in their culture, then that is not acceptable to most Muslims under the guise of personal freedom and what not.. But the same principle is discarded when that freedom is expected by a non Muslim in a Muslim country.. Why then demand something for Muslims which Muslims themselves are not willing to reciprocate with..

That is not true. Muslims comply for the most part, but you will always have individuals who would disagree and that is an individual prerogative. Secondly, what freedom of non-Muslims is not reciprocated in the Muslim world? As an example, is the treatment of the Hindus by some in Pakistan representative of the entire Muslim world? After all Hindus live in Malaysia and Indonesia and do not encounter problems of the type that they are presented with in Pakistan. The life of Muslims in the West is not without challenges either. Yes some of the less educated Muslims societies need to mature, but minorities anywhere in the World are not without challenges.
That is fine if they believe in that, but the majority of Muslims do not agree with TTP, whereas they do agree with my point about unnecessary instigation all in the name of freedom of expression and speech.

So its ok if few million muslims believes in TTP .......by that giving them right to do violence for the greater justice ??
If you want to challenge freedon of expression...then you have the freedom of courts and law !! ....ban the bloody movie..ban youtube .....................what hypocrisy !! supporting and opposing violence according one's ideals !!
Perhaps the U.S. should respond by broadcasting this film from its embassies in Muslim countries, every day, five times a day, at the call of the muezzin, until each country decides which it finds more valuable, religious tolerance and free speech as called for by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or diplomatic and trade relations with the U.S.A.

And maybe we should broadcast shows praising the Holocaust 10 times a day, till bloodthirsty Zionist entity realizes how pathetic they were.
You are comparing apple's to peers. Nobody thinks that the death of 236 Pakistani's is worth less than the death of an American ambassador in Libya. The main difference, and that's an important one, is the fact that a diplomat is killed in an area where he thought he was safe. A man who had nothing to do with that anti-Islamic film, but a man who probably supported the topple of Gadhaffi and the liberation of most Libyans. Yet is he's being thanked by barbaric salafists for the effort he and his country have made to get all those things done.

The irony is that if Gaddafi was in power he would not have been killed. The most developed African Nation has gone to hell because of the "revolution".
Its the mob reacting to someone's supposed "freedom of expression". Who controls the mob? You may not like my comparison, but it is the reality on the street. Ideally one can discuss till kingdom come that we should not inflame and we should not become violent in our reaction to such instigations, but it is happening.

That is not true. Muslims comply for the most part, but you will always have individuals who would disagree and that is an individual prerogative. Secondly, what freedom of non-Muslims is not reciprocated in the Muslim world? As an example, is the treatment of the Hindus by some in Pakistan representative of the entire Muslim world? After all Hindus live in Malaysia and Indonesia and do not encounter problems of the type that they are presented with in Pakistan. The life of Muslims in the West is not without challenges either. Yes some of the less educated Muslims societies need to mature, but minorities anywhere in the World are not without challenges.

Obviously you havent kept up in news..............do google and see how malaysian hindus are being discriminated in every sector and in indonesia too.............luckily most indonesian hindus are in Bali island...hence less prone than malayasian ones ...........

Blasephmey...the mob gets violent
antt muslim events...mobs get violents
anti prophent incident...mob gets violent
anti hijab issues..mob gets violent

seriously ....non veg should be banned in muslim world ...and yoga introduced !!!
Its a well known "Fact" that Muslims have zero tolerance about Disgracing their religious icons..If you don't believe in our religion and our Religious figures,why not mind your own business and Keep away?
Why Provoke us on Purpose? If they hadn't made the Movie,nothing of this had ever happened.

Although its a sad loss of life which shouldn't have happened..

America is probably the weirdest Super power the world ever had..On one hand they want to use their military,financial and Political weight to "Bring peace and democracy" to the world,at the same time they do things which are guaranteed to make people angry and create law and order situation...
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