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Uri attack: Can India launch a covert operation across the border?

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Muslims are literally walking weapons of mass destruction. Besides all the talk, us Indians won't d anything.

It's simple man. There are no conspiracy theories. Give the Kashmiri people their rights. Nothing more nothing less.

Proxy or Not I'm not quite sure. But in the end of the day it is not an Indian citizen who is blowing himself or coming as a fidayeen a getting killed, it is either a Pakistani or to a certain extend an Afghani or Usbek. Ever thought why ?? If there are weaknesses an within the country your foe will try to exploit that, it is general, the same what India did in 1971, the same Pakistan tried in Punjab (Khalistan Movement) and ongoing in Kashmir.

And you are absolutely correct, it is up to Pakistan to put an end to this, but with the current policy, I'm afraid it is not going to work. :(

How about a Kashmiri who is fed up of seeing his family tortured and killed?
Why doesn't this happen in Pakistani Kashmir? Ask yourself this question.
Its time for India to build secret nuclear cities to produce Thermonuclear weapons. We should have a stockpile of 2500 to 4000 multimegaton warheads.

Wont stop terrorism. In fact, it may make the frequency of proxy conflict (including terrorism) greater due to a little something called the Stability-Instability Paradox. Two nuclear armed powers rarely fight each other directly. Rather, as noted with the US versus the Soviet Union, they engage in proxy conflicts and arm fundamentalists or radical elements to poke and prod on another. The rise of the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan was a direct result of the Stability-Instability Paradox at work.

Build as many as you want, what'll be more effective is addressing the underlying concerns that foster into the type of dissent that's being witnessed at the moment. Building 1000 nukes wont harm Pakistan or stop terrorism, it'll only harm your economy.

Just within few hours of the attack, we have an article on HT about cross border raids.

Can it? Yes. Will it? More likely not as it'll invite a response from Pakistan and perhaps China too (though not directly).

India will respond, but it's unlikely to do so with direct military action as that'll only create more problems for it.
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Haha yes both are here and lets keep it that way shall we . So please ask your government not to think of any silly surgical strikes or similar related ideas

Don't get nervous dude, nothing ain't gonna happen. It's just for Local Consumption. But there will certainly be some repercussions I guess. :(
Here we go again :rolleyes:
To all Indians who keep glorifying on East Pakistan terrorism, you can win any war over Pakistan ever wonder what's the delay??
By the way before blaming pakistan one should also.look.at coduct of indian security apparatus and mind set if their current leader...70 days of curfew.. mosques locked.. 104 killed... thousands injured by pallets ...what do they expect would have happened next?? Kashmiris showering rose petals and dancing bolkywood style for them??
I respect the service of these people but such statements are nothing but passing the buck and indulging in blame game between various institutions in India.

It also shows that Indians are frustrate due to lack of available. People better remain calm and silent rather than issues idiotic statements.
It's simple man. There are no conspiracy theories. Give the Kashmiri people their rights. Nothing more nothing less.

How about a Kashmiri who is fed up of seeing his family tortured and killed?
Why doesn't this happen in Pakistani Kashmir? Ask yourself this question.

It may certainly not happen in Azad Kashmir. But what about other parts of Pakistan. I would rather like to consider it same as the atrocities faced by our Kashmiri friends.Yesterday itself someone blew himself inside a mosque I guess.

Again regarding a Kashmiri who is fed up of Indian rule, yes you may be correct, but Kashmiri like Burhan Wani don't buy AK rifles from the nearby grocery shop's, neither they fall from the skies. And if you can check his images in Internet there is hardly few images without a weapon and everyone including you know very well from where these guy's are getting armed ?? :)
Bull shit. Stop brushing your own shortcomings at others. You hae guys have never taken tangible steps to develop the valley or educate them. You guys are only interested in putting up curfew and raping their woman. So what would it invoke ?
"We have never taken step to develop the valley????"
Do you have any shame to say that. Compare PHK with IHK in development. You will burry your head in sand.
There is no need for a direct military response.

This was an indirect attack by Pakistani establishment(as the attackers did not belong to Pak military); thus the response given will be also indirect.

All India needs to do is shell out $100-200K and hire 5-6 suicide bombers(plenty available in Pakistan & Afghanistan) from the myriad of groups in the region and they will do the rest.
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