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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

If everyone knew the outcome, then why go ahead with the silly thing in the first place? This is the exact reason why people are resorting to violence. Patience has left the building for many.

How would Holocaust survivors feel if someone glorified Hitler? Even denying the Holocaust is considered hateful, then consider how this man has insulted Islam and its followers.
He created it because he hates Islam and wanted this reaction so others would have Islam and Muslims as well. They did exactly what he expected them to do, which was to be bloodthirsty murderers. Instead of proving him wrong, you've proved him right.

No one will kill random people if you glorify Hitler or deny the holocaust because people are not animals as these creatures proved they are.
Condolences on the unjustifiable act of killing the Ambassador. He is just a representative of the US state and not in any way a key decision maker - let alone a film maker.

I'm just reminded of what I felt when I saw the killing of Gaddafi, that these guys will not stop with him and will continue killing, they have been shown that state officials can be killed through mob attacks and nothing can stop a mob hell bent on getting a kill.

Everything must be done in a transitional way. The way the western powers supported these horrific mobs to get the job done on Gaddafi would ultimately come to bite everyone in the *** - including them. They have just lost 4 guys while these guys have been on a killing spree that goes a thousand times that figure.

Islam was just an excuse they would have killed for something sooner or later

It's like the movement in Egypt where now there is grand scale molestation of women going on. One guy says, "If the woman does not want to be molested why is she in Jeans? I will molest her till she wears a burkha". The other says "The woman who is wearing a burkha is enticing people through the mystery of her body, I will molest her till she wears something normal".

The thing about freedom is, you're freeing the corrupt and generally bad people too. You have to remember that there will be a higher number of these bad (or say openly bad) people in these countries due to their economic and political status. If you go for militia revolutions - this is what happens. Total mess.
Whenever democracy is enacted in the Arab World. They start persecuting women, minorities, liberals, non-muslims, etc. Its just a text book pattern which has occured. Dictatorships keeps these people in check and keeps the society safe.
The liberals thought the could just light a match and leave it at that. They might have been better off had they banded together, armed themselves, and circled the wagons while setting up the mechanisms of democratic governance within. Over time their model would have had growing appeal.
They can't because things like this happen.

Whenever democracy is enacted in the Arab World. They start persecuting women, minorities, liberals, non-muslims, etc.

Its just a text book pattern which has occured.

Dictatorships keeps these people in check and keeps the society safe.

If so what motivates them....obviously non arab muslim nations have issues...but still more tolerant and less violent..BD ,malaysia and indonesia are good example...then whats so different about them ?? genetical , cultural ,tribal or historically embedded ?
This is what has been accomplished in Libya. You have given freedom to the evil and freedom to do evil.
Congratulations to the "democracies" of Egypt and Libya, they are now free to be evil.
The liberals thought the could just light a match and leave it at that. They might have been better off had they banded together, armed themselves, and circled the wagons while setting up the mechanisms of democratic governance within. Over time their model would have had growing appeal.

I personally prefer the way Pakistan is progressing. Through collective efforts we have freed the media and our media has a lot to say. This way we have a means of political protest that can be a pain in the *** of corrupt and dictatorial leaders in itself without picking up arms against the state.

Civil war is no way of making your country better.
I think this incident will lead to more and more production to anti islamic movies , causing nuts an excuse to Violence. :tdown:
This is what has been accomplished in Libya. You have given freedom to the evil and freedom to do evil.
Congratulations to the "democracies" of Egypt and Libya, they are now free to be evil.
what have we done ? we didnt kill anyone we just made a protest and burn the US flag and our government condemned the attack on the US embassy
why is that you think Arabs cant be democratic ??

There are certain limitations to freedom. Certainly, those low-lives who committed this heinous crime exercised their freedom way too much. Even way more so than that Jewish-American guy who made that 'film'.

Just try to picture it......

There is no magic formula for Democracy. Things like Democracy and humanity are over-rated. At times, I really question as to what kind of world the Westerners live in.

If so what motivates them....obviously non arab muslim nations have issues...but still more tolerant and less violent..BD ,malaysia and indonesia are good example...then whats so different about them ?? genetical , cultural ,tribal or historically embedded ?

Where did BD, Malaysia and Indonesia come from? They are completely different from the issues being faced by the Arabs!
This is what they wanted the world to see before Israel wages big war on security ground that her neighbor are messed up .We are seeing islamist getting hold aroumd Israel and these puppet arabs regime are helping the zionist to achieve their goal.
I remember Gaddafi telling the GCC member about a time that they all will be hunted like saddam husain,Syrian Asad and all puppet arab where laughing on him .
why is that you think Arabs cant be democratic ??
The trademark of a 'democratic' society is tolerance for diverse and even offensive speech -- with extremely few exceptions -- without resorting to violence. If there are those few exceptions, if there are violations of them, then those violations must be addressed by the government, not by mob justice. The ME have a long way to go towards democratic maturity.

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