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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

If so what motivates them....obviously non arab muslim nations have issues...but still more tolerant and less violent..BD ,malaysia and indonesia are good example...then whats so different about them ?? genetical , cultural ,tribal or historically embedded ?

All of the above.
What happened to the Ambassador should not have happened. He was an unarmed civilian and posed no threat to anyone. Think of what his family might be going through right now.

The attack is strongly condemned.

At the same time, the film-maker in question must be brought to trial for inciting anger, hurting sentiments and jeopardizing the lives of US Consulates/Embassies worldwide.
Trial for what? What laws?
Where did BD, Malaysia and Indonesia come from? They are completely different from the issues being faced by the Arabs!

Democracy works fine in these muslim nations.......hence why is it that Arabs cant be democratic....what seperates them ?

All systems have its own fault and advantages...hence no use talking about democracy and humanity...............democracy is the best we have to work with...all we can do is make it work
Is moral requirement for a human being to pursue justice supposed to be deterred by some sort of popularity contest? Why can't you stand up, defiant, in the face of numbers?
You can't hide the sun with your little finger, it's not the issue of popularity, your corruption in the world is a well known fact -
The video was proves nothing other than the fact you're trying to avoid my questions.
what have we done ? we didnt kill anyone we just made a protest and burn the US flag and our government condemned the attack on the US embassy
You've elected an Islamist. An Islamist which freed Islamists who've killed Egyptian soldiers.

Israeli embassy was desecrated and the diplomats had to be rescued by commandos the last time. Now it is the US embassy which has been desecrated. Egypt is doing nothing to crush these animals who would have killed any unfortunate American to have come across them.

The US embassy had to be cleared out and the Egyptian army had to clear out the bloodthirsty mob.
for decades together usa had manipulated islam for its tactical gains thinking it can control it. Islamists are turning on usa to finish it up,Change is the law of nature nothing is permanent not even USA's supremacy.it will meet the same end as British empire.
I personally prefer the way Pakistan is progressing. Through collective efforts we have freed the media and our media has a lot to say.
Not as free as you think. Perhaps I run up against these walls more than you do, but there is plenty of stuff mainstream Pakistani media doesn't dare to publish. They've learned what the ISI's response can be.

This way we have a means of political protest that can be a pain in the *** of corrupt and dictatorial leaders in itself without picking up arms against the state. Civil war is no way of making your country better.
With the ISI taking control of the justice system from the police and courts, maybe it's time for you to have second thoughts about this?
A sad day for decent human beings around the world. That man is credited with supporting the rebels against Gaddhafi and those savages have paid back well.
Well let me give you an answer and i hope you will understand what i want to explain Coz my English is :n:

1st bold Part Killing Christians or any other people in Islam is a crime. Islam says don't abuse or insult other religions coz they will abuse or insult yr religion. Islam teach us that if you save a life that means you save the whole humanity.

As you already know that there was a Pig in USA who was planing to burn the holy Book And you yr self and the whole USA saw the out come of that act in Afghanistan and other Muslim countries Also if you remember the Norway Cartoon incident. Then why the Heck USA Govt didn't stop this movie on the 1st place ?
I do not care what the Quran say. I only care what the muslims say. Your 'answer' is no answer at all but another tap dancing attempt around the question: If an anti-Islam 'film' constitute an insult to Islam to justify violence, then what do the muslims consider the persecution of Christians? Why is that not an insult to Christianity? Or the blowing up of those old Buddhist statues? Why is it not an insult to Buddhism?

Christians in other countries do consider such persecutions to be insults to their faith but they do not riot over it.
a coward american talking about cowardness :woot: if you govt mind their own business and stop funding rebels,im sure this wont be happening.

He (Gambit) is NOT an American per se but some 'Injin' who is too 'ASHAMED' to display his country's flag which signifies & authenticates his 'heritage'!
As a matter of fact, there's lots of these trolls like this person on this forum!
for decades together usa had manipulated islam for its tactical gains thinking it can control it. Islamists are turning on usa to finish it up,Change is the law of nature nothing is permanent not even USA's supremacy.it will meet the same end as British empire.

I don't think any major power will support you, Russia, China, India or the west have their own axe to grind against Islamists too. End of the day more Blood of Muslims will be shed and more anarchy in the world.

JEFFREY GOLDBERG - Jeffrey Goldberg is a national correspondent for The Atlantic and a recipient of the National Magazine Award for Reporting. Author of the book Prisoners: A Story of Friendship and Terror, Goldberg also writes the magazine's advice column.

The Collision Between Blasphemy and the First Amendment

SEP 12 2012, 12:32 PM ET 16

A Twitter exchange with Laura Rozen, the perspicacious journalist, and Neera Tanden, the president of the Center for American Progress, about blasphemy and free speech got me thinking about what an appropriate, off-the-shelf U.S. government response to these sorts of terrible incidents should be. The conversation started when Laura tweeted: "'Sam Bacile' and whoever part of this wretched incitement project better get a good attorney and will be exposed." (I agree with Laura's insinuation -- suggested by the scare quotes around Sam Bacile's name -- that this might not be a real name or real person. I don't agree with the notion that this murderous crowd was organically and spontaneously incited by the film. Often the anti-blasphemy crowd is incited by political extremists looking for a way to attack Western targets.)

I tweeted back, "Disgusting movie, but not the point: We have freedom of speech in America." To which Neera replied, "But as my conserv(ative) friends often say, freedom without responsibility is chaos. Many things that are legal are wrong."

I responded: "You're saying in essence it's wrong for a person protected by the first amendment to express an opinion you don't like." Neera's reply: "No, obviously not. That's a straw man. I'm saying just (because) something is legal, doesn't make it right, eg adultery."

At that point, I thought it best not to try to squeeze a response into a tweet, but we here at Goldblog are multi-platformational, and so here is a longer response: Just as conservative Muslims have as a core principle the protection of the Prophet Muhammad and God from insult, we Americans have a core principle: Freedom of speech. As Stephen Marche has pointed out, (also in a tweet): "We fought for three hundred years for the right to blasphemy. We called that fight the enlightenment." [link]

I think that the only response of the U.S. government in these cases should be the following: "A private citizen has expressed a controversial view. If you disagree with that view, please take it up with him. The only responsibility the U.S. government has in these cases is to uphold the person's right to free speech. Free speech is a sacred principle of our culture and civilization." I think Neera, as an ex-Administration official, ought to say that, too. She obviously is a free speech advocate as well, but on the day after four Americans were murdered because someone else in America exercised his right to free speech, I think Americans ought to focus their attention on this heinous assault on freedom, and not on the content of an absurd YouTube video.

It's a losing game for the U.S. to condemn someone's opinion because a violent mob objects to that opinion for practical reasons, as well. Such condemnation only inflames the mob, which is being told, in essence, that its objections are correct. There has to be room in the modern world for people to critique -- even viciously critique -- other people's religious beliefs, and all other sorts of beliefs. The goal of the mob is to bring us back to the dark ages. The best way to resist them is to stand up militantly for our sacred principles.


Sure. There is no need to crudely and cruelly insult any religion the way these Christians have done, recent or past.

But you continually missed the point about laws, the rule of law, and self restraints even if no laws are in place.
Zayn Ali Syed tweets YouTube blocked throughout Pakistan in response to this film about Mohammed.
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