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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

Some times dog doesnt do anything even if the master whips the dog.

You know what i am speaking about?

an italian sailing ship kills indians in indian waters were later released after lil investigation

be a nice doggie :taz:
These fools know why we do not represent any Prophets or God with pictures/video/idols or anything and yet they make these movies trying to provoke us. Same thing with those pictures in Denmark, how can you justify that garbage with freedom of speech?

It is freedom of speech irregardless.

Even passing around false or incorrect information is considered 'freedom of speech' by their standards :lol: There are tons of youtube videos mocking Islam and Muslims. Not just by that Jewish-American chap.

But this kind of extreme violence is not at all justified. We Muslims really need to grow up. I hope retribution comes toward the barbarians.

BUT........but, the US is clearly reaping what it is sowing. The kind of stunts like the ones in Libya, Syria and very likely elsewhere is extremely dangerous. This tragedy is a proof of this. That is to say, Americans also need to really grow up for starters.

Some Americans are still stuck in Cold War-era fairy tales.
The U.S. government had absolutely nothing to do with the film in question. As Secretary Clinton said in a statement released this morning: “Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.”

Capt. Joseph Kreidel
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

We would like to convey our deepest regret on this incident. Ambassadors historically have been messengers of peace between nations & surely this act of cowardice has been carried out by those who don't want peace. In our opinion both the film makers and the attackers in Libya do not represent their societies.
we are near to 9/11 and USA will have a president election in it .....

I think is another false flag .... soon , we will see another American's game base on this new event ....

back then , Obama's supporters used Libya as an example for Obama's foreign policy success !!
they said : " he only spend less than 1 billion dollars and finish Qdafi in less than 3 month and without drop any blood from any Americans noise .... compare it to Iraq and Afghanistan and .... "

well , for sure they can't use this for an excuse to support Obama ....

sorry for my terrible English ....

Even passing around false or incorrect information is considered 'freedom of speech' by their standards

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/207175-us-ambassador-killed-libya-19.html#ixzz26H0bxvFg

aye .... but they can't bear to hear any words against Israel and they holocaust .... this is showing the truth to wise people ...
you should mind your own business in india and control your ashrams......work on kaveri engine instead of teaching levitation to indian airforce pilots.

what an epic fail !!!! this is the best you can come up with ?? yes this guy was an very violent personality...he killed many and justified violence for anything done against him or his beliefs !!
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we are near to 9/11 and USA will have a president election in it .....

look like another false flag .... soon , we will see another American's game base on this new event ....

back then , Obama's supporters used Libya as an example for Obama's foreign policy success !!
they said : " he only spend less than 1 billion dollars and finish Qdafi in less than 3 month and without drop any blood from any Americans noise .... compare it to Iraq and Afghanistan and .... "

well , for sure they can't use this for an excuse to support Obama ....

sorry for my terrible English ....

Do you guys always and absolutely have to get into conspiracy theories? False flag operation? Seriously? What are you a bunch of kids!?
It's not islam's fault that muslims are idiots.

While catholic church practically banished science and art for a thousand years in europe, Islam's first order was to READ. Islam encouraged science from the very beginning. How can muslims end up most uneducated people is beyond me. Also according to islam suicide is a great sin and murder is an even greater one. What can i say? bad people use everything for the worse. They can take words and flex their meanings to their purpose.

All ideologies corrupt in time, but i assure you these brainless retards are not products of islam or any religion.

It might be my personal opinion but i feel that Islam is relatively new religion and will take time to mature
Currently its behaving like Christianity used to in 14th century
People are adamant and not willing to adapt to current situation(they are still living in 7th century)
Absolutely. It is easier to blame the strawmen.


The question is a legitimate one: If an anti-Islam 'film' constitute an insult to Islam to justify violence, then what do the muslims consider the persecution of Christians? Or the blowing up of those old Buddhist statues? Why is it not an insult to Buddhism?

Well let me give you an answer and i hope you will understand what i want to explain Coz my English is :n:

1st bold Part Killing Christians or any other people in Islam is a crime. Islam says don't abuse or insult other religions coz they will abuse or insult yr religion. Islam teach us that if you save a life that means you save the whole humanity.

As you already know that there was a Pig in USA who was planing to burn the holy Book And you yr self and the whole USA saw the out come of that act in Afghanistan and other Muslim countries Also if you remember the Norway Cartoon incident. Then why the Heck USA Govt didn't stop this movie on the 1st place ?
News coming out that the Ambassador and 4 others died of Smoke Inhalation after an RPG fired at the compound started a fire.
There is no point trying to defend the indefensible. You can't go around killing the US ambassador every time some extremist kook makes a home movie. What does the US government have to do with this guy making a movie?

Clearly, the movie is just a pretext. It's quite possible that the people who killed the US diplomats could be Gaddafi supporters out to settle scores.

You know, that is what was on my mind. Surely, the compound must have been highly secured. How the hell did those people even gain access?

Surely, they must have been either highly professional or the Americans were too stupid to actually secure the compound. I mean, Libya is still a dangerous country.

Frankly, I do not see a lot of correlation between that 'film' and this vicious attack.

Remember, there are many, many films on youtube that mocks Islam. And yet, Muslims don't randomly attack people everywhere.

Some question marks there.

Piece of advise: Don't believe everything we hear on the media.
This is lesson 101 in foreign intervention. If you intervene in a foreign country especially when it's a civil war situation for every new friend you make you'll make a new enemy because there is always at least two sides to a conflict. And as time goes by you will lose more and more of you're new friends but you keep all of you're new enemies.
Do you guys always and absolutely have to get into conspiracy theories? False flag operation? Seriously? What are you a bunch of kids!?

these Salafism-Whabism group are under Saudi control , so I doubt they did it without permission ....


you are free to believe what you want , but I have another idea ....

just wait to see how USA will use this event for his favor ....
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3399788 said:
an italian sailing ship kills indians in indian waters were later released after lil investigation

be a nice doggie :taz:

You hollow head with half baked info !! the italian shooters...two of them...underwent trial in the Keral high court ......what do you know about the case !!! without even knowing much about the case or the court proceedings ..you have made a fool out of yourslef....next time...dont just google and write something....read thru !!
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